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Draco in Leather Pants/Literature/Harry Potter: Difference between revisions

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** Anything we could say about the Snape-dom can be summed up [http://zorm.deviantart.com/art/Canon-Vs-Fanon-Snape-34384180 here.]
** They also seem to ignore the fact he later joined the wizarding world equivalent of the KKK/Nazis, and after 'reforming' torments and bullies non-Slytherin students, taking special care to torment Harry because James bullied him as a teenager. And at least James picked on people his own age and not children more than half his age.
*** Worse yet, at the time Snape becomes a Death Eater Voldemort is already attacking Wizarding Britain as a terrorist. The equivalent of joining a neo-Nazi hate group would be bad enough, but what Snape did is analogous to joining the ''actual'' Nazis ''during World War II''. By literal definition of the word, Snape was guilty of high treason and only Dumbledore getting him a pardon explains why he's still alive.
** Snape's fanfic reputation is somewhat generated by his [[Woobie]] status. Basically, his entire life has sucked, and the only good thing in his life, Lily, was murdered and he was largely responsible for it. His [[Heel Face Turn]] is based solely on this one point. Those inclined to put him in leather pants ignore that Snape did not care one bit about Lily's son being murdered as long as Voldemort did not kill her too, and that even after she was murdered, he continued to not only not care about Harry (Beyond what was ordered of him) but actively hate and abuse him. That he cared more that Harry was James' son, rather than that he was Lily's son does not speak well for, as Voldemort puts it, "Snape's supposed great love."
** Of additional note is that in the films, the negative aspects of Snape's friendship with Lily are omitted.
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