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Warhammer 40,000/Tropes/I to P: Difference between revisions

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** Also names like Decapitator or the Red Terror.
** Dark Eldar get in on this, too. Lelith Hesperax, Urien Rakarth, and Asdrubael Vect, Supreme Lord of the Kabal of the Black Heart are all about as nice as they sound.
* [[Nanomachines]]: Autosanguinator implants (traditional) have blood filled with injury-repairing machines. Core Gel (widely used where it's needed, but still contested by some tech-priests) temporarily provides universal interface via application to skin. Bioforging (unequivocally heretical, as it causes genetic damage) grows subdermal armour, increases general toughness and makes one capable of briefly surviving in vacuum, but causes addiction to eating exotic fuel and without tricky maintenance quickly warps and kills the "beneficiary".
* [[Necessarily Evil]]: Imperial servants in general, and Inquisitors in particular, knowingly and willingly do horrible things to innocent people on a regular basis because the consequences for ''not'' doing so could be catastrophic for humanity as a whole.
* [[Neglectful Precursors]]: Strangely enough, inverted as it's more like neglectful ''moderners''. Back in the golden age of technology, people were smart enough to create standard template constructs (STCs). Anyone who had one could build anything from a house to a tank if the situation required, regardless of ability or technology. Ten thousand years later, these same items created millennia ago are still in use, but the massive galaxy-spanning Imperium appears to be having trouble finding the things.
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** Genetically engineered green-skinned soccer hooligan axe-crazy techno-barbarian space-orc aliens who are subconsciously psychic.
** Asian caste-based bunny-eared-mecha-using alien hooved collectivist suicide bombers.
** Axe-waving blood-drinking/mutated burning tentacley/rotting maggot-ridden cyclopean/androgynous crab-clawed sex-fiend psychic emotion eating daemons.
** Viking/Mongol/Roman/Spartan/perverted [[Sense Freak]] bondage-obsessed/AxeCrazy/magic zombie/cyborg/vampire/Daemon-possessed genetically engineered power-armoured super-soldier [[Warrior Monk|warrior monks]].
* [[No Hugging, No Kissing]]: Unsurprisingly, the subjects of love and romance tend to be completely glossed over in the setting and all of its spin-offs. As noted on its page, Warhammer 40k prefers to minimize the love story aspect of its approach to [[Space Opera]].
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* [[No Plans, No Prototype, No Backup]]: Even the best and brightest Mekboyz don't know how some of the things they build work, or occasionally even what they had in mind when they started nailing bits on. Often the purpose of a Mekboy speshul invention can only be determined by testing it, a dangerous pursuit.
** Also justified for a lot of Imperial tech, thanks to it being [[Lost Technology]].
* [[Nothing but Skulls]]: Most commonly associated with the Imperium. Yes, the <s>good guys</s> protagonists. They're also known for using cyborgs flying skulls, asboth utility and [[Attack Drone|Attack Drones]]s.
** Orks, followers of Khorne, and Dark Eldar aren't slouches in the skull-taking department, either.
* [[Not So Different]]: The Imperium and the Eldar are both avowed enemies of Chaos and both elitist xenophobes. Naturally, each considers being compared to the other to be a dire insult.
** Inquisitors for most part are people who don't consider themselves bound by the Imperium law and traditions, chasing whatever purpose they perceive as worthy, for most part operating secretly via networks of weakly connected cells. Exactly like most heretics. The irony is acknowledged.
* [[Noun Verber|Noun Verbers]]: Lots of Space Marines, both Imperial and Chaos: World Eaters, Word Bearers, Soul Drinkers, Flesh Tearers, Flesh Eaters, Blood Drinkers, Skull Takers, Deathmongers, Fire Reavers....
* [[Nuke'Em]]: Standard Imperial policy on dealing with anything more dangerous than an angry dog. Usually the right thing to do. Occasionally not enough.
** A particularly [[Egregious]] example is the Death Korps of Krieg, who "[[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|subjected their homeworld to a 500-year campaign of atomic cleansing]]."
* [[Number of the Beast]]: The Grey Knights are Chapter 666, and their initiation involves the 666 [[Mind Rape|Rites of the Emperor]]. They hunt daemons.
* [[Numbered Homeworld]]: Both averted and played straight.
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