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Doctor Who/Recap/S32/E04 The Doctor's Wife: Difference between revisions

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The hypercube is a form of communication for Time Lords. This one seems to come from one named the Corsair (previously mentioned by the Fourth Doctor in the [[Expanded Universe]]) and the Doctor knows him/her quite well. They were friends, through many incarnations, and although the Corsair's sex changed freely with new regenerations, one thing was always the same: the Corsair always got an Ouroubourous tattoo on each new body. The small mail cube has that exact same mark.
The Doctor counts the Corsair as "one of the good ones". The message originates from "outside the Universe", somewhere where the trio has never gone before. They follow the signal. [[Doctor Who/Recap/NS/S2S28/E06 The Age of Steel|As happened before]] when switching from the natural home-universe to a different one, the TARDIS loses power -- but this time, it's actually due to a different cause than before. This time, the soul of the TARDIS has been transported into the body of a humanoid female called Idris. And the planetoid they've landed on seems to be a complete junk yard.
The travellers are greeted by two very raggedy old humanoids named Auntie & Uncle. They're closely followed by Nephew, a green-eyed lobotomized Ood. The TARDIS, in Idris' body, is ''delighted'' to see the Doctor, greets him with a "goodbye!", realises that that's wrong -- time is all too linear in a humanoid body -- and snogs him instead. The Doctor's a bit confused, especially when Auntie & Uncle warn him about contact with Idris, saying she is mad. And that she'll bite him. Which she promptly does. And she tells Rory what "petrichor" means, which he'll ask about soon enough in the future. But she has no idea how to behave around her "Thief", and before she knows it, she's carried off again by the humanoids.
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** Also confirmed the long held fanon belief that (some? all?) Time Lords can change sex during a regeneration.
** The idea that the TARDIS is alive is ''not'' ascended fanon, however, having first been established way back in 1964.
* [[The Atoner]]: The Doctor's motives in seeking out any surviving Time Lords is to be forgiven for [[Doctor Who/Recap/NS/S4S30/E17 E18 The End of Time|killing off the rest in the Time War]]. {{spoiler|Subverted in that there turn out to be no more Time Lords.}} For the moment anyway.
* [[Author Appeal]]: Gaiman's love of the power of stories is in full effect.
** The episode proper opens with the Doctor finishing up a story about Robot King Arthur. Rory is skeptical, until Amy tells him she was there.
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* [[Buffy-Speak]]: Idris. She refers to the Doctor as "Her Thief", Amy as "The Orangey Girl" and Rory as "Pretty".
* [[Call Back]]:
** Ood? Malicious deep voice? Possession? [[Doctor Who/Recap/NS/S2S28/E08 The Impossible Planet|This sounds familiar.]]
** {{spoiler|We also see the "coral" TARDIS control room formerly used by the Ninth and Tenth Doctors. Gaiman would have liked to use an even earlier version, but none still existed and the budget didn't stretch to recreating one just for this episode. So after the final David Tennant episode was filmed, the producers ordered that the coral TARDIS set be preserved until this episode could be filmed.}}
** The ending with {{spoiler|Idris!TARDIS saying goodbye}} was reminiscent of {{spoiler|Ten saying goodbye to Rose in [[Doctor Who/Recap/NS/S2S28/E13 Doomsday|Doomsday]]}}, with the roles reversed. Except that {{spoiler|once again, the female character gets to say 'I love you' and the Doctor doesn't get to say it.}}
** [[Doctor Who/Recap/NS/S2S28/E08 The Impossible Planet|"Another Ood]] [[Doctor Who/Recap/NS/S4S30/E03 Planet of the Ood|I failed to save."]]
** [[Doctor Who/Recap/S31/E01 The Eleventh Hour|Fish Fingers.]]
** At the very end of the episode, there's a nebula in the background that looks like the crack from season 5. Could potentially be more significant.
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** Also, we hear the [[Doctor Who/Recap/S32/E03 The Curse of the Black Spot|Cloister Bell]] once again when {{spoiler|House takes over the TARDIS}}. (The Cloister Bell was first heard in the Season 18 story ''Logopolis''.)
** We now have "spacey-wacey" to go with [[Timey-Wimey Ball|"timey wimey"]].
** Do {{spoiler|ominous talking green clouds of sentient gas that can possess living things and use familial names like "Auntie" and Uncle"?}} [[Doctor Who/Recap/NS/S3S29/E08 Human Nature|remind you]] [[Doctor Who/Recap/NS/S3S29/E09 The Family of Blood|of anything?]]
** At the end of the episode, the Doctor suggests they go to [[Doctor Who/Recap/20th AS the Five Doctors|the Eye of Orion]].
** The Doctor [[Doctor Who/Recap/NS/S4S30/E09 Forest of the Dead|clicks his fingers]] repeatedly when trying to get into the locked TARDIS.
** The Doctor finds that many Time Lords went to the junkyard at the end of the universe. Earlier, in [[Doctor Who/Recap/NS/S3S29/E11 Utopia|"Utopia,"]] Captain Jack Harkness said the end of the universe was the perfect place for a Time Lord to hide from the Time War. Also from this episode, Idris seems to confirm Martha Jones' musings on whether the Doctor's companions are just "strays".
** [[Doctor Who/Recap/NS/S1S27/E13 The Parting of the Ways|The spirit of the TARDIS possessing a human female.]]
*** [[Big Finish|Even]] [[Eighth Doctor Adventures|older]] [[Faction Paradox|than]] [[Older Than They Think|they think, actually.]]
** The makeshift TARDIS control room constructed by the Doctor out of ruined TARDIS junk is something of a hodgepodge homage to the various styles of control room seen throughout the 1963-1989 series, and was designed by the winner of a ''[[Blue Peter]]'' competition.
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** People being kept alive with bodies cobbled together from body parts belonging to several aliens, including Time Lords. [[Doctor Who/Recap/S13/E05 The Brain of Morbius|Hmmm...]]
** "I always liked it when you called me Old Girl."
** When Amy and Rory are wondering whether the Doctor is going to be alright this time, Rory reminds her that the Doctor ''is'' a Time Lord, to which Amy replies that that doesn't mean he actually knows what he's doing. This is in stark contrast to [[Doctor Who/Recap/NS/S1S27/E08 Fathers Day|Father's Day]], when the Doctor is furious with Rose for disrupting the timeline, and when she points out that he's ''always'' messing about with the timeline he retorts "I know what I'm doing". To be fair, when it comes to not causing catastrophic paradoxes etc. the Doctor generally ''does'' seem to know what he's doing, however [[Indy Ploy|unplanned]] and [[Spanner in the Works|chaotic]] he might be in other matters.
** The psychic container used to deliver the message to the Doctor at the start of the episode is an intentional callback to [[Doctor Who/Recap/S6/E07 The War Games|The War Games]].
** Some have noted that the Doctor's remembrance of the robot king [[Doctor Who/Recap/S16/E04 The Androids of Tara|sounds familiar]], though Amy claims to have been part of those events.
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** The Doctor's plan of building a new TARDIS from scratch, as said by Idris: "Let's take these half digested corpses and sew them together into a single body and then make it go for a run" is basically what House was doing to Aunty and Uncle<ref> Although the Doctor at least wasn't using living ones</ref>.
** Or how both react after getting new bodies:
{{quote|'''Doctor''': ''[newly regenerated]'' Legs! I've still got legs. - [[Doctor Who/Recap/NS/S4S30/E17 E18 The End of Time|"The End of Time"]]<br />
'''House''': ''[newly possessed the TARDIS]'' Corridors. I have so many corridors. - ''The Doctor's Wife'' }}
* [[One-Gender Race]]: Implied with {{spoiler|1=TARDISes}}, given Idris's reference to her 'sisters' scattered across the planet.
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