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The Simpsons (animation)/Tropes A-L: Difference between revisions

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== # ==
* [[20% More Awesome]]: One member of the committee creating Poochie says, "I feel we should [[Buffy-Speak|rasta-fy]] him by ... 10 percent or so."
== A ==
Line 40 ⟶ 39:
* [[Alliteration]]:
{{quote|'''Mr. Burns:''' You clinking, clattering, cacaphony of colligenous cogs and camshifts...}}
*** This is also a [[Shout-Out]] to [[The Wizard of Oz (film)|The Wizard of Oz]]
* [[Advice Backfire]]: In "The Love-Matic Grampa" (part of "Simpsons Spin-Off Showcase"), Abe tells Moe to tell his date that her rump is as big as the queen's, and twice as fragrant. Moe reluctantly does so, and in the [[Gilligan Cut|next cut]], he's covered in food dumped on him by his date.
* [[Aesop Ju Jitsu]]: Most episodes which appear to have morality lessons end up devolving into this.
Line 105 ⟶ 104:
'''Chris''': And don't forget pirates!
'''J. C.''': And jellyfish.
'''Joey''': Those whack invertebrates will sting you, [[Running Gag|old-school!]]
'''Justin''': So check out the Navy for a two, or four-year hitch.
'''Lance''': We signed J. C. up yesterday.
'''J. C.''': What? (is dragged away) [[Big No|Nooooooooo!]] }}
** In "Treehouse of Horror XVI":
Line 115 ⟶ 114:
'''Moe''': Dennis Rodman, what are you doing here?
'''Dennis Rodman''': Working off a speeding ticket. Happy Halloween, everybody! }}
* [[And Stay Out!]]: Invoked in the episode "Santa's Little Helper", when Homer lets the cat out, and slams the door behind it while bellowing, "And stay out!"
* [[And the Rest]]: In one Treehouse of Horror episode, Homer believes he's the last man alive and mourns each member of the "main" family and "all the rest", which includes the pets, Maggie and the TV.
** In the episode "Eight Misbehavin'," Apu and Manjula's octuplets are made the stars of a show called "Octopia" at the Springfield Zoo. Only four of the babies are explicitly given stage character names and are introduced to the audience. The others are introduced as "[[And the Rest]]."
Line 157:
* [[Are You Sure You Can Drive This Thing?]]: [[Subverted Trope]] where Homer is dangling in a gorge and Marge asks Bart to drive the car, to pull Homer up using a rope attached to the bumper; Bart at first acts nervous about it, but then reveals he has his own set of keys and his own driving gloves.
** Bart stole Otto's bus. In front of Metallica.
* [[Argentina Is Naziland]]: When Bart Simpson is making a bunch of international prank calls in "Bart vs. Australia", he calls Chile and we see a man who looks suspiciously like [[Adolf Hitler]] (although looking good for his age) running to his phone, and just missing the call. A man in lederhosen cycles by and makes the Nazi salute to him.
{{quote|''"Buenas noches, mein Führer!"''}}
* [[Armor-Piercing Question]]: Burns of all characters asks one in Who Shot Mr. Burns, when Springfield's hatred of him was even more intense than usual.
{{quote|'''McCallister''': Arr, Burns, your scurvy schemes will earn ye a one-way passage to the boneyard!
Line 195 ⟶ 197:
* [[Ascended Meme]]: "D'oh!" was added to the Oxford English Dictionary.
** As was "meh" (an adjective describing something boring or mediocre or an interjection expressing boredom or indifference), "[[Perfectly Cromulent Word|cromulent]]" (an adjective describing something that's valid, adequate, or appropriate for a certain situation), and "embiggen" (a verb meaning "to empower or raise someone's spirits").
** A critic once wrote a negative article on the subject of [[The Simpsons]], which was titled "Worst Episode Ever!" Since then, the phrase [[Worst Whatever Ever|"Worst. X. Ever!"]] became Comic Book Guy's catchphrase.
* [[Ascended to Carnivorism]]: In "Helter Shelter", the retirement home residents are watching a nature show about elderly animals. An elderly lion runs out of energy, whereupon the zebra turns around and takes a bite out of it.
* [[Ashes to Crashes]]: Homer's mom wants him to spread her ashes at a certain place at a certain time; it turns out it was her last act of uncivil disobedience, as her ashes interfere with the launch of a missile sending nuclear waste from the power plant to the Amazon rain forest.
Line 215 ⟶ 217:
** Homer's other choices for his new name included Hercules Rockerfeller, Rembrandt Q. Einstein, and Handsome B. Wonderful.
** Bart has stated that when he grows up he plans to change his name to Joe Kickass, a name that is so cool Homer doesn't mind that it will be the end of the Simpson family name.
== B ==
* [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]: Dr. Monroe and Dr. Nick
* [[Badass Family]]: It's a bit of a [[Running Gag]] that [[Badass Adorable|Maggie]] [[Little Miss Badass|Simpson]] is the most [[Badass]] member of the family.
** Strangely, Homer shows some elements of this, especially in [[The Simpsons Movie|the movie]]. In the main series, he's often got involved in car chases that required him to kick someone's ass.
Line 234 ⟶ 235:
'''Fake Marge''': *Also monotone* I am glad he's gone.
'''Fake Lisa''': *Also monotone* As am I.
'''Fake Homer''': *Drops his sandwich* [[Did Not Do the Research|B'oh!]]
'''Bart''': It's probably my imagination, but something about them just didn't feel right. }}
** Another example of bad acting occurs in "D'oh-in' in the Wind": Homer, Lenny, and Carl acting in Mr. Burns's Power Plant commercial.
Line 278 ⟶ 279:
* [[Big Damn Movie]]: ''[[The Simpsons Movie]]'' is about rescuing Springfield from ecological destruction.
* [[Big Eater]]: Homer, of course.
* [[Bigger Than Jesus]]: In the episode "Homer's Barbershop Quartet," Homer's titular band with a history that very much resembles that of [[The Beatles (band)|The Beatles]] is alleged to have frequently [[Blasphemous Boast|boasted]] to be "bigger than Jesus" and even titled their sophomore album as such with a cover that shows the band [[Walking on Water|Walking On Water]] in the [[Abbey Road Crossing]] pose.
** A later episode referenced [[The Beatles (band)|The Beatles]] controversy when it turns out that Ned Flanders has a huge collection of Beatles memorabilia. Why? Because they were bigger than Jesus!
* [[Bilingual Bonus]]: Done frequently with Bumblebee Man sketches; whilst they're always non-sequiturs, what is gibberish to the layman becomes funny gibberish to the bilingual:
{{quote|Original "¿Dónde Está Justice?" transcript:
Line 401 ⟶ 402:
'''Bart:''' Poisoned pizza.
'''Homer:''' Oh, no! I'm not making two stops! }}
* [[Break the Cutie]]: Subverted in Dog Of Death. When Burns gets a hold of Bart's friendly, gentle pet dog, he does to the dog what was done to Alex in ''[[A Clockwork Orange (film)|A Clockwork Orange]]'' to, as Burns himself put it, turn the dog into "a vicious, soulless killer." However, when Burns sends said dog after Bart, the dog's memories of good times with Bart prompt him to lick Bart's face instead of attacking him. When the other dogs come after Bart, said pet dog [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|growls at the other dogs and scares them off]], only to proceed to lick Bart's face AGAIN. Burns' attempt at breaking the dog's spirit yields, if any change in the dog at all, a result of the dog [[Took a Level Inin Badass|taking a level in badass]] while no longer being on Burns' side in the long run.
* [[Break-Up Bonfire]]: When Milhouse's parents get divorced, Luann carefully boxes up all of Kurt's possessions and then sets fire to the box.
* [[Bribe Backfire]]
Line 457 ⟶ 458:
* [[Busby Berkeley Number]]: There are no lyrics, but in "Bart of Darkness", the swimmers perform a choreographed routine, part of which is shot from above and features a visual very similar to what's on the trope page.
* [[But This Is Ridiculous]]: A blue wall-imprisoned Krusty, in "Wiz Kids" (part of "Treehouse of Horror XII"):
{{quote|'''Krusty''': [[Informed Judaism|I've heard of a wailing wall before]], but this is ridiculous!
'''Comic Book Guy''': [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Ugh, I'm so sick of that joke!]] }}
* [[But You Screw One Goat!]]: It's heavily implied that Troy McClure's career went down the drain at least in part due to the fact he has a fetish for fish. Naturally, [[Never Live It Down|this is all he is remembered for]], his [[You Might Remember Me From|many B-movie roles]] notwithstanding.
Line 507 ⟶ 508:
{{quote|'''Cult Member''': We're having a free get-acquainted session at our resort this weekend.
'''Homer''': How much is this free resort weekend?
'''Cult Member''': [[Justified Trope|It's free.]]
'''Homer''': And when is this weekend?
'''Cult Member''': It's this weekend.
'''Homer''': Uh-huh. And how much does it cost?
'''Cult Member''': Um, it's free.
'''Homer''': I see. And when is it?
'''Cult Member''': It's... this weekend.
'''Homer''': And what are you charging for this free weekend? }}
* [[Captive Date]]: Patty and Selma have been known to engage in this (for example, a tech guy who was [[Pizza Boy Special Delivery|lured over to "fix" their television]]).
Line 549 ⟶ 550:
{{quote|'''Bart''': Hey, McBain, I'm a big fan, but your last movie really sucked.
'''Rainier''': I know; there were script problems from day one.
'''Chief Wiggum''': Yeah, ''I'll'' say. [[Last Action Hero|"Magic ticket"]], my ass, McBain.
'''Rainier''': Maria, my mighty heart is breaking. I'll be in the Humvee. }}
* [[Censorship by Spelling]]: This clever call back to Krusty's illiteracy:
Line 562 ⟶ 563:
* [[Charge Into Combat Cut]]: In a far far future epilogue, two factions of Bart followers wage [[Holy War]].
{{quote|"Bart" Soldier: "We believe that God's last prophet, Bart Simpson preached a message of tolerance, and love."
"Bartman" Soldier: "'''We''' believe the holy [[Something Person|Bartman]] preached a message of understanding and peace, before he was betrayed by his follower, Milhouse! And pulled apart by snow-mobiles, until he died."
"Bart" Soldiers: "Eat my shorts!!!"
"Bartman" Soldiers: "Cowabunga!!!"
''fade to black as they charge each other'' }}
* [[Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys]]: The [[Trope Namer]], although not an actual example of the trope, is heard in the episode ''Round Springfield'' when, due to budget cuts, belligerent Scotsman Groundskeeper Willie is shown to be the French teacher at Springfield Elementary.
Line 571 ⟶ 572:
{{quote|'''Burns:''' Smithers, I've designed a new plane. I call it the "Spruce Moose", and it will carry two hundred passengers from New York's Idyllwild Airport to the Belgian Congo in seventeen minutes!
'''Smithers:''' That's quite a nice model, sir.
'''Burns:''' [[Sanity Slippage|Model?]]
''(Later, near the end of the episode...)''
'''Burns:''' Now, to the plant! We'll take the Spruce Moose. Hop in!
'''Smithers:''' But, sir --
'''Burns:''' ''(draws gun)'' I said, hop in. }}
** In "Itchy & Scratchy Land", the family, heading to the titular theme park, makes a brief stop at "Five Corners", in which five different states intersect. 15 seasons later, Sideshow Bob takes Bart to the same area in "The Bob Next Door" to {{spoiler|exploit extraterritorial jurisdiction}}, setting the stage for the episode's climax.
Line 605 ⟶ 606:
* [[Classically-Trained Extra]]: Both Sideshow Bob and Sideshow Mel. In fact, Bob's original intention for framing Krusty wasn't just revenge for him being robbed of his dignity but also out of a desire to provide children's television that is not only entertaining but is educational and thoughtful as well. It worked so well that even though he was arrested after only a few days he won an Emmy for his work.
* [[Class Is in Room X-01]]: "Remedial Science 1-A" in "The Front".
* [[Climb, Slip, Hang, Climb]]: Homer does it as he climbs to the top of what he hopes to be the worlds tallest human pyramid.
* [[Cliff Hanger]]: "Who Shot Mr. Burns", the only two-parter the show ever did.
** "Missionary: Impossible", which cuts away from Homer and Lisa Jr. (who are about to fall into the lava) to Betty White and the PBS telethon. We never do find out how Homer and Lisa Jr. got out of that predicament.
Line 618 ⟶ 619:
* [[Closer to Earth]]: To the point where, in the episode "Lisa the Simpson", Lisa discovers that the Simpson bloodline has a hereditary gene that causes severe intelligence loss with age, ultimately dooming the family to unsuccessful, moronic lives... except it ''only affects the men''. All the women are smart and successful. [[Double Standard|This is presented as a happy ending, despite Bart's rightful concern for his future.]]
* [[Clothing Switch]]: Marge, in an intense morning rush, accidentally does this do Bart and Lisa in "Bye Bye Nerdie".
* [[Cobweb of Disuse]]: When the family goes to the library to do research for school they find no books and cobwebs on the shelves. So Marge tells them stories of [[Henry VIII]], Sacagawea and [[Mozart]].
* [[Cold Open]]: Most of the "Treehouse of Horror" specials feature this; in the earlier days, it was Marge or Homer [[Content Warnings|warning the audience that the episode in question is violent]], while later specials featured a quick Halloween-related skit before the opening sequence.
** "The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular" also features a cold open, with the announcer presenting Troy McClure, who greets the audience and then rolls the opening.
* [[Cold Turkeys Are Everywhere]]: Happens to Homer in "Duffless" when he makes a vow to stop drinking for thirty days.
* [[Coattail-Riding Relative]]: Used many, many times, to wit:
** Abe wants to mooch from his long lost bastard son Herb, who is a rich Detroit auto executive - but by the time Abe gets there Homer (who went to meet Herb earlier) has already ruined Herb professionally and financially.
Line 627 ⟶ 624:
** When Lisa tutors Cletus's children and turns them into a singing group, Krusty hires the clan to appear on his show. Cletus lives the good life as their "manager."
** In an episode that shows Lisa becoming President [[Flash Forward|in the future]], Bart, now an unemployed slacker and freshly evicted from his apartment, turns up to mooch off of his successful sister and crash at the White House.
* [[Cobweb of Disuse]]: When the family goes to the library to do research for school they find no books and cobwebs on the shelves. So Marge tells them stories of [[Henry VIII]], Sacagawea and [[Mozart]].
* [[Cold Open]]: Most of the "Treehouse of Horror" specials feature this; in the earlier days, it was Marge or Homer [[Content Warnings|warning the audience that the episode in question is violent]], while later specials featured a quick Halloween-related skit before the opening sequence.
** "The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular" also features a cold open, with the announcer presenting Troy McClure, who greets the audience and then rolls the opening.
* [[Cold Turkeys Are Everywhere]]: Happens to Homer in "Duffless" when he makes a vow to stop drinking for thirty days.
* [[Come Back to Bed, Honey]]: Homer does this once, and annoying Marge greatly.
* [[Comeback Tomorrow]]: In "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Marge":
Line 636 ⟶ 637:
'''Homer''': Yeah, but your ''mom'' paid for that!
'''Bart''': But doesn't she get her money from ''you''?
'''Homer''': And I get ''my'' money from grease! What's the problem? }}
* [[Commercial Bumper]]: "The Simpsons will be right back", as seen on [https://youtu.be/6BH1N0-yPRY?t=1m45s this] commercial compilation from 2003.
* [[Competition Coupon Madness]]:
{{quote|'''Bart''': Nice jacket!
'''Milhouse''': Thanks, it cost me 50,000 Bazooka Joe comics! }}
* [[Complaining About Things You Haven't Paid For]]: One episode sees Homer get excited about receiving a coupon book in the mail, including one coupon for "two free pizzas at Doughy's." When Lisa points out, "Doughy's makes ''terrible'' pizza," Homer counters, "[[Comically Missing the Point|Yeah, but there's TWO!]]"
** The famous "[[Worst Whatever Ever|Worst Episode Ever]]" dialogue:
Line 648 ⟶ 650:
'''Comic Book Guy:''' Worst. Episode. Ever. }}
* [[Compressed Vice]]: Homer's homophobia in "Homer's Phobia".
* [[Con Crew]]:
** Homer Shills for Grampa when selling "Simpson & Son's Revitalising Tonic". It doesn't work, largely because his face is on the bottle.
** Another episode has one of Snake's con tricks facilitated by a Shill who looks and sounds remarkably like Snake himself, who is almost 100% certainly related to Snake in some fashion ("Way to go, ''bro''!").
* [[Concealing Canvas]]: In Mr. Burns' mansion.
* [[Confessional]]: This is how Chief Wiggum arrests Smithers in "Who Shot Mr. Burns Part 2", by hiding in the confessional booth and hearing Smithers confess to shooting Mr. Burns.
Line 664 ⟶ 669:
* [[Corrupt Church]]: Springfield's church was rebuilt into one in "Lisa the Buddhist".
* [[Corrupt Politician]]: Mayor Quimby, whose motto is ''Corruptis in Extremis''.
* [[Cosmic Close Call]]: The ''Treehouse of Horror XI'' segment "G-G-Ghost D-D-Dad" has Homer experience various Cosmic Close Calls before {{spoiler|choking on a piece of broccoli and dying}}.
* [[Cosmopolitan Council]]: The Republican Party in Springfield.
* [[Couldn't Find a Lighter]]: Done in an episode with multiple rockstars making guest appearances. For a benefit concert, they have a motorized Devil-head on wheels, complete with pyrotechnics, which Keith Richards lights his cigarette on by putting it in his mouth and sticking his head into the stream of flame.
* [[Courtroom Episode]]: "Bart Gets Hit by a Car", "The Boy Who Knew Too Much".
** There are also numerous episodes that feature court scenes, even if they aren't the main focus of the episode, such as "Krusty Gets Busted", "The Monkey Suit", "Marge in Chains", "Sideshow Bob Roberts", "The Great Money Caper", the list goes on.
* [[Covered in Mud]]: In a [[Treehouse of Horror]] episode parodying [[Orson Welles]]' ''[[The War of the Worlds (radio)|The War of the World]]'' broadcast: Springfield is terrified of being invaded by Martians. Sideshow Mel tells everyone to take off their clothes and wallow in the mud. That way the Martians will leave them alone, not realizing that they're people.
* [[Cover Identity Anomaly]]: Homer pretends to be Mr. Burns. This is made more difficult as he doesn't know Mr. Burns' first name.
* [[Cover Version]]: "Twist and Shout" plays in "Behind the Laughter", and it's sung by someone other than [[The Beatles (band)|The Beatles]] (while they didn't create the song, their rendition was arguably the most famous).
* [[Cowboy Episode]]: "Dude, Where's My Ranch?"
* [[CPR: Clean, Pretty, Reliable]]:
Line 713 ⟶ 719:
* [[Crossing the Burnt Bridge]]: In a flashback episode, Homer, upon quitting his nuclear plant job, plays Burns' head like a bongo in front of all the other employees, and then throws Burns at a barrel of toxic waste. He LITERALLY burns a bridge he drives over on his way out. He eventually has to take the job back after impregnating Marge with Maggie.
{{quote|'''Burns:''' Oh, I should be resisting this, but I'm paralyzed with rage...and island rhythms!}}
* [[Crossover]]:
* [[Crossover]]:* ''[[The Critic (animation)|The Critic]]'''s Jay Sherman (Jon Lovitz) appears in "A Star Is Burns", and makes a cameo in "Hurricane Neddy" and "The Ziff Who Came to Dinner."
** ''[[King of the Hill]]'' 's core cast make a surprise appearence in "Bart Star"...a surprise ruined on the episode's premire by Fox's advance promotions.
{{quote|'''Hank Hill''': We came all the way from Arlen for THIS?}}
** [[Futurama|Bender]] appears briefly in the episode "Future-Drama".
** "[[The Simpsons (animation)/Recap/S26/E06 Simpsorama|Simpsorama]]" is a full-episode crossover with ''[[Futurama]]''.
* [[Cross-Popping Veins]]: [[Lampshade Hanging|"Look at the vein on that guy's forehead, he's gonna blow!"]]
* [[Cross Referenced Titles]]: A few recurring ones, like "*Simpson* vs. *something*",<ref>"Marge vs. the Monorail", "Homer vs. Dignity"</ref> "*Simpson*" Gets a *grade*",<ref>"Bart's Dog Gets an F", "Lisa Gets an A"</ref> and "*Simpson* the *title*".<ref>"Bart the Genius", "Homer the Smithers"</ref>
Line 741 ⟶ 749:
{{quote|'''Homer:''' ''(as King Solomon)'' The pie shall be cut in two. ''(takes a knife and cuts a pie in half, then holds up each slice as if offering them)'' Now each man will recieve... ''(withdraws the slices)'' death! I'll eat the pie. ''(scarfs both slices down)''}}
* [[Cut His Heart Out with a Spoon]]: Mostly Moe.
== D ==
Line 767 ⟶ 774:
''Comic Book Guy opens the cash register.''
'''Comic Book Guy''': Please take my 59 dollars, I don't want it.
''Bart [[Comically Missing the Point|reaches forward to take the cash]].''
'''Comic Book Guy''': Uh uh - Seeing as [[Sarcasm Failure|you are unfamiliar with sarcasm]], I shall close the cash register at this point, and state that 99 cents is the rental price. }}
* [[Dead Person Impersonation]]: Principal Skinner, or rather Armin Tamzarian. The episode lead to one of the most explicit uses of [[Negative Continuity]] in the series, with a judge [[Let Us Never Speak of This Again|ordering everyone never to speak of the incident]] (the return of the real Skinner) [[Disproportionate Retribution|under pain of torture.]]
Line 873 ⟶ 880:
* [[The Driver]]: Otto.
* [[Drunken Montage]]: Krusty in "The Last Temptation of Krust".
* [[Dude, Not Ironic]]: In "Grift of the Magi", Lisa writes "I will not do math in class" on the blackboard as a punishment.
{{quote|'''Bart''': Lisa in trouble? The ironing is delicious.
'''Lisa''': The word is irony!
Line 889 ⟶ 896:
** Also notable is the completely different, more gruff voice Dan Castellaneta uses for Homer during the shorts and first part of the first season. The original voice of Homer was based rather closely on Walter Matthau. As well, after the first three or four seasons (after the initial craze died down) the writers realized that Homer was a much better character for generating plots, as long as they kept him fairly unpredictable and dumb. This was lampshaded with a "viewer's letter" saying that "I think Homer gets stupider every year." Dan Castellaneta actually says on several commentaries that he never really made a decision to change the voice; he just kept trying his best to match the voice he used in the previous episode, and it slowly changed to one that fit the writing better.
** Noteworthy are the early appearances of black Smithers with blue hair(though that was only due to an inking error, he was never actually intended to be black) and Lou the cop (who switched from being black to being yellow).
** In the first few episodes of season 1 such as Bart the Genius, Homer's Odyssey and Some Enchanted Evening, many of the background drawings are gradient. Here's a few examples: [httphttps://wwwweb.archive.org/web/20140902230746/http://duffzone.org/framegrabs/index.php/7g02/01042004111253.jpg?action=big&size=original&fromthumbnail=true&preferredsize=resize From "Bart the Genius"], [httphttps://wwwweb.archive.org/web/20140903000225/http://duffzone.org/framegrabs/index.php/7g03/06172002180217.jpg?action=big&size=original&fromthumbnail=true&preferredsize=resize From "Homer's Odyssey"], [httphttps://wwwweb.archive.org/web/20140903013402/http://duffzone.org/framegrabs/index.php/7g01/06132002181414.jpg?action=big&size=original&fromthumbnail=true&preferredsize=resize and this one from "Some Enchanted Evening".] The gradients are probably mistakes caused by inconsistent thickness in the cell paint.
** Season 2 made heavy use of overlapping dialog. This was more or less abandoned starting in season 3.
* [[Earpiece Conversation]]: There's a gag where Kent Brockman gets fed lines this way even when he's socialising
Line 910 ⟶ 917:
** "The Sweetest Apu", At the Kwik E Mart, Apu tries to break up with the Squishee lady until she eats a liquorice and spells out "Do Me" when taking it seductively out of her mouth causing Apu to lose control of himself.
* [[Escape Convenient Boat]]: Parodied at least twice.
* [[EskimosReindeer Aren't Real]]: Homer does it in "Treehouse of Horror IV":
** Homer does it in "Treehouse of Horror IV":
{{quote|'''Homer:''' Lisa, vampires are make-believe, just like elves, gremlins, and Eskimos.}}
** In another episode, Bart refers to [[Michael Jackson]] on a list of fictional things adults make up to scare children. Interestingly, [[Negative Continuity|in an earlier episode]] Bart was a big Michael Jackson fan.
Line 920 ⟶ 928:
'''Smithers''': Good God!
'''Burns''': Imagine it, Smithers. Electric lights and heaters running all day long.
'''Smithers''': But sir! Every plant and tree will die! Owls will deafen us with incessant hooting! [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|The town's sundial will be useless!]] I don't want any part of this project, it's unconscionably fiendish.
'''Burns''': I will not tolerate this insubordination! There has been a shocking decline in the quantity and quality of your toadying, Waylon, and you will fall into line, now!
'''Smithers''': No Monty, I won't. Not until you step back from the brink of insanity.
'''Burns''': I will do no such thing. You're fired. }}
** Smithers does something similar in Sideshow Bob Roberts, where he goes behind Mr. Burns' back and gives a clue about how Bob was actually elected (hint: Ghost Voter) because he felt Bob's policies were against his "choice of lifestyle" (note: remember the hints from Smithers throughout the series).
Line 954 ⟶ 962:
* [[Evilly Affable]]: Mr. Burns is clearly the most evil character in the show; even other Simpsons supervillains like Sideshow Bob eventually get redeemed; (see "Day Of The Jackanapes") Burns, on the other hand, is described within the show as irredeemable, (see "The Old Man And Lisa") and has some pretty extreme [[Kick the Dog]] moments. However, his villainy is dealt with lightly most of the time.
** Hank Scorpio is the poster supervillian for this trope.
{{quote|'''Scorpio''': Hey, Homer, which country do you like less; [[Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys|France]] or Italy?
'''Homer''': Uh, France, I guess.
'''Scorpio''': Heh heh. Nobody ever says Italy. }}
*** Scorpio's unique in that he's a completely [[Nice Guy]] to anyone who isn't his target.
Line 1,018 ⟶ 1,026:
* [[Fiction 500]]: Mr. Burns.
* [[Fifteen Minutes of Fame]]: A common plot device. See the trope page for details.
* [[Filing Their Nails]]: Mrs. Krabappel files her nails and hums while a visibly ill Bart begs to go to the nurse's office in the episode [[The Simpsons (animation)/Recap/S06/E22 Round Springfield|"Round Springfield"]].
* [[Finger in the Mail]]: In the episode "Pranksta Rap", Bart pretends to be kidnapped and makes a call to the rest of the family while posing as the kidnapper. Homer immediately demands that the kidnapper send body parts to prove that he really has Bart. Marge objects.
** In another episode, when the Simpsons find Mr. Burns's beloved teddy bear from his childhood, Bart suggests they send Burns one of its eyes.
Line 1,048 ⟶ 1,057:
{{quote|'''Doris''': Yon meat, 'tis sweet as summer's wafting breeze.
'''Homer''': Can I have some?
'''Doris''': Mine ears are only open to the pleas of those who speak [[Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe|ye olde English.]]
'''Homer''': Sweet maiden of the spit, grant now my boon, that I might sup on suckling pig this noon.
'''Doris''': Whatever. }}
** Also spoken by the Mensa group (in character as Renaissance people) in "They Saved Lisa's Brain":
Line 1,065 ⟶ 1,074:
* [[Foreign Exchange Student]]: Bart becomes a foreign exchange student in France while the Simpsons family get Adil, who turns out to be a spy.
* [[Forging Scene]]: Parodied when a [[Alliteration|big burly blacksmith]] is shown hauling molten metal and clanging away with large tools, in order to build... a tiny key that unlocks Bart's chains.
** Also, the commercial for the Krustyburger Ribwich. ([https://web.archive.org/web/20090813115000/http://rutube.ru/tracks/767236.html Here] starting at 1:48. Sorry, it's dubbed in Russian.)
* [[Forgotten Anniversary]]: Homer is guilty of this. Very, very guilty of this.
* [[Forgotten Birthday]]: Bart forgot Lisa's birthday in "Stark Raving Dad".
Line 1,096 ⟶ 1,105:
* [[Fun with Palindromes]]: The members of Mensa have new palindrome discoveries on their meeting agenda. Comic Book Guy's mention of "Rise to vote, sir" is misinterpreted as an actual request for a democratic procedure.
* [[Fur Bikini]]: During the opening of a show called "Eye On Springfield".
== G ==
Line 1,123 ⟶ 1,131:
'''Bart''': But...
'''Homer''': ''Be cool'', or you're grounded! }}
* [[Get It Off Me!]]: Barney Gumble reacts to unfiltered sunlight in this way.
* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]: One episode has a feed store called "Sneed's Feed and Seed - Formerly Chucks". Replace Sneed's with Chuck and the 'eed' with 'uck' and you'll get it.
* [[Gigantic Gulp]]: One episode features a giant beer mug at an Oktoberfest celebration. Marge decides to nurse the drink but ends up drunk.
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** The infamous "[http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=mV1LWhNpTJU Man Getting Hit by Football]" short film shown in the film festival episode "A Star is Burns". Homer, upon seeing it, says "The contest is over, give that man the $10,000!", even though it was pointed out that this wasn't ''America's Funniest Home Videos''. Homer replies, laughing the whole time, "but... the ball... his groin... it works on so many levels!"
*** At the end of the episode, Homer's comedic taste is vindicated when a remake of the film starring George C. Scott wins the Best Actor Oscar.
*** [[The Critic (animation)|Jay Sherman]] also got hit by a football in the same episode.
** Homer Simpson himself is at the end of a variety of attacks to the groin, in the episodes 'Mr. Spritz Goes to Washington', 'Bart the Mother', 'Little Big Mom ', 'Tennis The Menace', 'Mom and Pop Art', 'Ice Cream of Margie (with the Light Blue Hair)', 'Goo Goo Gai Pan', 'You Gotta Know When to Golem', 'Million Dollar Abie ', 'Sex, Pies and Idiot Scrapes', 'Reaper Madness' and 'Weekend at Burnsie's', as well as in The Simpsons Movie, where he gets kicked in the crotch by a tree.
** In 'The Computer Wore Menace Shoes', an episode spoofing ''[[The Prisoner]]'', Homer returns home only to be attacked by his own German body double. As the evil Homer tries to strangle him, Homer counters with this attack, reasoning that "If I know me, he won't like being ''kicked in the crotch!''"
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* [[Groupie Brigade]]: Of elderly female opera fans in "Homer of Seville".
* [[Gypsy Curse]]: The premise of "Hex and the City" (part of "Treehouse of Horror XII").
== H ==
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** Burns again in "The Fool Monty." Burns becomes childlike and an amnesiac after a failed suicide attempt. Visiting his old mansion jogs back his memory. He then sits menacingly on a chair made of skulls and says in a sinister voice, "Daddy's home."
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: Lenny and Carl, anyone?
{{quote|'''Lenny''': Even Bart was splashing the cash. He once paid $100 to me and Carl [[Ho Yay|to kiss each other.]]
'''Carl''': Hey did we ever get that money?
'''Both''': [concerned look] }}
** Mr. Burns and Smithers would also count, at least from Mr. Burns' point of view.
Line 1,356 ⟶ 1,364:
* [[I Have No Son]]: Parodied in "Like Father, Like Clown".
{{quote|'''Rabbi Krustofski:''' I have no son! ''(slams door)''
'''Bart:''' Oh, great. We came all this way and [[Comically Missing the Point|it's the wrong guy]].
'''Rabbi Krustofski:''' ''(reopens door)'' I didn't mean that literally! }}
** Also said by Grampa about Homer in "Old Money".
Line 1,364 ⟶ 1,372:
'''Agnes''': No, I have one stranger and one fraud! }}
* [[I Lied]]: From "The Bart Wants what it Wants":
{{quote|'''Ranier Wolfcastle''' (to a pie): "Remember when I said I'd eat you last? [[Commando (film)|I lied!]]"}}
** Also this in the Tracy Ullman shorts:
{{quote|'''Bart''': Family therapy? What the hell is this?
'''Lisa''': You said we were [[Running Gag|going out for frosty chocolate milkshakes]]!
'''Homer''': Well, I lied. }}
* [[I'll Kill You!]]: "The Shinning":
Line 1,414 ⟶ 1,422:
{{quote|Behold, I am Captain Kirk from ''[[Series/Star Trek The Motion Picture|Star Trek One]]''! [girdle gives way] ''[[Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan|Two]]''. [girdle gives way] ''[[Star Trek V: The Final Frontier|Five]]'' [girdle gives way] ''[[Star Trek Generations|Generations]]'' [girdle gives way completely] ''[[Boston Legal]]''.}}
* [[Inflation Negation]]: Bart has to do some chores for some old lady, ends up battered and bleeding from all the chores, and only receives a quarter from her.
** Mr. Burns on ''[[The Simpsons]]'' is a veritable dumping ground for these kinds of tropes.
{{quote|'''Mr. Burns:''' "Don't poo-poo a nickel, Lisa! A nickel can buy you a steak and kidney pie, a cup of coffee, a slice of cheesecake, and a newsreel with enough change left over to ride the trolley from Battery Park to the Polo Grounds!"
'''Lisa:''' "...There's a can." }}
Line 1,426 ⟶ 1,434:
{{quote|'''Mob:''' All right! We know this part!}}
* [[Inner Monologue Conversation]]: An interesting example where both Principal Skinner and Homer think at Bart; it's not clear that Bart can hear them but it is implied that Homer can hear Skinner.
{{quote|'''Skinner:''' (I know you can read my thoughts, Bart. Just a little reminder: if I found out you cut class, your [[Precision F-Strike|ass]] is mine. [[Lampshade Hanging|Yes, you heard me.]] I ''think'' words [[Justified Trope|I would never say]].)
'''Homer:''' (I know you can read ''my'' thoughts, boy. ''sings the "Meow Mix" song in his head'') }}
* [[Innocent Swearing]]: One of the Flanders children swears twice at the dinner table ("Hell, no!" and "I don't want any damn vegetables.") The humor turns heartbreaking after he is scolded and runs from the room crying, not understanding what he has done wrong.
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{{quote|[[Say My Name|"JOHNNYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"]]}}
* [[It's All My Fault]]: "I called him a dumb dog".
* [[It's Been Done]]: Invoked by [[The Beatles (band)|George Harrison]] when Homer's barbershop quartet puts on a [[Rooftop Concert]].
* [[Ivy League for Everyone]]
* [[I Want My Beloved to Be Fashionable]]: In the episode "Lisa's Date with Density," Lisa takes her crush Nelson Muntz shopping for spiffier clothing. "I feel like such a tool," he says, seeing himself in the mirror with a collared shirt and sweater vest.
Line 1,492 ⟶ 1,500:
{{quote|'''Mona''': This is such a beautiful moment.
'''Homer''': There's something you should know about me, mom. I somehow always manage to ruin the moment. *A pelican flies out of nowhere and drops a fish from its mouth into Homer's pants.* I'm sorry. }}
* [["Join the Army," They Said]]: Parodied in "G-I-(Annoyed Grunt)".
* [[Juggling Loaded Guns]]: Homer buys a gun and uses it for such things as opening a can of beer, and turning on his TV (complete with a Mook from a Western falling off a roof at that exact moment). This actually gets him kicked out of the local gun club. In the same episode, Marge gets annoyed when Homer plays with the gun at the breakfast table. Homer puts the safety on, but only manages to accidentally fire the gun, hitting a picture of Marge. He nervously comments that he accidentally turned the safety ''off'', and turns it ''on''... and the gun again discharges, hitting the picture of Marge. Freaked out by now, Homer puts the gun on the table—and after a second, without being touched it fires again, this time hitting a knife which is sent flying into the picture of Marge, right between the eyes.
{{quote|'''Lisa''': ... No offense, mom, but that ''was'' pretty cool.}}
Line 1,515 ⟶ 1,523:
** From "Scenes From the Class Struggle in Springfield":
{{quote|'''Marge''': Homer, I don't think you should wear a short-sleeve shirt with a tie.
'''Homer''': Ohhh, but [[NYPD Blue|Sipowicz]] does it.
'''Marge''': If Detective Sipowicz jumped off a cliff, would you do that too?
'''Homer''': Ohhh, I wish I was Sipowicz. }}
* [[Jump the Shark]] :
Line 1,599 ⟶ 1,607:
{{quote|'''Homer''': Uh, you can edit out that part, right?
'''Kent''': Homer, we're live from coast to coast. }}
* [[Leitmotif]]: Sideshow Bob has his own [[Cape Fear (1991 film)|Cape Fear]] inspired theme music most anytime he appears on-screen, and the show also features two commonly-used musical motifs for town riots. (for reference, the first "riot theme" is heard during the soccer riot in "The Cartridge Family", while the other is heard in "Brake My Wife, Please" when Bart's and Milhouse's Peruvian fighting frogs battle each other)
** Whenever villain Charles Montgomery Burns is in his mansion or is planning another evil scheme, you can bet you will hear that sinister music reminiscent of ''[[Citizen Kane]]'''s [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZOzk7T93wE opening sequence]. Release the sounds!
* [[Let Me Tell You a Story]]: Parodied in "The Heartbroke Kid", when Bart is sent to a fat camp and Tab Spangler, the camp owner, catches him pigging out:
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** Cletus's family is rather large, and that's putting it mildly:
{{quote|'''Cletus''': Hey, kids! We're eatin' dinner tonight! Come on out, Tiffany, Heather, Cody, Dylan, Dermot, Jordan, Taylor, Brittany, Wesley, Rumor, Scout, Cassidy, Zoe, Chloe, Max, Hunter, Kendall, Caitlin, Noah, Sascha, Morgan, Kyra, Ian, Lauren, Q-bert, Phil!}}
* [["London, England" Syndrome]]: [[Parodied Trope]]. In "The Falcon and the D'ohman", the subtitles misspell the name if Kiev, Ukraine twice in a row before reading something along the lines of, "Come on, how many Kievs do you know about anyway?".
* [[Long List]]: In "Papa's Got a Brand New Badge", Homer lists all of his former one-episode jobs in rapid succession.
** In "Girls Just Want to Have Sums", Homer lists all the inventions men made to prove why he considers men superior to women. These include paper, cars, rocket ships, suspension bridges, constitutional government, snow shoes, brass knuckles, pinball machines, and The Renaissance.
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