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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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*** Nazi concentration camp guards weren't forced into those jobs against their will. They would've either volunteered or been specially chosen for their obscene loyalty to the Nazi party and/or hatred of Jews. And we're not talking about a guard at a Cardassian death camp here. We're talking about a household servant. He probably had ''no choice at all'' in where he worked or who he worked for.
**** Actually, some Nazi concentration camp guards were in fact forced into those jobs against their will. The Nazis had a lot of camps to run and not always enough men to staff them. They were already forcibly conscripting soldiers for front-lines fighting, they did the same for some of their camp guards, essentially telling them "Do what we say or one of the loyal German guards will shoot you first and then do whatever we told you to do anyway." Being a concentration camp guard was not some elite position given only to the most loyal and Jew-hating, it was just military duty, and like they felt free to use conscripted/slave labor for everything else, Nazis used conscripted/slave labor for that as well.
***** Incorrect. Anybody who was a concentration camp guard was ultimately there because they chose to be. German military regulations of the period allowed ''anyone'' to request transfer from ''any'' assignment for the purpose of assuming duties closer to the fighting front. So even if they were conscripted, concentration camp guards would only stay there in lieu of regular military duty (such as going off to fight the Allies) if they made a conscious decision of their own that they'd rather stay back where it was safer, even if it meant having to throw Jews in gas ovens. And once you've made that decision to voluntarily continue participating even if you have an 'out', you ''are'' morally liable for what happens.
== Medieval Bajoran Spacecraft ==
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