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Implausible Deniability: Difference between revisions

→‎Real Life: "Hitler Ate Sugar and objected against Carbon Indulgencies!" Oh, macbook...
(→‎Comicbooks: -> Comic Books, quote cleanup)
(→‎Real Life: "Hitler Ate Sugar and objected against Carbon Indulgencies!" Oh, macbook...)
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* In Italy a driver was caught driving in the wrong direction for 30 km on an highway. The driver denied it.
* In one routine, comedian [[Chris Rock]] claims that this is the ''proper response'' when a man is caught cheating by his wife. Deny everything, no matter how much evidence she has...even if she catches you ''in bed'' with the other woman, deny that it was you. Because, as Chris says, "sometimes it works."
* Sometimes a topic can be politicized to such a degree that denial of something is taken as an article of faith, despite extremely well-documented proof of otherwise. While there are many examples in this list that are fairly uncontroversially true where people have the freedom to say them and not be arrested for it, there are some issues that in some parts of the world are pure [[Flame Bait]], documentation notwithstanding. ForSuch example, [[Global Warming]] denial is extremely common in [[The United States]], andas [[World War II|Holocaust]] denial is extremely common in [[Useful Notes/Arab-Israeli Conflict|the Arab world]] - it's not that they are an interested party or are into European history, just that baiting a hated neighbour is hard to resist. In these particular social circles, for reasons of ideology rather than documentation, these topics have developed extremely inflamed passions such that Implausible Deniability is considered a fundamental litmus test for social acceptability and inclusion. Ironically, even the [[Global Warming]] article here at All The Tropes has a [[No Real Life Examples, Please]] [[Rule of Cautious Editing Judgment|disclaimer]].
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