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Black Butler (manga): Difference between revisions

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* [[Genius Book Club]]: Joanne Harcourt and Vincent Phantomhive are shown to read Hegel and Aristotle, respectively.
* [[German Dialects]]: Make an appearance during the trip to Germany and even foreshadow the plot.
* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]: The series' penchant for double entendres, especially in the second series.
* [[The Glomp]]: Four person flying-tackle variety at the end of the Murder Arc, when Sebastian reveals to the rest of mansion {{spoiler|that he is [[Unexplained Recovery|not dead]]}}.
* [[Gratuitous English]]: Sebastian's "Yes, my lord."
* [[Heroic BSOD]]: While Ciel's intentions for the circus children back at the workhouse might not be described as "heroic" so much as "self-serving with a side of philanthropy", Ciel's reaction in chapter 36 upon realizing that {{spoiler|the entire workhouse was empty and abandoned, and had been for what looked like years, meaning the circus children had fought--and died--in vain}} can be aptly described as a BSOD. A very, ''very'' frightening one.
** Ciel has one in {{spoiler|chapter 41, after finding Sebastian's body. It was an act, but he did seem genuinely pleased about being able to smack Sebastian around a little}}.
** Ciel has another one earlier in chapter 34, {{spoiler|when Baron Kelvin made an exact replica of where he was held when imprisoned, complete with an altar for sacrificing and even two cages full of children. This leads him to burn down the entire building...including the children}}.
* [[Historical Fantasy]] sliding towards outright [[Alternate History]] as [[Plausible Deniability]] gradually erodes during the course of the story and also other changes accrue. Major newspaper headlines have already been affected, and the trend only seems to continue. We may be watching the [[Butterfly Effect]] in action.
* [[Horror Hunger]]: The zombies.
* [[Historical In-Joke]]: In the manga, Queen Victoria has the occasional fit of tears that can be only alleviated by a servant (John Brown) with a Prince Albert puppet.
* [[Horror Hunger]]: [http://somemango.com/manga/Kuroshitsuji/52/ Maggy] and the zombies in general.
** The horror gets worse when it turns out that they're {{spoiler|hungering for people's ''souls''.}}
* [[Human Sacrifice]]: Ciel was used for this, but ended up making a deal with Sebastian instead.
* [[Hyperspace Arsenal]]: All the shinigami.
* [[Idiosyncratic Episode Naming]]: "The/That Butler, ______."
* [[Ignorance Is Bliss]]: Ciel tells Snake that his missing friends' whereabouts were unknown, that he is looking for them and that staying with Ciel will be the fastest way to see them again. {{spoiler|The reader knows that they were all killed by Ciel's staff when they tried to ambush Ciel's mansion}}.
* [[Imperial Germany]]: Becomes important to the plot later on.
* [[Important Haircut]]: Soma gives one of these to Agni in the flashback in chapter 17.
** Madam Red had one, too.
* [[Incest Subtext]]: Edward is much too attached to Elizabeth. This becomes obviouos when he starts talking about her perfection and how he can't really see anyone else when she is present, apparently not realizing how abnormal that is.
* [[Innocent Innuendo]]: The infamous corset scene.
* [[Insert Grenade Here]]: Happens to a German tank.
* [[IIt OweGot You My LifeWorse]]: Ciel's towards Sebastianbackstory, culminating in a ''very''[[Deal literalwith sensethe Devil]].
** The servant trio towards Ciel and Sebastian.
** Agni towards Soma.
* [[It Got Worse]] When Ciel's parents were killed. {{spoiler|Afterward, his house was burnt down, and he was sold to a religious cult who tried to use him as a sacrifice until Ciel accidentally summoned Sebastian, and then chose to give up his soul in return for Sebastian's help at getting revenge}}.
* [[Jack the Ripper]]: The villain of one of the early arcs.
* [[Jigsaw Puzzle Plot]]
* [[Kill the Cutie]]: All of the {{spoiler|main circus crew (except for Snake) and the kidnapped children from the circus arc}}, and {{spoiler|Phelps}} from the murder mystery arc. Also, {{spoiler|Alois}}.
* [[Kissing Cousins]]: Ciel is [[Arranged Marriage|engaged]] to Elizabeth, who is his cousin. This was rather common in the Victorian Era.
* [[Kudzu Plot]]
* [[Lady and Knight]]: Ciel and Sebastian's subtype is an all-male version of the dark lady and black knight.
** Sieglinde and Wolfram are thea bright lady and white knight.
* [[Like Cannot Cut Like]]: A death scythe can cut through anything except another death scythe.
* [[Locked Room Mystery]]: The Murder Mystery arc.
* [[Love Makes You Crazy]]: In the manga, Ciel throws himself in front of a bear without a second thought to protect Elizabeth. This act also shows Elizabeth's mother, Frances Midford, that Ciel is more worthy of being her daughter's future husband than she had originally given him credit for. Still, that could be considered more heroic than crazy, since Ciel knows that if he is in danger of getting hurt, Sebastian can easily save him.
* [[Malevolent Masked Men]]: Those well-dressed people in black-feathered domino masks, found around demon summoning rituals and illegal slave auctions, situations where it pays to avoid getting recognized.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Dr. Stoker and the Karnstein Hospital.
* [[Mental World]]: Appears in different versions in the anime and the manga.
* [[Mexican Standoff]]: Between {{spoiler|[http://www.manga2u.com/Kuroshitsuji/31/20-21/ Ciel, Joker, Sebastian and Baron Kelvin]}}.
* [[Mood Whiplash]]: All the time. In what is possibly the most extreme example, the story goes from some of its funniest comedy ever, involving a cavalcade of sex jokes, to some of its most frightening horror ever, involving {{spoiler|exposure to what turns out to be mustard gas}}, with only a few pages in the interim.
* [[Mood Whiplash]]
* [[Mugging the Monster]]: Subverted and then almost immediately double-subverted. {{spoiler|Surely those ragged Indian thugs trying to rob Ciel have no chance against Sebastian. Right? Right. Then the new characters Soma and Agni enter the scene and side with their countrymen. Agni actually knows how to fight. And then rather quickly Soma figures out that he was siding with robbers and orders Agni to switch sides.}} [[Curb Stomp Battle]] ensues.
* [[Multiple Demographic Appeal]]: BoyThere howdy. It hasare a number of [[Seinen]] themes (villain protagonists, child abuse, violence and gore, etc.), an art style not unlike that of a [[Shoujo]] series and a ''lot'' of subtext, but is published in a Shonen magazine - though the themes of a [[Deal with the Devil]], as well as the style of action, are not foreign to the Shonen genre.
* [[Mystery Arc]]: Specifically the Mansion Murder Mystery arc, though the entire series could be considered one of these.
* [[Mythology Gag]]: Chapter 39 is pretty much a running one, mix and stir [[Shout-Out]]:
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* [[Not Using the Z Word]]: No one utters the word "zombie". Their creator refers to them as his "bizarre dolls", while everyone else talks about "moving corpses". This makes sense, as the concept of a zombie had not yet entered the popular culture in the Victorian times.
* [[Obnoxious In-Laws]]: In the manga, Lizzie's brother Edward ''really'' doesn't like Ciel taking his sister's attention away from him.
* [[Of Corset Hurts]]: Ciel doesn't enjoy having to put on a corset.
* [[Of Corsets Sexy]]: The corset scene, combined with [[Innocent Innuendo]]. Later on, Beast wears some sexy outfits for the circus performances.
** [http://somemango.com/alt/Kuroshitsuji/53/em/1/ Even coffins have corsets!]
** Still later on, we see coffins with corsets, a sure sign that the person responsible isn't quite right in the head.
** Elizabeth gets some of this, too, in chapter 58.
* [[One-Gender School]]: Weston AcademyCollege only admits boys.
* [[Only the Knowledgable May Pass]]: The Aurora Society uses a combination of this and "Only the Rich May Pass".
* [[Orphan's Ordeal]]: Ciel has shades of it , especially in the manga.
* [[Our Zombies Are Different]]: Type C/O. {{spoiler|They hunger for souls and are able to sense where souls can be found. Initially the zombies seem to have been created with science, but it turns out that magic was responsible after all.}}
* [[Parental Abandonment]]: {{spoiler|The whole first tier circus crew had been abandoned by their parents due to their various disabilities}}.
* [[Passing Notes in Class]]: An unusual case in that it's a teacher secretly passing a note to a student.
* [[Pillow Pistol]]: [http://www.mangareader.net/102-2023-6/kuroshitsuji/chapter-14.html Ciel almost shoots Sebastian with one of these.]
* [[Pimped-Out Dress]]: Lots.
* [[Playground Song]] ''Tom, the Piper's Son'' in the Circus Arc.
* [[Please Wake Up]]: Ciel when {{spoiler|Sebastian died, and Ciel kept repeating things like, "Sleeping on the floor doesn't look that comfortable to me," and "Get up". Subverted}} because it ended up being {{spoiler|a fake death, which Ciel was aware of the entire time}}.
** Then Ciel later on in a much darker version when {{spoiler|Sebastian died. Ciel first behaved like in the previous case but when Sebastian stayed dead, Ciel showed himself overwhelmed by grief. Subverted again, as it was a fake death again and Ciel was aware of it the entire time again. The emotional outburst shows his skills as an actor.}}
* [[Powered by a Forsaken Child]]: Those wonderful prosthetic limbs that the Noah's Ark Circus kids have? Made from {{spoiler|the bones of children murdered by Baron Kelvin and the doctor}}.
* [[Protectorate]]: Ciel's bumbling normal servants. A chef, apparently imported from America, who likes using heavy artillery on food, a [[Dojikko]] maid, a napping steward, and a gardener who mixes up "weed killer" and "fertilizer". It takes all of the powers of Hell for Sebastian to prevent them from daily blowing the mansion up. Also, Elizabeth.
** {{spoiler|Only bumbling when it comes to the servant part. As one of the manga chapters demonstrated, they weren't hired for their ability to take care of the house under normal circumstances. But during an attack...}}
** {{spoiler|Elizabeth is actually quite capable of taking care of herself. She just didn't want [[No Guy Wants an Amazon|Ciel to see that side of her]]}}.
* [[Purely Aesthetic Era]]: Despite all the painstaking historical research, the creators sometimes just throw accuracy to the wind. Mobile phone? Check. Modern motorized chainsaw? Check. To be fair, the modern motorized chainsaw ''is'' a supernatural weapon wielded by a death god who may or may not be constrained to series-current technology.
* [[Removing the Head or Destroying the Brain]]: Zombies turn out to be very vulnerable to headshots and headstabs.
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* [[Sex for Solace]]: The rationalization Sebastian used to seduce {{spoiler|Beast. He did it to gain information.}}
* [[Shinigami]]: Of the psychopomp variety. There's even a [[Celestial Bureaucracy]] of them.
* [[Shotacon]]: {{spoiler|Baron Kelvin}} is revealed to have fallen in love and become a [[Stalker with a Crush]] towards Ciel when Ciel was ''seven''. Not to mention how he {{spoiler|kidnapped all those children for his amusement}}...
** Also, Nina Hopkins. She is the one behind the designs and clothes Ciel always wears and has said that she only has interest in '''[[Les Yay|girls]]'''... and boys under 15.
** The most famous example has to be all the interest Ciel gets not just from Sebastian, but various other adult men.
** It bears mentioning that the manga and anime themselves features a few too many loving pans of Ciel's prepubescent body for the comfort of some viewers,
* [[Shout-Out]]: Father Jeremy Rathbone who shows up in chapter 45. Share the first name of Jeremy Brett who played the detective in the Granada TV series (as well being an almost dead - no pun intended - ringer for said actor), and surname of Basil Rathbone, another Holmes actor from the 1940s. And then he proceeds to pull the deduction technique on Arthur, who mentions the father resembling Professor Bell, whom the real Sir Arthur based Holmes off of.
** {{spoiler|Phelps}}'s killer could be a reference to another Sherlock Holmes story, ''The Speckled Band''.
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