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** For that matter, a common burglary tactic is to dress up as employees of a moving company or simply have a logo-ed van, and do the job in broad daylight.
** There was an instance where a group was able to steal the money from an ATM sitting in a fast food location. While it would take hours of work to break open the ATM, they simply walked in wearing unmarked blue coveralls, unplugged the ATM, and wheeled it out on a dolly to open at their leisure later. No one stopped them or were able to give a good description.
** This troper's father once took an entire desk-sized office copier out of a crowded office during broad daylight by simply walking in, saying that the machine needed servicing, and wheeling it out. While he actually ''was'' from the copy machine company (the machine was being repossessed because it was a rental and the current user was behind in his payments), at no point did anyone working there actually try and verify his claim, look at any ID, or even ask him for his name before allowing him to leave with about $10,000 worth of equipment.
* A German newsmagazine tested this with an actor. He would stop cars while talking into a normal cellphone and claim to be a police officer, needing the car for an ongoing chase, as his partner is already pursuing the criminal with their patrol car. Even more disturbing than the number of people immediately giving their keys were the ones handing over the car after checking the ID. It was a cheap plastic card, the picture badly glued on it, and the word "Police" misspelled.
** In Germany it is illegal to disobey a police officer, and even though the German government knows that such a law can lead to this sort of abuse, there is no plan to create any system for verifying that someone is in fact a police officer and not an impostor.
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