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The Republic of Thieves: Difference between revisions

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* [[Conspicuous Consumption]]: Locke and Sabetha's election budgets are so huge that they can easily afford themselves luxuries. Sabetha was even ordered to spend every single crown, and so she appears at the election party in an extremely fancy gown she bought with the money left over. The gown is an election expense because the embroidery will make the gown hopelessly outdated the very next day.
* [[Corrupt Politician]]: Locke and Sabetha do their best to spread corruption around, but Lovaris in particular counts. {{spoiler|His price for quitting his own party immediately after the election results were announced was 25.000 crowns worth of gems.}}
* [[Cruel and Unusual Death]]: {{spoiler|Patience gets one. The reader doesn't mourn her.}}
* [[Every Man Has His Price]]: Locke and Sabetha bribe a good portion of Karthain's civil servants as well as other suitably placed people to cause trouble to the opposing party.
* [[Fictional Political Party]]: Kartain has the Deep Roots Party and the Black Iris Party. They have no known policy differences even on a rhetorical level, and after the election the bondsmagi always quietly mind-control the successfully elected politicians anyway.
* [[FlashbackFiery Redhead]]: Sabetha.
* [[Flashback]]: Between every chapter in the present there is a long flashback about Locke's past with Sabetha. Most of that forms a unified narrative in which Locke, Sabetha, and their friends join an acting troupe that is going to perform a classic play called ''The Republic of Thieves''.
* [[Gambit Pileup]]: The natural result of Locke and Sabetha playing against each other for an extended period of time.
* [[Heroes Want Redheads]]: Locke fell in love with Sabetha the moment he saw her red hair. Sabetha is insecure about whether he really loves her or just the hair.
* [[Heroes Want Redheads]]
* [[I Know Your True Name]]: The bondsmagi can mind-control anyone whose true name they know. They don't know Locke's.
** The people of Karthain have the custom of hiding their given names. However, the bondsmagi can go far with just a partial true name, which a surname counts as.
* [[Jerkass]]: Patience.
* [[Laser-Guided Amnesia]]: Routinely applied by the bondsmagi.
* [[The Magocracy]]: The true political situation in Karthain.
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