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Sargon of Akkad: Difference between revisions

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* [[Guest Star Party Member]]: Every now and then, a friend or fellow [[YouTube]] commentator would take the reins of "This Week in Stupid" as a guest host.
* [[History Repeats]]: Occasionally, he makes comments on how certain events or ideologies are repeating the past.
* [[Humans are Bastards]]: Given what he generally tends to come across, he doesn't particularly have a high view of at least some segments of the human race.
* [[One of Us]]: When he's not talking politics or social commentary, Sargon not only tends to demonstrate his nerdiness frequently. But he's also an amateur game developer [http://otherworldssoftware.com/ working on an game] called ''Necromancer.''
* [[Political Correctness Gone Mad]]: Sargon has no love for it. Over time, it's also contributed to his growing disdain for what's been called the "Regressive" and "Illiberal" Left.
* [[Precision F-Strike]]: He doesn't swear a lot, but his cursing is timed ''very'' appropriately.
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* [[The Reason You Suck Speech]]: So far, he's delivered his share of these to feminism, SJWs, racists and the "Regressive" Left.
* [[Self Deprecating Humor]]: He tends to poke fun at himself frequently. Case in point: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrbigkvNnPg Sargon Quest].
* [[Sincerity Mode]]: He's generally frank about his thoughts. But there are particular times wherein he emphasizes this further.
* [[Straw Feminist]]: Some critics accuse him of committing this claim rather than being fair to feminism. Sargon generally counters them by pointing out how they and their colleagues are demonstrating his case.
* [[Straw Misogynist]]: How his critics view him, especially over his comments on feminism and his more recent sympathy to [[Gamergate]]. Sargon however, has been more than happy to respond on how inane said accusations are.
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