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== Web Comics ==
* Early on in ''[[Schlock Mercenary]]'', the mercenaries are attacked repeatedly by the F'sherl Ganni Gatekeepers, due to experimenting with (and holding the patent for) the 'Teraport', a method of [[Faster-Than-Light Travel]] that far outstrips the unwieldy [[Portal Network]] that got the F'sherl Ganni their name as well as discovering that {{spoiler|said [[Portal Network]] also works as a series of duplicators allowing the F'sherl Ganni to torture clones of their MILLIONS of users for information then kill them}}. Finally, Admiral Breya Andreyasn figures out that there's a way to stop the attacks: Release the Teraport into Open Source, essentially spreading the technology freely across the galaxy, and removing the Gatekeepers' reason to specifically target TargonTagon's Toughs.
** {{spoiler|This has the unfortunate side effect of {{spoiler|starting a LOT of [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|wars]]}}.
** [http://www.schlockmercenary.com/2006-06-15 During the HTRN takedown arc], Petey quotes the trope namephrase when letting the battleplate ''PopagaiPopigai'' know that the Fleetmind warship ''Plaited Daisies'' was broadcasting their communications on an open channel so that Tagon was also in the loop.
** The next time Toughs and some of their associates were targeted for knowing too much, and knew "explosive" release is a bad idea, Haban II (being also a superhuman AI) played "[[I Know You Know I Know|you know]] the others must have leaked it already" with a bunch of politicians.
{{quote|'''Murtaugh''': [http://www.schlockmercenary.com/2014-11-30 You made ''sure'' this information wants to be free].}}
* Parodied in ''[[Freefall]]'', as the trope name is the catchphrase of resident [[Robot Buddy|Robotic]] [[Mad Scientist]] Qwerty. First he accidentally invents robot poison and uploads the schematics to the internet. Then someone points out how it be used to kill robots without a trace, and then he uploads ''that'' to the internet. It turns out that after his owner died, he mechanized his corpse for a Day of the Dead celebration. Which wouldn't have been too bad, except he uploaded the plans for that as well. It was very memorable.
* In ''[[The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob]],'', when [[Named After Somebody Famous|Dean Martin]] [http://bobadventures.comicgenesis.com/d/20071211.html steals Jean Poule's research data] to make a monster of his own, he justifies the theft by saying, "But ''information wants to be free''! I had a public ''duty'' to steal it!"
* ''[[Vexxarr]]'' has an AI arguing for this... sort of: "[http://www.vexxarr.com/archive.php?seldate=111111 Everyone gets that one ''wrong!'']"
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