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** Also of note in the series are the Half-Elves. They would consider themselves the High Men of the setting but no one else does because they only maintain their uniqueness when breeding with full Elves or other Half-Elves. If they interbred with the far more numerous humans their Elf traits would be swamped by the far more numerous humans and as such they aren't considered a proper race. They are also considered to be Jerks, and run an Empire with the nobility only open to Half-Elves. Live to around 500.
* [[The Gods Must Be Lazy]]: Averted, they are quite active, but the good gods spend much of their time running interference on the dark gods akin to ECM, while the evil gods [[Enemy Civil War|don't cooperate with each other]]. Also, the gods mostly don't have fine enough control over their power to exercise it directly -- it would be like swatting a fly with a nuke. That's one reason why they pick champions to be their conduits.
* [[God Was My Co-Pilot]]: Averted in many cases, but the Goddess of Music shows up as a beggarwandering womanminstrel asking for ato share ofa hospitalitycampfire at one point...
** Also played absolutely straight in a short story, where it is revealed to the reader that {{spoiler|Wencit of Rum}} is a god. This explains more than it doesn't.
* [[Gone Horribly Right]]: The Rage was created by Dark Wizards to make the Hradani people more devastating in combat, and reduce the effectiveness of magic on a Raging Hradani. [[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain|Oh, and now the Hradani utterly]] ''[[Unstoppable Rage|hate]]'' [[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain|Dark Wizards]] and are [[Anti-Magic|immune to most magic]] ...
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