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Labyrinths of Echo: Difference between revisions

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* [[Magic Is Mental]]: Explored to the point of [[deconstruction]].
* [[Magical Society]]: Lots of them, actually, at least, in the backstory. There was a whole three thousand years-long Age of the Orders, when an order was formed around every magical tradition and they fought each other for power or out of conflicting views. It was eventually brought to an end when the Order of the Seven-Leaf allied itself with the Gurig dynasty and won the War of the Codex, outlawing and exiling all other orders. Some orders disbanded peacefully shortly before the war. {{spoiler|Juffin, however, considers the Secret Investigations a modernized, "legal" version of an ancient Order.}}
* [[Man-Eating Plant]]: Zoggi cactus from Arvarokh (which seems to have as many lethal and/or bizarre creatures as Australia). Its thorns are used for heels on ritual boots, so the locals "hunt" it by sitting next to it and thinking "Black Thoughts". If the hunter's thoughts are "blacker", the cactus is dazed and can be picked. If not, the hunter ends up dematerialized and then sucked into the cactus. Juffin kept in his garden a specimen with which some romantic soul [[Animal Assassin|tried to assassinate him]]. Oh, and parents of Juffin's half-Arvarokhian friend for some reason named their son after the horrid thing.
* [[Mercy Kill]]: See [[Blatant Lies]] above. As Max is called out on his lie, the people ask him not to heal, but at least to kill them, as Anavuayna is rumoured to [[Deader Than Dead|destroy both body and soul]], while death by any other mundane means, especially from Max, means a high chance to come back as a ghost / be reborn in [[The Multiverse]].
* [[Mood Whiplash]]: The series is quite prone to it, such as following the extremely depressive ''Victims of Circumstances'' up with the hilarious ''A Trip to Kettari'' in the first volume, or putting the depressingly paranoid ''The Book of Burning Pages'' after the comedic ''A Bequest for Lonli-Lokli''. Special mention goes to ''The Power of What-Might-Have-Been'' ([[Despair Event Horizon|especially]], ''The Return of Ugurbado'').
* [[The Multiverse]]: The world of Echo, our world, and many others visited throughout the series are parts of an seemingly endless multiverse. Only ghosts and people gifted with True Magic can access Khumgat, the Corridor Between Worlds, and travel across dimensions, however. Also, some [[Dream Weaver|talented and/or trained dreamers]] visit (or even create) realities "physically" accessible to others - though most often these are "merely" Dense Dreams that collapse when their creator dies and rarely have as much as air breathable for awake visitors.
* [[Mystical Plague]]: Anavuayna. It's not a plague as such, but a lethal curse, so while it doesn't require quarantines, anyone in the area of effect can be hit at random. While mages above a certain power level are immune to it alltogether, Echo is about to loose 80% of population to it in ''Return of Ugurbado''. Anavuayna slowly liquifies the affected, leaving blank skeletons in puddles of slime. There is no salvation after the heart is affected, yet the victims are fully conscious until death. Healing Anavuayna is possible with a grade 140 white magic spell.<ref> After Halla Makhun the Furry found the Heart of the World, he decided to build a city there for his dynasty. Halla challenged Anavuayna, the elven duchess of the area in a card game with the land at stake and won. Anavuayna fled the country, and suffering from [[Background Magic Field]] withdrawal, found out that Halla cheated. Mad, and mad with fury, she returned to spread a curse over the new city of Echo, creating the epidemy to carry her name. Halla killed her with his bare hands, stopping the plague.</ref>
* [[Naive Newcomer]]: Max, later Numminorikh, Melifaro in the prequels.
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