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Sargon of Akkad: Difference between revisions

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* [[Author Tract]]: Given some of the topics and political issues that he tackles, some of his videos can come across as this. On the other hand, he's still willing to converse, debate and even concede certain points.
* [[Badass Beard]]: His actual appearance, which makes him look like a cross between [[Game of Thrones|Robert Baratheon]] and the ''[[Celebrity Resemblance|historical]]'' [[wikipedia:Sargon of Akkad|Sargon of Akkad]].
* [[Badass Bookworm]]: His knowledge of ancient and medieval tactics is shown to pay off in his gaming videos involving ''Chivalry: Medieval Warfare'' and the ''[[Total War]]'' series.
* [[Belief Makes You Stupid]]: While he has no hatred for religious people, he does reserve this for fundamentalists and rabid ideologues, regardless of whether they're religious or atheist.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Any distortion, manipulation and censorship of anything historical or factual is a major pet peeve for him. Also, radical feminism.
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* [[Shown Their Work]]: He makes a habit of posting source links to whatever he's talking about. His "Ancient Recitations" channel is pretty much this as well, given it's largely him reading from or discussing Antiquity.
* [[Sincerity Mode]]: He's generally frank about his thoughts. But there are particular times wherein he emphasizes this further.
* [[Stiff Upper Lip]]: Becomes evident whenever he's about to cover something [[This Is Gonna Suck|bound to piss him off]] in some manner.
* [[Straw Feminist]]: Some critics accuse him of committing this claim rather than being fair to feminism. Sargon generally counters them by pointing out how they and their colleagues are demonstrating his case.
* [[Straw Misogynist]]: How his critics view him, especially over his comments on feminism and his more recent sympathy to [[Gamergate]]. Sargon however, has been more than happy to respond on how inane said accusations are.
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