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* Prominent religious conservatives and liberal disability rights groups have teamed up several times to fight the legalization of assisted suicide. They were also on the same side during the Terri Schiavo debacle.
* Following the passage of Proposition 8 (which outlawed same-sex marriage in California), Several families sued the state on the grounds that the referendum was unconstitutional. The attorneys who teamed up to represent them in court were Theodore Olsen and David Boies, best known for arguing opposing sides of ''Bush v. Gore''. Needless to say, the Defendants [[Curb Stomp Battle|didn't stand a chance.]]
* [[Electronic Arts]] essentially has made this happen indirectly for rival gaming communities, as [[Image Board|4chan]], [[Reddit]], Kotaku, and others helped them get declared 2012's [http://consumerist.com/2012/04/congratulations-ea-you-are-the-worst-company-in-america-for-2012.html Worst Company in America] by The Consumerist.
* The pro-life movement includes numerous groups arguing from different angles, many of whom wouldn't usually agree with the religious conservatives traditionally associated with the movement. Staunch atheists, self-styled liberals, American Democrats and feminists of various kinds have all been known to team up with them.
* The Hangook peninsula has two oppressive dictatorships with poor records on human rights. Naturally ''everyone in the world except China'' helps the southern one because it's not trying to start World War 3.
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