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{{quote|''I will not fly into a rage and kill a messenger who brings me bad news just to illustrate how evil I really am. [[Pragmatic Villainy|Good messengers are hard to come by]].''|'''[[Evil Overlord List]]''' Rule 32}}
|'''[[Evil Overlord List]]''' Rule 32}}
{{quote|''I will not fly into a rage and kill a messenger who brings me bad news just to illustrate how evil I really am. [[Pragmatic Villainy|Good messengers are hard to come by]].''|'''[[Evil Overlord List]]''' Rule 32}}
Is there a worse job to have than being a messenger for a major villain? The hours are long, the pay is low, your boss [[It's All About Me|thinks that the world revolves around him]], and likes to [[The Neidermeyer|abuse his men]] [[Bad Boss|for fun]], and remember that [[Signed Up for the Dental|dental plan that made you join in the first place?]] Yeah, that got canceled last year.
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By the way, remember when we told the worst was bringing your master a bad news? [[I Lied|We lied]]. ''The'' worst is bringing ''someone else'' a message from your master. Such as an ultimatum. The recipient is guaranteed to reply, in a non-ambiguous way, that he will have none of it; and by "non-ambiguous", I mean by sending your head back. [[Captain Obvious|Without the rest of your body.]] Also note that even the "good guys" might do this, especially [[Anti-Hero|Anti Heroes]].
When villains do this, it is generally done as a subtrope of [[You Have Failed Me...]] and [[Bearer of Bad News]], and is a way to [[Kick the Dog]]. And if you're in a story featuring [[Black and Grey Morality]], do whatever it takes to get out of delivering a message, since your life expectancy is slightly shorter than that of a guy standing on top of skyscraper in a thunderstorm saying "[[Tempting Fate|What's the worst that could happen?]]" It's also usually a subtrope of [[Aggressive Negotiations]]. Guys, the messengers are coming in ''peace.''
When heroes do this, it's because [[What Measure Is a Mook?|the messenger was a bad guy anyway]], so why not [[Values Dissonance|murder him when he isn't making any threats?]] Some shows make the messenger look particularly [[Asshole Victim|evil]] to avoid the negative aspects of this trope.
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Not to be confused with [[Please Shoot the Messenger]], where the recipient is actively instructed by the message to kill the person who delivered it.
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* In ''[[Dragonball Z]]'', a henchman of Frieza's arrives to announce that the Ginyu Force has arrived. As soon as he's finished, Frieza promptly vaporizes him with eyebeams. The worst part for this poor messenger was that the arrival of the Ginyu Force was ''good'' news for Frieza, seeing as they were his men. His most elite warriors, at that.
** ''[[Dragon Ball Abridged]]'' put a twist on that same scene. The henchman comes in, reports on the arrival of the Ginyu Force, and Frieza seems content to let him be, but then the henchman also announces that due to the tendency of Frieza's men to [[Bad Boss|be killed off by Frieza]], the rest of his men have decided to form a union. Frieza says that decision is "Adorable" in a mildly amused voice, then promptly kills the henchman without even [[Contemplative Boss|turning to face him]].
* [[Asobi ni Iku yo!|Asobi Ni Iku Yo]] does this ''in the first episode'' when Aoi shoots a messenger... or, rather, shoots ''in the general direction of'' a messenger. He ''purposely missed'', just because he felt like scaring the crap out of the dude.
* In ''[[Hellsing]]'', Alucard blasts Schrödinger when he comes as a messenger to a Hellsing conference (of course, Schrödinger survives that, thanks to his "quantum physics" abilities).
== Comic Books ==
* In ''[[Asterix]] and the Goths'', Metric tells his interpreter that if their Gaulish captive, Getafix, will not show them magic, the interpreter will be killed as well. When Getafix refuses, the interpreter lies, [[Bilingual Backfire|not realizing that Getafix speaks Gothic]].
* In the Belgian series ''[[Papyrus]]'', poor Papyrus learns this the hard way when the pharaoh sends him on a mission to announce a string of bad news to the king of Crete: his son died and the Cretan diplomatic envoy perished in a sea storm, along with a sacred bull given as an offering. Off to the [[Gladiator Games|arena]].
* Subverted in ''[[The Sandman]]''. Morpheus sends a messenger to [[Satan|Lucifer]] that he intends to travel [[To Hell and Back]] to free Nada's soul. Knowing that Lucifer will Shoot the Messenger, he sends the Biblical Cain as his envoy, since Cain is marked by God and not even the forces of Hell can kill him. Lucifer still manages to hurt and terrify Cain despite that.
== Fan Fic Works ==
== Fan Fic ==
* In ''[[Enemy of My Enemy (Fanfic)|Enemy of My Enemy]]'', [[Big Bad|Brute High-Chieftain Torikus]] does this a lot, and he does it ''very brutally''. One scene describes an unfortunate messenger's skull fragments spread across the area around Torikus after a particularly bad development for the Brutes.
* ''[[The Sun Soul]]'': {{spoiler|In chapter 22, during the Celadon Civil War, Mayor Vicar sends a messenger to Princess Erika's side, telling them to surrender. If Erika's side loses, there will be no mercy for them - so they had better surrender now while they still can. Brock, on Erika's side, steps forward, yells 'IF!', and signals his army to attack. The messenger ends up with two big ugly arrows protruding through his chest, promptly falls off his Rapidash, and dies.}} Quite literally a case of Shoot the Messenger.
** Okay, until the mentioning of a {{spoiler|Rapidash}}, I had ''no'' clue that this was a [[Pokémon]] fanfic... {{spoiler|[[Fridge Logic|So why does the army]] [[Fantasy Gun Control|even]] ''[[Fantasy Gun Control|have]]'' [[Fantasy Gun Control|archers?]]}}
*** {{spoiler|Because this is supposed to be [[Darker and Edgier|a more realistic take on the genre]], and it takes [[The Beast Master|a special kind of person]] to control dangerous, deadly [[mon]]sters.}}
== Film ==
* The Jade Warlord does it to a messenger in the movie ''[[The Forbidden Kingdom]]''.
* ''[[Repo! The Genetic Opera|]]'': Rotti Largo]] had the doctor who told him he was terminally ill executed.
* Disney's ''[[Mulan]]''. Two Imperial scouts have been captured by Shan-Yu. He mockingly congratulates them on finding his army, then gives them a threat to take back to the Emperor. As they run away:
{{quote|'''Shan-Yu''': How many men does it take to deliver a message?
'''Hun archer''': ''(draws bow)'' One. }}
* In ''[[300|Three Hundred]]'', King Leonidas and the Spartans execute a Persian messenger and his armed escort for insulting their kingdom while bringing Xerxes' demand for "earth and water" as a token of submission to the empire, telling him that he'll find plenty of both down in the well, where they then proceed to throw them down. Which is kicked off (literally) by [[Memetic Mutation|Leonidas yelling]] "[[ThisPunctuated! IsFor! SpartaEmphasis!|This! Is! SPARTA!]]"
** Notably, this [[Truth in Television|actually happened in real life]], with both the Spartans and the Athenians killing the Persian messengers by cutting their throats and throwing them down the well, respectively.
*** Every Persian emissary either died or was maimed. It's a [[Running Gag]].
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* ''[[Battle Beyond the Stars]]''. A [[Proud Warrior Race]] responds to Sador's demands by returning his emmisary as a jar of powder. A furious Sador destroys their entire planet to encourage the others.
* ''[[Clue (film)|Clue]]'' the movie is all about this. [[Tim Curry|Wadsworth]] points out directly that "everyone who's died gave vital information about one of [the guests]." Ironically, the last informant who is killed is a delivering a singing telegram shot at the front door.
* A heroic example, from ''[[Harry Potter and Thethe Philosopher's Stone (film)|Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone]]'':
{{quote|'''Draco Malfoy''': Excuse me, Professor, perhaps I heard you wrong. I thought you said "the ''four'' of us."
'''Professor McGonagall''': No, you heard me ''correctly'', Mr. Malfoy; you see, honourable as your intentions were, [[Xanatos Backfire|you too were out of bed after hours.]] You will join your classmates in detention.
''[The protagonists stare at each other in disbelief that Malfoy also got in trouble]'' }}
* In Peter Jackson's film version of ''[[The Hobbit (film)|The Hobbit]]'', the orc commander Azog, a character not found in [[The Hobbit (novel)|Tolkien's original book]], in his introduction kills a messenger, one of the orc warriors under his command, to show to the audience how evil he is.
== Literature ==
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* Averted in the ''[[Island in The Sea of Time]]'' series by [[S. M. Stirling]]. [[Magnificent Bastard]] William Walker is approached by a nervous messenger who's clearly bringing news of disaster. Walker calmly explains to the messenger that he's not going to harm him, but when something bad happens he's ''got to know'' right away, or else it's like being blind.
* ''[[Harry Potter]] and the Deathly Hallows''. Voldemort responds to the news that Potter has stolen a Horcrux from a supposedly impregnable vault by having a [[Villainous Breakdown]] and killing not only the messenger, but everyone in the room (though this was also to [[He Knows Too Much|keep knowledge of the Horcrux secret]]).
** But in ''Order of the Phoenix'', before Voldemort started to lose his cool, he responded to the news that his plan to steal a prophecy from the Ministry of Magic could not have worked by thanking the messenger and promising to keep him in confidence. The man who [[You Have Failed Me...|furnished him with flawed information, however]]...
* This is taken to the next level in the backstory of the first book of the ''[[Chalion]]'' series; a crazy enemy general tells the messengers that one of them will have to kill the other. [[The Hero|Cazaril]] refuses to take part, denying the villain his fun, but the other messenger, Dondo, tries to go through with it. The general stops it, and releases them both, knowing that Dondo's frantic attempts to hide the truth of his cowardice will do more to Cazaril than he could.
* In ''[[Ravenloft]]'' novel ''Knight of the Black Rose'', Strahd and a rival [[Dark Lord]] send servants that they are displeased with to carry messages to each other, knowing that the messengers will be tortured horribly and eventually executed by the other dark lord.
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* Towards the end of the ''[[Warcraft]]'' novel ''[[Rise of the Horde]]'', one of Thrall's human spies arrives to Orgrimmar to bring news of the arrival of the draenei. While pondering the (terrible) news, Thrall notices that the man is shaking in fear and realises he is afraid of getting killed. He orders his guards to get him food and water while musing about how unwise killing messengers is for it only causes people to hide the bad news until too late. Granted Thrall isn't a villain but most orcs [[Fantastic Racism|are seen as such]] by humans.
** Magatha, on the other hand, plays this straight in [[The Shattering Prelude to Cataclysm]], killing the orc who brought her a message from Garrosh saying that he won't support her because he found out that {{spoiler|she poisoned his weapon during his duel with Cairne}}. She even seizes the letter rather than let him read the letter aloud after the first indication of Garrosh's refusal.
* ''[[Wheel of Time|]]'': Bayle Domon]] is given a message to deliver along with a substantial reward, and promised more on delivery. Domon is [[Genre Savvy]] enough to open it carefully first, and discovers it says, in essence, [[Please Shoot the Messenger|"This messenger is a devil-worshipper. Kill him! --King Galldrian."]]
** There's another example in the 5thfifth book. After getting news from a minion that her ex-lover had slept with someone else, Lanfear tears the messenger's skin off and goes on a magical rampage.
** [[Inverted Trope|Inverted when]] a messenger from Sammael hears Rand say no to an offer of truce. The messenger then starts [[Body Horror|oozing blood from every pore]] and dies. One person wonders how the bad guy will know what Rand's answer was, another says, "Very likely ''how'' he died will let him know."
* Chevette Washington, a bicycle messenger in [[William Gibson]]'s [[Bridge Trilogy]], mentions this trope frequently. She's never shot, but she clarifies that the basic idea- blaming a messenger for her message- is true.
* In ''[[The Sword of Truth]]'' Prince Harold is killed for delivering the message that his sister the queen intended her country remain neutral. By the [[Moral Dissonance|good guys]], of course. And his half-sister thanked her allies for doing it, because they can't show mercy to their "enemies".
* In one of ''[[Stephen King]]'''s more down to earth short stories, a rival gang leader sends a messenger to insult another's gang leader by taunting his sister (who's obese) so they can draw him out. The messenger is obviously scared to the point of tears while saying 'yo mama' jokes right in the man's face, but luckily is not killed but the gang leader still got himself killed rushing recklessly into the open to kill the sender (which prompts his sister to go on a ''[[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]''
** Subverting the trope further, said obese sister later gets revenge on the message sender himself by killing him slowly with a [[Eye Scream|metal wire through the eye.]]
* In [[Patrick O 'Brian]]'s [[Aubrey-Maturin]] series, this is inverted in that messengers bearing good news will be "much caressed" by the [[Powers That Be]] back in England. (Given how the series works, that makes this [[Truth in Television]].) Stephen Maturin then uses his powers of persuasion to see to it that Aubrey, though screwed of his victory by a spotlight-stealing admiral, still gets chosen as the messenger and thus gets a plum command.
* Wess Roberts, [[PHD]]., wrote a non-fiction business advice book, "Business Secrets of Attila the Hun", which included this nugget; "A wise chieftain does not kill the messenger who delivers bad news. He kills the messenger who ''fails'' to deliver bad news."
* Inverted in ''[[X Wing Series|Solo Command]]''. [[The Dragon|General Melvar]] has to bring [[Big Bad|Zsinj]] some [[Bearer of Bad News|very bad news]]: not only has a deathtrap failed to kill Wraith Squadron (or even any of its members), but they have managed to take one of his key personnel alive. Zsinj has an epic [[Villainous Breakdown]] where he destroys practically everything in his office ''but'' the person who brought him the bad news.
{{quote|'''[[Deadpan Snarker|General Melvar]]:''' Will you be wanting your office restored, or do you wish to redecorate?}}
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* ''[[Animorphs]]'': [[Big Bad|Visser Three]], [[Bad Boss|all the goddamn time]].
== Live -Action TV ==
== Live Action TV ==
* In season 1 episode 9 of ''[[Arrested Development (TV series)|Arrested Development]]'', Lindsay Bluth Fünke discusses this trope when she advises her brother Michael Bluth not to be the bearer of bad news to his love interest. Her exact words: "It's called 'Shoot the Messenger'."
* Referenced in the episode "Relativity" on ''[[Star Trek: Voyager]]''. Commander Chakotay approaches Captain Janeway with a ship's status report and Janeway comments "Before you say anything, let me remind you what happens to bearers of bad news." "Don't kill the messenger," replies Chakotay, holding up his hands in mock fear. Janeway relents and Chakotay proceeds to report on the sorry state of ''Voyager'' and its systems.
* ''[[The Vampire Diaries|]]'': Damon Salvatore]] explicitly states that he believes in shooting the messenger for the express purpose of sending a message to the person sending the bad news, ''if that person is his enemy''.
* In ''[[Spartacus: Blood and Sand|Spartacus: Vengeance]]'', this is how {{spoiler|Ashur}} is killed. The [[Big Bad]] sends him to give offer a deal to the good guys. If they had accepted, they would have needed to let the messenger return, but they refuse the offer and only send back the messenger's head. The [[Big Bad]] isn't surprised, but he was [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness|getting tired of having the guy around anyway.]]
* ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]''. Buffy kills Holden Webster after he drops the bombshell about Spike siring him. Due to a scene cut we don't see if it was because Holden attacked or in a violent response to what he said, but Buffy's position as Holden's dust swirls around her is the same, implying that it happened immediately afterwards.
== Music ==
* In his song "Message Boy", [[Charlie Peacock]] contends that as a messenger it is his job to deliver both good news and bad news. A line from the song is "all I ask is remember, I am only the message boy."
== Mythology ==
* Apollo turning the raven black because it brought him bad news in Greek mythology. Except on those websites which say it was Athena.
== Newspaper Comics ==
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** Also referenced in a comic strip involving a "Scape Goat", literally. He is shot by the PHB, who clarifies he was aiming for the messenger. Dilbert suggests it was the Scape Goat's fault for standing there.
* Subverted in a regularly recycled [[Beetle Bailey]] gag: The officers receives a written order from the general, and it has one obvious spelling error that changes the meaning completely. Someone will point out what the general probably meant to say, but then someone else will always ask: "But who dares to tell the general that he did a mistake?" While the general probably wouldn't shoot anyone for pointing out one little spelling error (''probably...''), the answer is always the same: Nobody dares to tell the general that he did a mistake. They prefer to follow out the order, exactly the way it's written, and look like idiots, rather than telling the general to make a correction.
== Theater ==
* [[William Shakespeare|Shakespeare]]:
** [[WilliamIn Shakespeare|Shakespeare]]'sthe last act of ''[[Richard III]]'' in the last act, who strikes the messenger before he even finishes his sentence about his enemy the Duke of Buckingham, crying "Till you bring better news!" It turns out that the news is that Buckingham has ''surrendered''. The scene shows that Richard is [[Villainous Breakdown|beginning to crack up]] under his confident facade.
*** Although when the messenger finishes delivering his message Richard [[Pet the Dog|apologizes to the man and gives him some money to make it up to him.]] And it's worth pointing out that the messenger was actually the ''third'' messenger in a row to come to Richard with news and the first two had been all bad.
** In ''[[Hamlet]]'' (and thus ''[[Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead]]''), Hamlet switches R & G's message to say that the bearers are to be killed. At the end of the play, it's revealed they are.
* In ''[[Antony and Cleopatra]]'', a messenger tells Cleopatra that Antony has remarried, so she threatens to more or less play football with his eyeballs, among other nasty things.
** This trope even gets lampshaded by a messenger in an earlier scene.
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* This trope is also spoofed in the Rowan Atkinson comedy routine, ''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaQNuBHd6CY Pink Tights and Plenty of Props]''.
* Sophocles' ''[[Antigone]]'' has a messenger who spends a long time trying to avoid giving Creon bad news out of fear that this trope will be played straight, even pointing out that Polyneices was only technically buried. In the end Creon merely threatens to torture him to death. By the standards of ancient Greek tragedy, the scene is very funny.
== Real Life ==
* In an Inversion, by Napoleonic times, the bearer of news of a victory was automatically promoted when they reported in with the news. Generals would put some thought into whom they wanted to make the trip back to Parliament, or to the Emperor.
* The Mongol Empire destroyed the Abbasid Caliphate over exactly that. The Abbasids abducted a caravan belonging to the Mongol Empire, and executed the Mongol emissaries who came seeking reparations. The Mongols subsequently destroyed them, doing damage to Baghdad that the region still hasn't recovered from.
** Also done famously to Khwarezmid a few years earlier. The Mongols sent not one, but TWO diplomatic caravans to Khwarezmid, and in both cases the messengers were either executed or publicly humiliated and sent packing. The Mongol response was to ''erase Khwarezmid from the face of the earth''.
** The Mongols were actually one of the major forces that prompted this to really become as discredited as it became and diplomatic immunity as respected as it did in the Medieval world, since their response was always but *ALWAYS* disproportionate. They also respected the diplomatic immunity of foreign messengers carrying messages to them.
* Vlad III of Wallachia (better known as [[Dracula]]) once recieved some Ottoman emmisaries, who due to their religion, refused to remove their turbans. he made certain they could never take them off; nailing them to their heads.
* Those in the island city of Tyre (no longer an island) threw the messengers of a general who really did not wish to spend resources conquering them (he wanted them to ally with him). this general, being Alexander III of Macedon, didn't take kindly to this.
** Specifically, he laid siege, built a peninsula out to the city, and razed it to the ground.
== Toys ==
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{{quote|'''Icarax''': Take heart. You know that old saying "Don't kill the messenger"? *murders messenger*
'''Icarax''': Too bad. I ''always'' kill the messenger. }}
== Video Games ==
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{{quote|'''The Controller'': First off, let me thank you gentlemen for shooting yet ''[[Noodle Incident|another]]'' messenger. And when you kill the messenger they can't return the miniature televisions, which it may surprise you to learn, ''don't'' grow naturally on their chests.}}
== Web Comics ==
== Webcomics ==
* ''[[Kid Radd]]'', Crystal will zap ''anyone'' who gives her ''any'' news, good or bad, "because it's fun." Note that she does not ''kill'' them. She'd run out of messengers that way, and well, when that happens, how ''else'' will she entertain herself?
* [http://www.bmoviecomic.com/?cid=266 This strip] of ''[[The B-Movie Comic|The B Movie Comic]]''.
* In ''[[8-Bit Theater]]'', King Steve jokingly ordered a guard to kill a messenger. [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2002/06/05/episode-157-back-in-corneria/ He took it seriously], and every time the storyline goes back to Corneria, the messenger is [[Running Gag|still being chased]].
* Although you don't get to see it. You know as well as they do that [https://web.archive.org/web/20121114155520/http://www.drowtales.com/mainarchive//20041213c11p024.JPG these two messengers] in ''[[Drowtales]]'' are [[Deader Than Dead]].
* ''[[Turn Signals on a Land Raider]]'' gives us [https://web.archive.org/web/20130709205454/http://tsoalr.com/?p=322 this Chaos daemon prince].
* ''[[Karate Bears]]'': [http://www.karatebears.com/2011/09/bad-news.html One of the bears kills the messenger by presumably ripping his heart out]
== Western Animation ==
* ''[[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]]'' did it in the episode "Margical History Tour".
== Web Original ==
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** Also inverted with Yahweh, wherein his general Michael-Lan deliberately attempts to phrase the bad news he gives in such a way so as to cause Yahweh to throw the most spectacular temper tantrums possible, complete with multi-coloured flashes of lightning that rip the marble facing from the walls (though they never actually seem to kill anybody, Michael included). It's made clear that Michael quite enjoys these displays and is the only one who isn't afraid of them.
** When Satan sends his Heralds to Earth to deliver the scrolls proclaiming their damnation, mankind generally responds to their arrival with violence. This has less to do with actually shooting the messenger and more "Holy shit there's a fifteen-foot tall demon coming this way ''KILL IT''!" Except in Singapore, where the police shot the messenger dozens of times and beat it to death with the butts of their guns for littering when it threw the message scroll on the pavement.
== Western Animation ==
* ''[[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]]'' did it in the episode "Margical History Tour".
* The Mail Monster from ''[[Star vs. the Forces of Evil]]'' has been beaten up (on one occasion by the hero mind you) over delivering singing telegram that demand ransoms. She doesn't really have any part in kidnappings and is merely works as free lancer to deliver the message (in song). She also delivers regular mail.
== Real Life ==
* In an Inversion, by Napoleonic times, the bearer of news of a victory was automatically promoted when they reported in with the news. Generals would put some thought into whom they wanted to make the trip back to Parliament, or to the Emperor.
* The Mongol Empire destroyed the Abbasid Caliphate over exactly that. The Abbasids abducted a caravan belonging to the Mongol Empire, and executed the Mongol emissaries who came seeking reparations. The Mongols subsequently destroyed them, doing damage to Baghdad that the region still hasn't recovered from.
** Also done famously to Khwarezmid a few years earlier. The Mongols sent not one, but TWO diplomatic caravans to Khwarezmid, and in both cases the messengers were either executed or publicly humiliated and sent packing. The Mongol response was to ''erase Khwarezmid from the face of the earth''.
** The Mongols were actually one of the major forces that prompted this to really become as discredited as it became and diplomatic immunity as respected as it did in the Medieval world, since their response was always but *ALWAYS* disproportionate. They also respected the diplomatic immunity of foreign messengers carrying messages to them.
* Vlad III of Wallachia (better known as [[Dracula]]) once recieved some Ottoman emmisaries, who due to their religion, refused to remove their turbans. he made certain they could never take them off; nailing them to their heads.
* Those in the island city of Tyre (no longer an island) threw the messengers of a general who really did not wish to spend resources conquering them (he wanted them to ally with him). this general, being Alexander III of Macedon, didn't take kindly to this.
** Specifically, he laid siege, built a peninsula out to the city, and razed it to the ground.
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