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* Discussed in the ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' [[Fanfic]] ''[[Pony Permutation Project|Twilight Switch]]''. After witnessing Applejack losing a large harvest of apples, Twilight feels guilty about not being able to help and tries to figure out a spell to fix it. Applejack eventually explains that she'd lost the apples due to her own hard-headedness; if Twilight just magicked up a solution, it'd be like a 'get out of stubbornness free' card and she wouldn't have to deal with the consequences of her actions, effectively ruining a hard-learned lesson.
** Thus making it's OWN Broken Aesop --- "don't fix your mistakes."
*** The Aesop would seem to be more "don't let ''other people'' fix your mistakes", which is Broken or not depending on how much and where you apply it. Never letting anyone help you ever even if you wreck yourself in the process, bad. Eating the costs of your own stupidity rather than accepting a bailout from others so that you don't make other people pay for your carelessness, not so bad.
== Films -- Animated ==
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