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** This would have some meaning if the [[Alien Non-Interference Clause|Prime Directive]] wasn't redefined nearly every episode.
** Often, the Federation seems to survive more on supreme acts of heroism than any actual organised strategy. Against technically superior forces like the Borg or the Dominion (early on, before the Federation learned to counter the latter's advantages), this approaches [[Conservation of Ninjitsu]]; elsewhere, it's more a case of [[One Riot, One Ranger]], with single ships scattered through the galaxy. Said ships usually prevail by some fantastically risky tactic, as often as not a brazen bluff or [[Indy Ploy|Making]] [[Applied Phlebotinum|Shit]] [[Indy Ploy|Up On The Spot]], many times [[It Only Works Once|never to be]] [[Forgotten Phlebotinum|done again]]. The lack of effective fleet-level planning may derive from Gene Roddenberry's reported dislike for making Starfleet "[[Mildly Military|too military]]"—feel free to insert any [[Interservice Rivalry|joke about his Air Force background]] you wish.
** This is arguably Federation ''policy''. The Federation faces the same span-of-control problem that old Age of Sail world empires did -- the amount of terrain they're covering is vastly larger than both practical communication speed and travel time for warships. The solution Starfleet uses is the same one historical empires like the British did, notably to give ship captains a vast amount of initiative and leeway to solve problems however they could think of and judge/promote them largely based on ratio of problems solved vs. problems caused and not get too hung up on details of ''how'' they solved them.
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