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Values Dissonance/Real Life: Difference between revisions

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* [[Values Dissonance]] exists within cultures, as members of one subculture disagree with members of others. Naturally the potential for disagreement increases with population size and diversity. Some modern examples from the USA:
** Reactions to gun control varies vastly from state to state and region to region.
*** To understand how radically different this can be between fellow Americans, compare the experience of notably anti-gun New York City with notably pro-gun South Texas. Imagine living in Manhattan, where police are often patrolling, there are a great many people at risk from a stray bullet, and emergency responses are headed by the [[Rule of Cautious Editing Judgment|aggressive]] and quick to react NYPD. Now imagine owning a ranch on the border with Mexico, isolated from your neighbors, with herds of wild animals you must cull in order to prevent damage to your land, a tradition of hunting, [I]narcotraficantes[/i] just on the other side of the border (and often paying visits to your side), and police often taking many minutes to arrive even if they race at maximum speed toward your land. Is it any wonder US opinions are so varied?
** Within the gun community, there is the issue of carry. Among the people who carry, you get two camps. One is strongly in favor of concealed carry and tends to viciously attack open carry. Open carriers tend to wonder about all the concealed carry fuss and say that it is good PR for the second amendment to see ordinary good people with guns.
*** The concealed carry folks tend to be older, having grown up in a time when handguns were seen by most people as being bad things for society. Thus, they don't really want to walk around advertising that they are armed. The folks who support open carry are normally younger.
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