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Strawman Has a Point: Difference between revisions

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* [[Conversational Troping|Conversed]] in a criticism of the [[Straw Feminist]] trope by [[Feminist Frequency]]. Anita Sarkeesian noted that while most such characters are portrayed as being always wrong, many of the actual points they made are perfectly valid, and points out that many of the writers of such characters seem to confuse real feminism with "female supremacy".
** Considering that Sarkeesian is, herself, a female supremacist, her opinion on the matter should probably be taken with a salt mine. [[Take That|And then discarded]].
* The [[wikipedia:Problem of evil#Epicurus|Epicurean trilemma]] is probably a forgery by Christian philosophers who were unhappy with some of his other ideas (like [[Cessation of Existence]] and ataraxia), since it first shows up in anti-Epicurean/anti-Stoic works written under Constantine and doesn't quite fit with the theology of Hellenistic Athens. 1400 years later, Hume felt Epicurus, well, had a point, and "his" presentation of the problem of evil has since been a fixture in works attacking the idea of a single, benevolent God.
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