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** The original personification of /v/ is usually shown as Vivian's father as well.
** Some particularly "safe space"-y cons even banned '[http://dashcon--2015.tumblr.com/post/120153572051/rules-and-regulations-how-to-have-a-safe all “vivian James” cosplay, no matter how subtle]'. How one can reliably tell "subtle" Vivian James cosplay from [[Ben 10|Gwendolyn Tennyson]] cosplay or a natural redhead in a sweater remains a mystery.
* [[Badass]]: Sometimes portrayed as one, often of the [[Action Girl]] variety.
* [[The Bechdel Test]]: Not only do Vivian and pals mock the test, but they even pass it.
* [[The Cameo]]: [[Hulk Hogan]] has gotten a few cameos in Vivian comics as his [[Real Life]] legal battle with Gawker intersected with [[Gamergate]]'s contempt of Gawker and its videogaming vertical Kotaku.
** Other /pol/-aligned [[Anthropomorphic Personifications]] such as [http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/christ-chan Christ-chan]<ref>A personification of Christianity and evangelicalism, not too unlike the medieval Ecclesia.</ref> and [http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/ebola-chan Ebola-chan]<ref>[[Exactly What it Says on the Tin]].</ref> are known to show up, usually whenever /pol/ himself or Erika Polina is in the picture.
* [[Badass]]: Sometimes portrayed as one, often of the [[Action Girl]] variety.
* [[Berserk Button]]: For Vivian, it's anything that slanders gamers, detrimental to gaming and otherwise patronizing to women like her. [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|Also]], [[Scrub|scrubs]] and "filthy [[Casual Video Game|casuals]]."
** She's also this in real life to certain (primarily anti-GG) individuals and groups, who view her as offensive, misogynistic and reactionary.
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* [[Boobs of Steel]]: Both DeepFreeze sisters are usually shown as very well-endowed.
* [[Breakout Character]]: Originally intended for the indie game ''Afterlife Empire'', Vivian has since taken on a life of her own, along a number of other personified characters. To the point that [http://imgur.com/a/GRknl cosplay exists] based on her.
* [[The Cameo]]: [[Hulk Hogan]] has gotten a few cameos in Vivian comics as his [[Real Life]] legal battle with Gawker intersected with [[Gamergate]]'s contempt of Gawker and its videogaming vertical Kotaku.
** Other /pol/-aligned [[Anthropomorphic Personifications]] such as [http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/christ-chan Christ-chan]<ref>A personification of Christianity and evangelicalism, not too unlike the medieval Ecclesia.</ref> and [http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/ebola-chan Ebola-chan]<ref>[[Exactly What it Says on the Tin]].</ref> are known to show up, usually whenever /pol/ himself or Erika Polina is in the picture.
* [[Color Motif]]: Her striped sweater/sweatshirt is green and purple, a partial nod to an old [[4chan]] meme involving ''[[Dragonball Z]]''.
* [[Cool Big Sis]]: Both Danielle and Freya Frost like to see themselves as this. While some gamers and fans tend to see Vivian herself as either this or a daughter.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Vivian's usual manner of speaking tends to be this.
* [[The Ditz]]: Gilda Mars is usually shown as this, being almost perpetually happy and absent-minded. Sometimes overlaps with [[The Pollyanna]].
* [[Enemy Mine]]: Vivian's relationship with Erika is portrayed as either this or [[Vitriolic Best Buds]], owing to the peculiar nature of /pol/.
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* [[Godwin's Law]]: "Uncle" /pol/ and his daughter, Erika Polina, who both look like Nazis in all but name. A nod to /pol/'s irreverent notoriety. Erika herself was originally a parody of Lillian Woods with the [[Unfortunate Implications|unintentionally Aryan elements]] taken [[Up to Eleven]].
* [[Green Eyed Red Head]]: Vivian, with [[Fanon|some speculating]] that she might even be of Irish descent.
* [[Hidden Depths]]: Vivian's usually shown to be rather knowledgeable, despite seemingly disinterested at times on anything not related to playing video games.
* [[Hot Librarian]]: Danielle Frost gives this impression, given her much more modest outfit and intellectual mindset compared to her sister Freya.
* [[Hot Scoop]]/[[Intrepid Reporter]]: The DeepFreeze sisters in general, which is based on the actual DeepFreeze's purpose as a media ethics watchdog.
* [[Hypocrite]]: Lillian is usually shown to be this. Given her tendency to flaunt her supposed moral superiority and sanctimony against Vivian, while proving herself to have much lower standards.
* [[Insult Backfire]]: Lillian Woods was originally created as a Vivian James knock-off by anti-GG to both mock [[Gamergate]] supporters and create a "proper" representation of female gamers. Not only did it ironically result in Lillian looking very much like a [[Unfortunate Implications|veritable Aryan girl, blond hair, blue eyes and all]], but she was ultimately embraced by pro-GG as both Vivian's "rival" and a caricature of anti-GG.
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* [[This Is for Emphasis, Bitch]]: She tends to do this as well.
* [[Tsundere]]: She has some shades of this, compared to her father /v/.
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: Vivian and Lillian on a really good day. Occasionally applies to both "Crazy Uncle /pol/" and Erika Polina as well.
* [[Unkempt Beauty]]: How Vivian is sometimes portrayed, meant to emphasise how beautiful she in spite of her appearance.
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: Vivian and Lillian on a really good day. Occasionally applies to both "Crazy Uncle /pol/" and Erika Polina as well.
* [[When She Smiles]]: Whenever she smiles, and it's one that isn't a sarcastic grin, something significant just happened.
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