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Fate stay night: Difference between revisions

(Actualizing a bit on the adaptations part)
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* [[Spontaneous Weapon Creation]]: Archer can create weapons out of thin air. It's the same for {{spoiler|his past-self Shirou, who can "trace" various historical and mythological swords, creating inferior copies of them to use in battle}}.
* [[Star-Crossed Lovers]] - {{spoiler|Shirou and Saber in the ''Fate'' route}}.
* [[Start of Darkness]]: The backstory suggests that the Holy Grail underwent this around [[World War 2]], though the consequences don't really become apparent until the events of ''[[Fate/Zero]].''
* [[Statistically Speaking]] - [[Averted]]: The stats of the Servants seem to have little, if any, bearing on their actual abilities. Archer is able to hold off Lancer despite being statistically inferior to him in practically every way, and {{spoiler|True Assassin and Gilgamesh}} get defeated by humans they should, by all accounts, outperform several times over. Although, this is due to the circumstances rather than them genuinely being weaker. Indeed, the only stats that ever seem to come into play are Saber's B-rank Luck and Magical Energy, which allow her to withstand Lancer's ''Gae Bolg'' attack, Archer's {{spoiler|Independent Action Rank B}} and Rider's {{spoiler|Eyes of Petrification}}. Of course, when you get down to brass tacks, the stats honestly ARE meaningless- the game is a [[Visual Novel]], not an RPG and the stats are only there to add flavour.
* [[Stay in the Kitchen]]
** Shirou hasseems to ashow problematicthis attitude towards Saber in the ''Fate'' route and the [[Anime]], which has suffered [[Memetic Mutation]]. HeThis in turn leads to him sayssaying some really [[Egregious]] sexist lines and triestrying to do the fighting in Saber's place. Ironically, [[Subverted Trope|Shirou plays with this trope more than he plays it straight]]; his adamant refusal to allow Saber to fight only happens in the route where she's his love interest and it comes after watching her nearly get killed defending him in her first fight with Berserker. In no other route and for no other girl does Shirou use this [[Trope]], and when Saber fights Berserker to a draw in the ''Unlimited Blade Works'' route, Shirou expresses so much faith in her abilities that Saber herself is surprised. In hindsight, it seems less logical that Shirou actually holds this position and more logical that he's trying to invent a reason to keep someone he cares about from getting hurt. It should be noted that Shirou explicitly has a spiritual disorder that causes him to have little to no sense of self and derive any sense of happiness and worth only through helping others. It causes him to put way too much responsibility on himself and refuse to compromise his desire to help everyone. ''Fate'' is the only route where he sees a female lead get horrifically injured so early in and he has a flashback to seeing Saber drenched in blood, barely able to stand and using her sword as a crutch, almost every time she is about to enter a dangerous situation. His initial attitude towards her is pretty blatantly caused by that rather than an actual [[Stay in the Kitchen]] attitude.
*** Amusingly, Shirou also inverts this trope's name; he happens to be [[Supreme Chef|a fantastic chef]], and occasionally can be heard telling Rin and Sakura to get out of the kitchen for various reasons.
** The one character who confirmably has traditionalist views on gender roles is Issei.
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** In the ''Heaven's Feel'' route, "Light and Darkness" (''Hikari to Yami'') plays during the last battle, between {{spoiler|Shirou and Kotomine}}. Or rather, ''half'' of the song plays at first, giving a tense techno beat while {{spoiler|Shirou's getting his ass kicked. It's only when [[My Name Is Inigo Montoya|he reflects on]] [[The Power of Love|Sakura]] [[My Name Is Inigo Montoya|and pulls off a frenzied counterattack]] that the second half of the song plays}}.
* [[There Can Be Only One]] - The very concept of the Grail War. {{spoiler|At least, that is what they want you to think, even if the actual goal of the Grail War is still something really different.}}
* [[Those Wacky Nazis]]: They pop up in the backstory as the Nazis sent in their [[Ghostapo|own "representatives"]] to the Holy Grail War at one point. Justified in that said war took place around the same time as [[World War 2]] {{spoiler|and that the ensuing bloodbath might have played a role in the Holy Grail's [[Start of Darkness]].}}
* [[Talking Is a Free Action]] - In two forms:
** [[Talking Is a Free Action]]: mostly [[Averted]], but spell-casting is pretty much done at the speed of plot. The notable exception is Caster who has an unfair [[Justified]] advantage, but sometimes the characters can even cast complex spells in less time than it takes for an already incoming blow to land.
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* [[Xanatos Speed Chess]]
** Archer's plan in ''Unlimited Blade Works''. {{spoiler|His repeated gambits to kill Shirou and set up either himself and Rin or a Rin/Saber team as the winners of the Grail War by playing Caster, Kotomine and the protagonists against each other are truly inspired}}.
** Kotomine has a pretty good one in ''Heavens Feel''. [[{{spoiler:Start with sending Lancer to figure out who everyone is, where they are and how strong, as he did in the two other routes. Crap, after roflstomping True Assassin he got his heart pulled out and eaten. Ok, uh, well we still have Gilgamesh, and he's pissed about the serial killings going on. Damnit, he got eaten too. Fine, we'll set up Sakura, the monster eating everyone to turn into the gate and destroy the world. Uh oh, the Core of the Grail just got hijacked, time to team up with Shirou to recover it. Oops, True Assassin came after him and humans can't kill Servants with the tools he has. Guess we'll destroy Zouken's body, using my fake heart as a decoy and then drive off Assassin. Woops, my heart was beating due to Angra's energy and Sakura crushes the connection.I am running out of time, since my heart relied on Angra's mud to keep on beating. And, breaking the narration, he still makes it to the end of the path and still nearly unleashes a plan that is in fact much worse than the scale of what he was trying in the first two routes. Plus, Shirou's ideology has been neatly discarded, and Kotomine really hated it]]}}.
* [[Yandere]] - Ilya just loves Shiro to death. {{spoiler|She even kills him, [[And I Must Scream|or near]], in some [[Bad End|bad ends]].}}
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]] - Many characters are like this. Surprisingly pointed out in Sakura's case, {{spoiler|but that's for a good reason}}. See the Characters Pages for more informations.
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