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Oh Crap/Western Animation: Difference between revisions

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** Also, from "Hereafter":
{{quote|'''Kalibak:''' I just flattened Wonder Woman! You really think you can beat me?
'''Batman:''' [[My Defense Need Not Protect Me Forever|I'm not trying]] to ''beat'' you. I'm trying to ''stall'' you.<br />
'''Kalibak:''' Stall me? For what? ''(turns to see Superman behind him)'' Aw-- ''(punched in the face)'' }}
** At the very end of "Secret Society", we are treated to a gorilla's [[Oh Crap]] face after Grodd attempts to use his psychic attack on Superman, who manages to resist enough to [[Finger-Poke of Doom|flick Grodd in the nose, sending him flying]]. A little earlier, Shade had one on as Superman, in the blink of an eye, interposed between his fist and Batman.
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** From the JLU episode ''Grudge Match''. Hawkgirl, Vixen, Black Canary and Huntress, four of the toughest women in the League, have just shrugged off the mind control forcing them to fight each other. They stand ready to face the villain...who brings out a mind-controlled [[Wonder Woman]]. Four to one odds and they're still in big trouble.
{{quote|'''Vixen:''' Anyone got a plan?
'''Hawkgirl:''' Yeah. [[Try Not to Die|Try to stay alive]].<br />
'''Huntress:''' Anybody got a ''good'' plan? }}
** This one takes most of the episode "Far From Home" to set up. Supergirl, Green Arrow, and Green Lantern are abducted to the 31th Century by Brainiac 5, who is nearly clobbered by Supergirl before he can explain that he's a ''good'' guy, unlike that OTHER Brainiac. The two eventually hit it off. <br /><br />In the last scene, GA and GL are back in the present, and show Superman a farewell video from Supergirl: she's staying in the future because it's more like her lost home, and "Also, I met this guy...." It's a heartwarming moment as Superman realizes that although this is the best for her, he may never see his young cousin again.<br /><br />Then, smirking a little, he turns to the heroes:
{{quote|'''Superman:''' So this boy she likes -- does he have a name?
'''Green Lantern and Green Arrow''': ([[Crowning Moment of Funny|Priceless facial expression, then fade to black]].) }}
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