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* [[Color Motif]]: Her striped sweater/sweatshirt is green and purple, a partial nod to an old [[4chan]] meme involving ''[[Dragonball Z]]''.
* [[Cool Big Sis]]: Both Danielle and Freya Frost like to see themselves as this. While some gamers and fans tend to see Vivian herself as either this or a daughter.
** Ellie Tess James, an ardent defender of comics and hater of censorship, is this for Vivian. Especially given how she's inspired by [http://imgur.com/a/ZLetN Connie Brooks], the.<ref>The [[Mascot]] for the [http://cbldf.org Comic Book Legal Defence Fund].</ref>
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Vivian's usual manner of speaking tends to be this.
* [[The Ditz]]: Gilda Mars is usually shown as this, being almost perpetually happy and absent-minded. Sometimes overlaps with [[The Pollyanna]].
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* [[Godwin's Law]]: "Uncle" /pol/ and his daughter, Erika Polina, who both look like Nazis in all but name. A nod to /pol/'s irreverent notoriety. Erika herself was originally a parody of Lillian Woods with the [[Unfortunate Implications|unintentionally Aryan elements]] taken [[Up to Eleven]].
* [[Green Eyed Red Head]]: Vivian, with [[Fanon|some speculating]] that she might even be of Irish descent.
* [[Hidden Depths]]:
* [[Hidden Depths]]:* Vivian's usually shown to be rather knowledgeable, despite seemingly disinterested at times on anything not related to playing video games.
** Gilda Mars, despite her ditziness and [[The Pollyanna|Pollyanna tendencies]], isn't afraid to speak her mind or use her upvote/downvote judgements when push comes to shove.
* [[Hilarious in Hindsight]]: Some like to point out in jest how [http://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1088856-vivian-james not even] ''[[The Wizard]]'' was spared from Vivian's influence. Though this also partially serves as a [[Take That]] to attempts by some to blame certain historical events on [[Gamergate]].
* [[Hot Librarian]]: Danielle Frost gives this impression, given her much more modest outfit and intellectual mindset compared to her sister Freya.
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* [[One of the Boys]]: How Vivian tends to be depicted, though she doesn't really care either way about how boyish or feminine she is.
* [[Perpetual Frowner]]: Her default appearance has her frowning, either out of apathy, intense concentration, or annoyance.
* [[Political Correctness Gone Mad]]: Vivian was created in part as a response to this. Which also shows in how she speaks and generally conducts herself.
* [[The Pollyanna]]: Gilda Mars tends to show signs of this, her obliviousness at times reflecting the disconnect between [[Reddit]]'s users and its mods as well as the ones running the site itself.
* [[Punny Name]]: Vivian James is a play on "Video Games." While Lillian Woods is a play on the term "Literally Who."
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