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== Comic Books ==
* It's not unknown for a flashback or 'never before told' story to be [[Retraux Flashback|drawn in the style of a certain time period]]. An excellent example is ''The Age of the Sentry'' miniseries, whose titular hero was supposedly Marvel's [[Superman]] [[Expy]] in the 1960s, but was forgotten by all of humanity until his "return" in 2000. The flashback scenes are drawn to resemble 1960s [[Jack Kirby]] and 1980s [[Frank Miller]]. The front cover even has a fake "Approved by the [[Comics Code|Cosmic Code]] Authority" logo.
* [[Iron Man]] and [[Doctor Doom]] once travelled back in time to a New York City circa the Silver Age (thirty years earlier in real time, perhaps ten or twelve in terms of Earth-616 chronology). The art was drawn and colored to resemble the comic book art of that period.
* [[Alan Moore]]'s ''[[Nineteen Sixty Three|1963]]'' looks and reads like a classic Marvel comic (complete with Moore spouting fake [[Stan Lee]] style hyperbole and including fake '60s-style ads).
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* As [[Deadpool]] features a lot of both meta-commentary and time travel, this tends to come up in his book. The best example is when he gets set into the past to ''Amazing Spiderman'' #47, and infiltrates himself into the story, ''[[Forrest Gump]]'' style.<ref>''Deadpool'' #11</ref> All the panels and dialogue are drawn in John Romita's style, and all the characters (except Deadpool and friends) talk like Stan Lee wrote them (indeed, enough panels are lifted from the original work that Romita and Lee are credited as co-authors.) Seeing the modern [[Meta Guy]] Deadpool interact with the comics-code Spiderman story is a [[Crowning Moment of Funny]].
** In case you're wondering why specifically Spider-Man, it's because Deadpool's costume bears no small resemblance to that of the ol' Webhead, meaning it was a snap to redraw Spidey as 'Pool.
** The ''Flashbacks'' issues are all about this, as they all involve Deadpool in various eras of Marvel history and drawn in the styles of the authors being parodied, be it emulating the styles of [[Jack Kirby]] or [[Rob Liefeld]]. The only constant amidst the varying [[Art Shift]]s being Deadpool's modern-day speech bubbles.
* John Byrne's untitled story from ''[[Batman Black And White]]'': Volume Two'' is drawn in the style of a [[Golden Age]] [[Batman]] comic and is written accordingly as well, with Batman and Robin smiling throughout the entire story, delivering wisecracks, and besting the villains via a clever scheme.
** ''Batman Black & White: Volume Three'' has the story "Urban Renewal"; it features some nostalgic flashbacks by characters to the "old days", and the flashbacks are drawn in the [[Golden Age]] style as opposed to the more realistic present-day scenes.
* One sequence in ''[[The Incredible Hercules]]'' features Herc hallucinating that he's reliving previous adventures due to being poisoned. When action is presented from his view, the comic suddenly appears to shift to a seventies artstyle and coloring. They even pan from Black Widow's modern look to her look from when she was on the Defenders with Hercules to emphasize it.
== Film - Animated ==
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