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** On the Nerdist podcast, Matt Smith praised the format for not being bound by "logic, time, space, or genre."
* [[Genre Savvy]]:
** After various aliens make a mess of London each Christmas for two years in a row, in "Voyage of the Damned", people keep away from shopping in central London the following Christmas Eve.
** River Song is remarkably genre-savvy, to the point where on at least one occasion she made the very remark the audience was thinking at the time.
** River may well have gotten her genre-savviness from Rory Williams, who displays a lot more caution than most companions for this very reason (and almost immediately understood how the TARDIS could be [[Bigger on the Inside]], much to the Doctor's annoyance).
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(cut to Rose and the Doctor)
'''Rose:''' Bit rich, coming from you.}}
** Amy and Rory's outfits in "[[Doctor Who/Recap/2010 CS A Christmas Carol|A Christmas Carol]]".
** This particularly dodgy exchange in "The Doctor Dances".
{{quote|'''Jack:''' Who looks at a screwdriver and thinks, 'ooh, this could be a little more sonic'?
'''Doctor:''' What? You never been bored? Never had a long night?}}
** In the 2005 episode "Dalek", the use by the character Henry Van Statten of the term "spooning", in a sexual context, raised a mini firestorm of controversy with viewing watchdog groups who apparently were so outraged at such a thing they missed van Statten uttering the curse word "goddamn" in the same episode - the first and to date only time such a strong word has ever been used on ''Doctor Who'' which, remember, airs at teatime on a Saturday.
** Series 6's opener "The Impossible Astronaut" had this exchange...
{{quote|'''Doctor:''' Shout if you get in trouble.
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** In "The Shakespeare Code", the victim in the teaser that was eaten by the Carrionites clearly wanted to get into bed with Lilith.
* [[Ghost City]]: Several examples, notably the Exxilon city in ''Death to the Daleks'' and the seemingly-abandoned Dalek city in ''The Daleks''.
* [[Ghost Planet]]: "Planet of the Dead", ''The Daleks'', "Silence in the Library".
* [[God-Emperor]]: A favorite position of Dalek leaders, being used by both the Emperor of the Dalek and even more so by Davros.
* [[A God Am I]]:
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** {{spoiler|The Time Lords}} in ''The End of Time''.
** The Dalek Emperor.
** In ''The Armageddon Factor'', The Doctor makes a point out of how easily this could happen by having the Key to Time.
* [[God Save Us From the Queen]]: ''The Pirate Planet'' and ''The Happiness Patrol''.
* [[Go Mad From the Revelation]]: What happens to some Time Lord when they are Initiated.
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* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: Extremely, extremely common. A couple of the Doctors have done it too.
* [[He Who Fights Monsters]]: Rather, He Who Outsmarts Monsters After The Mundanes Fail Miserably At [[Five Rounds Rapid]]. Hell, the Doctor has been asked ''twice'' if he's scared of monsters, and always replies, "No. [[Badass Boast|They're scared of me.]]"
* [["Hey You!" Haymaker]]: Used by the Brigadier in "''The Five Doctors"'', when he taps the Master holding the Doctors at weapon point and slugs him, saying "Nice to see you again"."
* [[Hidden in Plain Sight]]: The TARDIS, plus many times when characters barely conceal themselves in an alcove or behind a pillar until the monsters pass by (all monsters have limited peripheral vision). Known by some as a "quantum hide.".
** The first Question.
* [[The Highwayman]]
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* [[Home, Sweet Home]]: The Doctor never evinces this, but it causes some companions to leave.
* [[Hopeless War]]: {{spoiler|The Last Great Time War ended up as one of these. Countless soldiers were being killed and revived in time loops, the crossfire was spawning cosmic horrors by the truckload, and the Time Lords were so desperate to survive they brought back Rassilon, whose victory plan amounted to destroying the rest of the universe so they could become beings of pure thought. The Doctor had to wipe out both sides rather than let either of them "win"}}.
* [[How's Your British Accent?|How's Your Scottish Accent]]: [[David Tennant]] as the Tenth Doctor "faking" a Scottish accent in "Tooth and Claw.".
* [[Human Alien]]: Excepting some physiological differences that aren't readily apparent (the two hearts thing, etc.), Gallifreyans are indistinguishable from humans, at least on the outside.
{{quote|'''Christina:''' You look human.
'''Tenth Doctor:''' You look Time Lord.}}
{{quote|'''Amy:''' You look human.
'''Eleventh Doctor:''' No, ''you'' look Time Lord. We came first.}}
** The companions Adric, Nyssa, Turlough and Astrid are neither humans nor Time Lords, but are physically indistiguishableindistinguishable from either.
** Countless other alien species from the Thals to the race of Appalapucia are physically identical to humans.
* [[Humanity Is Infectious]]
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** [[Humans Are Good]]: However, this is also inverted just as often if not more.
* [[Humans Are Morons]]:
** In the first season, there comes a moment when the Doctor wonders why he likes humans so much, seeing as we have "such limited brains.".
** His later incarnations seem to have pretty much the same thought. Indeed, when he's not going on about the marvelousness of humanity (a particular feature of the Tenth Doctor), he's ranting about how stupid/blind/ignorant they are. Sometimes in the same episode.
** In "The Impossible Planet", the Tenth gave a passion-filled mini-speech about how marvelous humans were. With his next breath he talked about how stupid they were.
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* [[Insistent Terminology]]: Steven Taylor, one of the First Doctor's Companions, would often call him "Doc". The Doctor would demand that Steven call him by his proper name.
* [[Instant Web Hit]]: The Doctor Who Cast and Crew's music video for [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3s4Czla6tXc I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)]. It was released on October 30th, and the Tumblr Doctor Who fandom promptly exploded.
** Also, David Tennant and Catherine Tate's [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giaMRyn47Xg The Ballad of Russell and Julie].
* [[Interdimensional Travel Device]]
* [[The Internet Is for Porn]]:
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* [[Ironic Echo]]:
** In "Planet of the Dead", the Doctor and Malcolm Taylor each say "He hung up on me." and "Not now, I'm busy!" at different points.
** A slightly harder to spot one is the Doctor saying 'Funny? No? Little bit?' in ''The End of Time'' partPart 1One. The Master says exactly the same thing in "The Sound of Drums", a full series beforehand.
** Blink and you miss it, but in "Doomsday", when Pete Tyler tells the Doctor "That's your problem", it does sound awfully familiar...
** In ''Warriors' Gate'', "the weak enslave themselves".
* [[It Got Worse]]:
** The end of "Army of Ghosts". And most of "Turn Left". ''Hoo'' boy...
** The end of "The Pandorica Opens.". Basically, {{spoiler|Rory has killed Amy and the TARDIS explodes with River inside, erasing the universe from existence, whilst the Doctor is being locked inside the greatest prison ever constructed by all of his enemies}}. It really doesn't get much worse than that, honestly.
* [[I Would Say If I Could Say]]
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