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* ''[[The Brady Bunch]]'''s [[Cousin Oliver]]. Nuff said.
* Skyler on ''[[Breaking Bad]]''. In a show filled with murderers, drug dealers, corrupt cops and lawyers. Her [[Moral Event Horizon]] is taking up smoking again, whilst pregnant. Even before that it was pretty obvious all she cared about was herself.
* With Dawn from ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'', the writers insisted on sticking her into various spin offs that take place before season 5 despite the fact that she didn't exist yet in-canon. Admittedly, since Dawn's creation in-setting was part of a big ball of wibbley-wobbley timey-wimey stuff, its possible that she retroactively existed in earlier years. Dawn's Scrappy status is also a bit of a [[Broken Base]], as while a strong plurality of fandom considers her this an equally strong plurality is adamant that she is [[The Woobie]].
** Willow's new girlfriend Kennedy is this, and not just because of her replacing [[Ensemble Darkhorse|Tara,]] although introducing a new love interest for Willow so soon after her death was questionable. Not only did she seem a major case of [[Token Minority Couple|tokenism]] - there ''had'' to be another lesbian on the show - but she came across as bratty, egotistical, selfish (she lied to get Willow to date her, never behaved sensitively re: the Tara issue, [[Shallow Love Interest|talked about nothing other than herself and being gay]], etc), and indirectly caused the suicide of one of the Potentials with her [[Drill Sergeant Nasty]] act (It was the [[Big Bad|First Evil]] that actually caused it, but Kennedy at least scores an assist). In the Season 8 comics, the writers finally wised up and had Willow break up with her as she just wasn't over Tara.
** Riley receives a good deal of hate from ''Buffy'' fans, whether they belong to the BuffyxAngel or BuffyxSpike camps. It's not too surprising - Riley was introduced during a season considered to be one of the show's weakest, never had much of an identity established and was an integral part of the loathed Initiative.
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