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Die for Our Ship/Live-Action TV: Difference between revisions

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**** It could have been not buying a chemistry thing. A lot of fans point out that Fred\Willow had more chemistry together in one episode then Kennedy\Willow in the whole of season seven.
** Oddly enough, while I'm not sure if I just have looked hard enough or if I'm right, it seems that [[Les Yay|Fuffy]] shippers seem to not really hate on any of Buffy's canon love interests (except for the occasional Riley hate and even that's rare). Then again, a fairly large number seem to take place in Seasons 3, 4 or 6.
*** There's also that until you get well into the post-series comics, Buffy has no canon female love interests. So nobody ''needs'' to die for the ship for Buffy and Faith to hook up earlier, you just need to advance the timetable on Buffy's realizing that she wants to try batting for the other team.
* On ''[[Angel]]'', Kate got a lot of hate, just for being a ''possible'' romantic interest for Angel. It never became actual.
** Also, there was hate on all sides of the Fred/Gunn vs Fred/Wes pairings, hate for Cordelia from the Angel/Buffy shippers, and hate for Buffy from the Angel/Cordelia shippers.
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