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The slave who became a soldier who became a spook who became the most important figure in the known universe.
* [[The Ace]] - Pretty much everyone sees Sten as this... except Sten himself, who is on a good day willing to concede that he's ''maybe'' not a total incompetent. Of course, Sten's made an entire career out of killing more powerful men than him by taking advantage of their overconfidence so its understandable he's made a habit of always being his own worst critic. See also [[The Mario]] below.
* [[The Ace]]
* [[Badass]]
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]
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* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]
* [[The Hero]]
* [[The Mario]] - Sten is not the best marksman on his team (Cind is), nor the best close-quarters combatant (Alex is), nor the best tactician or strategist, nor the best intelligence analyst... in point of fact he's not the best at anything. Regardless of military or spook specialty, at least one member of his supporting cast edges him out on it. However, Sten is second-best at so many different things that it all adds up to him being super-adaptable and nigh-unstoppable in any conflict unless the enemy is capable of ''totally'' controlling the battlespace and forcing Sten to engage only on the enemy's terms. Even then he usually improvises a way out.
* [[Hot Amazon]]: With one exception, ''All'' of Sten's love interests above the 'one-night stand' level are this. And that one exception (Princess Sofia) barely lasts long enough to avoid being called a fling, and his involvement with her was partly driven by political considerations in the first place.
** In fact, Sten reflects that his hooking up with Lt. Haines (one of the aforementioned Amazons) was at least partly driven by the fact that he was desperate enough to ask out ''any'' woman he knew to avoid being partnered up with Sofia as her escort at a diplomatic reception (she was seeking to renew their old relationship, he strongly disagreed precisely because he'd so strongly gone off of princess types), and Haines was not only nearest to hand but also the toughest woman he then knew at the time.
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Laird Kilgour of Kilgour, called Sten's "personal thug" by the Emperor. A Scottish aristocrat who joined the Emperor's service like his brothers. Unlike his brothers, he didn't die. He also joined Mercury Corps, became a Mantis operative, and Sten's right-hand man.
* [[Cultured Badass]] - Although he prefere to affect the ''persona'' of a drunken Scottish bruiser, Laird Kilgour of Kilgour is from an aristocratic line dating back centuries, incredibly wealthy, a patron of fine arts, and in fact lives a higher and more cultured lifestyle than his boss does.
* [[Cultured Badass]]
* [[Curb Stomp Battle]] - This is the fate of pretty much everyone Alex Kilgour has ever gotten a solid grip on. He's essentially a superhuman in a world full of normals. Even Sten has given up trying to beat Alex in sparring sessions with anything short of electrocution.
* [[The Lancer]]
* [[The Lancer]] - Sten's loyal right hand to outright Holmes and Watson levels, Alex has gone from simply being one of the NCOs on Sten's tactical team to changing service branches several times simply to be assigned where his friend is, and following him through multiple revolutions and acts of high treason. During the final rebellion Poyndex considers a confirmed Alex Kilgour sighting to be proof positive that Sten must have survived his apparent death as well, because there's simply no way Alex would have abandoned his partner to die.
* [[Heavyworlder]]
* [[Heavyworlder]] - Alex's home planet of Edinburg is over 3 G's.
* [[Stuff Blowing Up]]: He's a demolitions expert.
* [[Implacable Man]] -- Alex Kilgour is one of the heavyweight champions from a planet full of extreme heavyworlders, and has never been defeated in hand-to-hand combat in the course of the series. The only scenes where he's been successfully captured involved either him surrendering due to external considerations or him being knocked out from a nearby spaceship bombardment. He's kept going even when shot, stabbed, and blasted through walls. An entire species of giant Space Viking wookiee expies considers him to be their physical equal. Short of blowing him to tiny pieces there's essentially no stopping him.
* [[Stuff Blowing Up]]: He's a demolitions expert. Of the 'Could make an improvised nuke out of commonly available parts, or disarm one while under fire from multiple automatic weapons' variety.
* [[Violent Glaswegian]]
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A stone-cold gorgeous female soldier with a talent for the "long-arm." Descended from the defunct warrior caste of the Jannisars, she runs away from home to become one of the few humans in the Bhor-run military. Completely and totally in love with Sten.
* [[Action Girl]]: Oh dear ''God'' yes. By her early 20s she was matching the performance level of Sten and Alex, who not only had decades more combat experience than her but Mantis Section training that she'd never gotten access to. She was operations chief of the Bhor military before she was 30. ''Elected by acclamation''.
* [[All Amazons Want Hercules]]: The main reason for Cind's initial interest in Sten was that he was the greatest warrior she'd ever seen or heard of.
* [[Friendly Sniper]]
* [[Boobs of Steel]]: "Hey, they float!"
* [[ImpropableImprobable Aiming Skills]]: To a level that makes the rest of the cast, the ''least'' skilled of whom would be considered a master sniper in real life, look positively sloppy. Cind does things like 'use her first shot to blow a small crack in a brick wall, then put several more bullets ''through the crack'' to pin down her target with suppressive fire, then shoot the target around a corner once its stationary' as routinely as other people hit paper targets at fifty feet. Even with the around-the-corner shot being made possible by an ultra-tech homing rifle, that's still sorta ridiculous.
* [[Jail Bait Wait]]: Cind first shows up as a cameo in book 6, when Sten is at a diplomatic reception on the Bhor homeworld being held in his honor when she's just starting as a military cadet and is only about sixteen or seventeen. Lost in the throes of schoolgirl crush she all but serves herself up to the dashing visiting dignitary and war hero on a silver platter, and Sten politely turns her down and then flees for his life. One book and several years later she reappears as a solidly established young woman and veteran military officer, and ''this'' time Sten is more than happy to reciprocate her interest.
* [[Last Girl Wins]]
* [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]]: Interestingly, she more or less abandoned the culture of one [[Proud Warrior Race]] (the Jannisars, which Sten broke in half) to join up with another, the cheerful, hairy alien Bhor. (See Otho below).
** She did that for one of the most traditional Proud Warrior Race reasons possible -- the Bhor (led by Sten) had soundly defeated the Jannisars in war, so of course they're a more worthy culture to learn from.
* [[Real Women Never Wear Dresses]]: As preparation for her initial seduction attempt on Sten, Cind spent six months' salary on an expensive ''haute couture'' dress and had herself extensively made up and perfumed... and then ditched the dress and scrubbed it all off in the shower, because she simply couldn't take herself seriously in that getup. When she makes her pass at Sten she's in her cadet uniform and her only cosmetic preparation was washing her hair. Sten being Sten, this comes far closer to working than anything else she could have tried.
** Then subverted during her second attempt on Sten, years later, where one of the things that catches his eye is that she's not only very comfortable wearing a cocktail dress but has deliberately spent time learning how to make that fashion ''work'' for her.
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* [[The Big Guy]]
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: For a guy who's basically [[Brian Blessed|BRIAN BLESSED]] crossed with a polar bear and a Wookiee, Otho is far, far sharper than he lets on. To the point that very few people who meet him even begin to dream that this loud, drunken, alien bruiser was twice elected head of state of the Bhor and is perhaps their finest general.
* [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]]
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* [[Emperor Scientist]]: A skillful engineer
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]]: Pseudonyms aside, he is the Emperor. That's it.
** In the last book we finally find out his birth name: Kea Richards. However, the last person who actually used it died millenia ago.
* [[God-Emperor]]: His immortality has lead some groups, such as the Cult of the Emperor, to worship him as a god
* [[Resurrective Immortality]]
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