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** Over the course of his run on [[YouTube]], he's become one to social justice warriors, radical feminists, activists and ideologues.
** Among media groups, he's not particularly fond of [[The Young Turks]].
** He's [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ley3Osxia4w increasingly come to see] the likes of Black Lives Matter as this as well, viewing them as [[Not So Different]] from ISIS or recognisably racist organizations like the KKK.
* [[Archive Panic]]: His videos generally tend to be long. This is ''especially'' true for his recorded livestreams, which can last for several hours.
* [[Author Avatar]]: In most of his videos, he uses a picture of the actual Sargon of Akkad's head as an avatar. As of 2016, this has varied somewhat to showing myriad versions of the historical figure.
* [[Author Tract]]: Given some of the topics and political issues that he tackles, some of his videos can come across as this. On the other hand, he's still willing to converse, debate and even concede certain points.
* [[Badass Beard]]: His actual appearance, which makes him look like a cross between [[Game of Thrones|Robert Baratheon]] and the ''[[Celebrity Resemblance|historical]]'' [[wikipedia:Sargon of Akkad|Sargon of Akkad]].
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* [[Political Correctness Gone Mad]]: Sargon has no love for it. Over time, it's also contributed to his growing disdain for what's been called the "Regressive" and "Illiberal" Left.
* [[Precision F-Strike]]: He doesn't swear a lot, but his cursing is timed ''very'' appropriately.
* [[Insult Backfire]]: The slander and attempts to discredit if not outright censor him have not only backfired. But Sargon even put some of said slander in his [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6qPfIKrruU trailer video] for the channel. In addition a recentDecember 2015 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezOb9Ii-wM4 WatchMojo Top 10 video] on the most controversial [[YouTube]] channels, which included him, has done little more than elicit the [[Streisand Effect]] and a sarcastic comment on said video from Sargon himself.
* [[The Reason You Suck Speech]]: So far, he's delivered his share of these to feminism, SJWs, racists and the "Regressive" Left.
* [[Trope Namer]]: He's attributed with codifying [https://twitter.com/sargon_of_akkad/status/589259841832640512 Sargon's Law]. An internet principle that states how whenever an ideologue (usually a SJW) makes a character judgement about someone they are debating with, [[Hypocrite|that character judgement is usually true about themselves]].
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