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Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Headscratchers/Season 7: Difference between revisions

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*** Yes. Look at the previous seasons, especially 3-5, and how does Buffy handle the Big Bad? She talked to the Scoobies, listens to their input and advice, and with their help, develops a plan that utilizes each members individuals talents and strengths. Glory in season 5 is a perfect example. Each member contributed to the the final battle. Willow's magical talent and her her technological skills, Anya's suggestion of the Dagon's Sphere and Olaf's hammer, Xander with a wrecking ball and his idea of using the Buffybot. It resulted in a very efficient and impressive battle that took out Glory rather quickly. Seasons 3 & 4 showed Buffy displaying a similar level of strategic thinking and skill. That all disappeared in season 7, during which Buffy acted as a dictator, expecting everyone to immediately fall in line and do what she said without complaint, and she refused to listen or take input. Hence leading to one disaster after another. The final idea, to utilize Willow's magic to activate all the Slayers, came only after her exile and return. She had been humbled, her ego deflated, and again started listening to her friends and as before. As before, victory only came because she worked with other people and formulated an idea that, again, best utilized their individual talents. That was the whole point. She had to get rid of her ego, her feelings of superiority, in order to defeat the First.
**** Yes indeed, look at the previous seasons. There's a reason that this season is listed under [[Seasonal Rot]] on the main page, and [[Character Derailment]] is a big part of it.
* It's mentioned above but deserves underlining; the team did not 'throw her out', the team insisted that 'Buffy no longer be in charge'. This is something they have every right to do; the Scooby Gang is a volunteer militia, not the US military, and that means they get to elect who the boss of them is. ''Buffy'' is the one who then laid out the ultimatum - 'Either accept me as the leader and shut up, or else I walk on out of here'. The only thing the group intended was to make Buffy #2 and Faith #1 instead of vice-versa, ''Buffy herself'' is the one who escalated the stakes of the conflict up to "Buffy has to leave".
== Where Did the Magic Box Go? ==
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