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* [[Anachronism Stew]]: While the mod is set around [[The Renaissance]], there are a variety of elements present from considerably earlier periods of history, such as the continuing presence of Norse paganism and a Mongol Invasion analogue.
* [[Boss in Mook Clothing]]: If you're unlucky, especially early on, you might be targeted by deserters, Cathars and Norse-inspired Sea Pirates, who are ''much'' more powerful and heavily armed than the usual looters or bandits.
* [[Early Game Hell]]: Although the mod is harder in general, it's considerably more difficult in the early game. Especially if you're unlucky to stumble upon [[Boss in Mook Clothing|heavily armored Cathars]].
* [[Expanded Universe]]: ''Nova Aetas'' expands significantly on the world and Calradia's backstory.
* [[Fantasy Counterpart Culture]]: In addition to the "native" Calradia factions, the new ones introduced also have real world analogues in general:
** The Kingdom of Noregr, which broke away from the original Nords, is basically Medieval Norway albeit following Norse paganism.
** The Acztaoc Empire areis a melange of [[MayaincatecMayincatec]] influences, though primarily Aztec in inspiration.
** The Merchant Republic of Zendar is blatantly Venice with a dash of Age of Exploration-era Portugal.
** The Agonic Order are very much based on [[The Teutonic Knights]], their Germanic most influence evident in their armor, ranks and names.
** The Turguhn Horde are an amalgam of various periods of the Mongol khanates.
** The Papal State, like its real life inspiration, is the center of the Catholic faith in Calradia, complete with a Pope and being based in the former heart of an empire.
** The Mithradian Empire is essentially the [[The Byzantine Empire]], though it still follows Roman-era Mithraism.
** The mod also highlights the [[Ancient Grome]] inspirations of the long-fallen Calradian Empire. As it's possible to recreate it however, retaining its blatantly Roman elements with some Renaissance touches.
* [[Fantasy Gun Control]]: Averted, especially over time. Guns and ammo are initially hard to come by. But eventually, muskets and pistol start contesting bows and crossbows on the battlefield.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: [[Altum Videtur|The title is Latin]] for "New Era."
* [[Obvious Beta]]: The mod is still a work in progress, with a number of bugs left to iron out.
* [[Start My Own]]: In addition to starting your own kingdom/republic, it's also possible to set up your own colony on the New World, whether on behalf of the other factions or for yourself.
* [[Take a Third Option]]: With the introduction of republics like Zendar, you could establish one yourself, though some of your companions may not be happy with having no noble titles.
* [[Time Skip]]: The mod starts off over a hundred years after the "vanilla" game.
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