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Nova Aetas: Difference between revisions

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** Zendar was mentioned in "vanilla" as being a once great city brought to ruin. By ''Nova Aetas'', it's not only since been repopulated by [[Intrepid Merchant]]s, but is a functioning independent city-state.
** Uxkhal meanwhile was destroyed during a war between the Kingdom of Rhodoks and Kingdom of Swadia not long after the "vanilla" era. The ruins however can still be explored, close to a new Swadian city.
* [[Defector From Decadence]]: The Kingdom of Noregr seems to consider itself as this, declaring independence from the Nordic Union (aka, the Nords of "vanilla") over religion among other things.
* [[Deliberate Values Dissonance]]: Even more emphasized here, whether in general or among the various factions.
* [[Early Game Hell]]: Although the mod is harder in general, it's considerably more difficult in the early game. Especially if you're unlucky to stumble upon [[Boss in Mook Clothing|heavily armored Cathars]].
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* [[Game Mod]]: A rather extensive one for ''Warband''.
* [[Intrepid Merchant]]: The ones who rebuilt Zendar. Also you potentially, if you're wealthy and influential enough to deal with the various guilds.
* [[Lower Deck Episode]]: Of sorts. You can choose to enlist in a faction's military, which has you start off as a recruit just like the soldiers fighting and dying in ''your'' party. It's also possible to rise up the ranks should you stay around for long enough.
* [[Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane]]: The relics that can be found or purchased, which range from sacred crosses to ''Mjonir,'' arguably count as this.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: [[Altum Videtur|The title is Latin]] for "New Era."
* [[Medieval European Fantasy]]: Subverted and ultimately averted as time passes.
* [[Multinational Team]]: Like in "vanilla," you can recruit soldiers from the various factions into your party/army. However, soldiers hailing from religions or realms hostile to one another don't tend to work well, which would make managing morale harder.
* [[NGO Superpower]]: The Agonic Order starts off with little more than a network of beacons and castles, answering to no one but the Pope. But at the same time, they're on the cusp of following down the same path as [[The Teutonic Knights]] in real life and thus can potentially become an actual state.
* [[Obvious Beta]]: The mod is still a work in progress, with a number of bugs left to iron out.
* [[Random Event]]: Such instances can sometimes happen to your character, which can result in bonuses (like beneficial traits or more renown) or penalties.
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