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Partially Kissed Hero: Difference between revisions

(added trope)
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** For that matter, precisely because vampires are not living beings and have no metabolism to damage, they could simply use ''disenfectants'' internally if they wanted.
* [[Author Appeal]]: All of the women are easily won over with really shiny things, immortality, eternal beauty and/or power. For all that they don't mind being forced into anything and happily accept Harry as their Dark-Er, I mean, ''[[Newspeak|Light Lord'']] and master.
** This seems to be a theme for PL. His earlier fic ''[[Chunin Exam Day]]'' had essentially the exact same things used for wooing women, just flip 'really shiny things' with 'really great massages, hand-made clothes, and really good food'. Come to think of it, at least those things are a bit more believable as reasons to fall in love.
* [[Author Filibuster]]: Every chapter has at least one of these. Some chapters are nothing ''but'' these.
** This is a trademark of Skysaber/Lionheart's writing.
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** Justified in that the author shows his work re: where the gaps are in Dumbledore's surveillance systems, the inherent limitations in ''any'' surveillance system (particularly the one that it cannot be set to report every occurrence of a routine and harmless-appearing action without inundating the system's owner in false positives and thus ruining its own usefulness), and how Harry has to subtly sabotage parts of the system and/or operate in areas outside its coverage to get any room to work.
** Culminating in Harry finding and sabotaging the system's alarm log, so that it stops recording system alerts for later (without looking like its sabotaged, of course) -- thus guaranteeing that unless Dumbledore happens to already be in his office and looking at the system readouts right at the instant of an alert, he'll never receive it.
* [[Bruce Lee]]: Is saved by Trelawney's time meddling and trains Harry Potter.
* [[Butt Monkey]]: Dumbledore, Snape, Draco, most of the Slytherins and Ron are the main ones.
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]: To something in canon that is never later referenced: the scar on Dumbledore's knee, referenced as a throwaway joke in his first scene in Sorcerer's Stone, that provides a perfect map of the London Underground, is actually his reference and control system for his multiple underground black-market warehouses.
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* [[Gorn]]: The many unpleasant demises of the story's antagonists can stray into this from time to time.
* [[Guilty Pleasure]]: It's a [[God Mode Sue]] fic, true. It's got a [[Designated Hero]] [[Villain Protagonist]], true. It's got horrific levels of [[Author Appeal]], true. But, for all those reasons, it's also really, really fun to read, as long as you can avoid thinking about it as [[Serious Business]] and just enjoy the fic. The [[Jumping the Shark]] done by Dumbledore is good [[Comic Relief]], as well.
** There's also that whenever he manages to avoid [[Did Not Do The Research]], Ornstead actually is a very talented worldbuilder. He just can't do characterization or plot worth a damn. Catch him at the right point, though, and his work is still a lot of fun -- for as long as it lasts. The problem is, it rarely lasts.
* [[Hate Fic]]: Aspects of the fic can stray into this - it's obvious that the author has some...problems...with the canon, as he puts it in the first chapter:
{{quote|''Every so often the entire Harry Potter universe offends me so deeply that I just have to react by folding, spindling and mutilating it.''}}
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* [[Jump the Shark]]: The sadly inevitable fate of most if not all later fics by Ornstead; somewhere around the time that Harry and the girls {{spoiler|become faerie creatures}}, if not before.
* [[Just Between You and Me]]: There's one scene of this in chapter 79, where Dumbledore's simulacrum captures Harry and his wives in his office and gloats a bit as he waits for Snape or Filch to arrive to help with the interrogation and torture, pausing only to open a piece of Harry's mail... [[Out-Gambitted|which blows up in his face. Literally]].
* [[Joker Immunity]]: If Dumbledore waswere defeated, there would be no story. There are currently over ninety chapters of story. Also an example of [[Just Eat Gilligan]] and [[Villain Exit Stage Left]].
* [[Love Potion]]: Used by Harry to turn a hundred witches into his immortal dryad sex slaves, [[Single-Target Sexuality|only hot for him thanks to the fact his hair is dropped into the potion,]], called ''[[Unfortunate Implications|Bride's Delight.]]''
* [[MST]]: Done by members of [http://z14.invisionfree.com/The_Fanfiction_Forum/index.php?showtopic=18521&st=0 The Fanfiction Forum.] Viewing requires registration.
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* [[Pay Evil Unto Evil]]: The story's central tenet.
* [[Polyamory]]: Harry has four wives, in addition to the aforementioned sex slaves. [[Author Appeal|Sadly, this trope is pretty common in these kinds of fanfics.]]
* [[Protagonist-Centered Morality]]: And how! See [[Moral Dissonance]] on this page and a good fraction of the items on the [[Partially Kissed Hero/YMMV|YmmvYMMV page]].
* [[Retcon]]: Dumbledore started out with 1 Horcrux. As of Chapter 88, he has... ''thirteen''.
* [[Rouge Angles of Satin]]: [[Averted Trope|Remarkably absent]], given both the size of the story and the fact that [[Sturgeon's Law|it's a fanfic]].
* [[Same Face, Different Name]]: Ornstead did not reveal his identity as Perfect Lionheart until several years after he began the story. At that time he explained that his motive for publishing using the Lionheart name was to prove that the alleged cabal of haters whom he believes live to denigrate his work would not find fault with ''Partially Kissed Hero'' because the "Skysaber" name wasn't on it. Naturally, Perfect Lionheart's identity was debated strongly in many fora before this announcement (starting shortly after the first chapter was posted), with the two main camps settling out as "Oh, yeah, it's Skysaber" and "Nah, it's a Skysaber tribute band".
* [[Show, Don't Tell]]: A common criticism, of the frequent [[Author Tract|Author Tracts]]s in particular.
* [[Smug Snake]]: Dumbledore, in private or before he Obliviates someone. Harry as well, though this is ignored because [[Moral Dissonance|he's the "hero"]]
* [[Staying Alive]]: Dumbledore and Snape, who are repeatedly killed by Harry, Luna and Hermione in a variety of really sadistic ways, but come back each time because Dumbledore is [[Crazy Prepared]] and has at least ''thirteen Horcruxes'' to ensure his immortality.
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{{quote|I'm tired of anonymous jerk-offs telling me 'bows suck, guns are better.' That may even be true, but it's not what I want to do with my story. So I slapped down some rules to make it physically impossible for my heroes to use them. Just because I'm tired of listening to the blind 'the way we do things now is the only true and perfect way to do ANYTHING' crowd.
I want a fantasy story, not Rambo, the Fairy Blood. }}
* [[Villain with Good Publicity]]: Dumbledore, who has near-total control over the Wizarding world while being percievedperceived as a paragon of virtue.
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