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** There are several episodes dedicated to the lower decks of the various ships who sit at a console waiting for something to happen. Nothing is immune to decay. Fuses, lightbulbs, plasma couplings and other things need to be maintained, probably on a daily basis. That stuff isn't very glamorous but it is necessary. Scotty merely represents the leadership of the entire engineering department that is putting the ship back together after every battle.
** They're cataloging and researching samples taken from the various planets they've visited, writing sociological papers on those planets' societies, doing tech tests, revising the star charts, and all that other stuff too.
** And in addition to all of the above, there's also the part where this ship is built for combat and frequently gets shot at. In the modern-day warships tend to have much larger crews than merchant vessels of comparable tonnage for the simple reason that merchant vessels aren't designed, built, and staffed with the expectation that X percentage of the crew will get killed during operations and need redundant crew on hand to immediately fill in their spots.
== Earth Standard Time Everywhere ==
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