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*** That's not really a fair comparison. For one thing, Spock ''is'' inhuman. For another, there's hundreds and hundreds of years of black-white relations to be considered in the real world, whereas Vulcans and humans have been living side by side peacefully for centuries (at least until ''Enterprise'' fucked it up, but that doesn't count). And Vulcans in general aren't even capable of ''being'' offended, or at least strive not to be.
**** Spock is, in fact, half human. Much of McCoy's disagreement with Spock stems from Spock's rejection of his own humanity. On the occasions when he meets full-blooded Vulcans, McCoy is properly respectful and polite. For that matter, Spock pulls no punches when it comes to criticizing his human crewmates for their humanity.
***** You raise an excellent point. McCoy doesn't have any visible problems with other Vulcans. He doesn't even have any problems with humans who choose to immerse themselves in Vulcan culture -- he's always been a perfect gentleman with Amanda, for example. McCoy's problem is with ''Spock'', as an ''individual'', because Spock is trying to force himself to be something that he's actually not, and Bones is the reigning champion of calling a spade a fucking shovel. Whenever Spock actually accepts himself as he is (that is, a child of two worlds rather than just one) instead of what he wishes to be, McCoy's a lot friendlier to him.
** You should try watching Enterprise, Trip and Archer engage in a four year long game of "who hates Vulcans the most?" with occasional
** As for your question about T'Pol, Archer and Tucker may have been dicks to her (no one else seemed to have that much of a problem with her being Vulcan) but she was pretty racist herself. Criticizing our omnivorous diet because it goes against Vulcan morality (suddenly they're all vegetarians, a fact which Spock and Tuvok and Saavik and all the others never mentioned) ''in the same scene where she chides Archer and Tucker to stop applying their morality to alien species.'' All that stuff about the smell. Pissing on Hoshi, who never did anything anti-Vulcan to her, unlike Archer and Tucker, and generally being obnoxious all around.
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