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* [[All-Star Cast]]: Played with. The 2007 movie had several all star members ([[John Travolta]], [[Christopher Walken]], [[Queen Latifah]], and [[Zac Efron]] to name a few), but these were mostly secondary roles, whereas the main role went to entirely new actress Nikki Blonsky.
* [[Billing Displacement]]: It was advertised starring John Travolta (in drag!). Nikkie Blonsky gets an "And introducing" after the long list of all the other celebrities "starring" in the movie.
* [[Casting Gag]]:
** 2011 would have [[Michelle Pfeiffer]] and [[Zac Efron]] star together again, but instead of him dating her daughter, it's her he goes after in ''New Year's Eve''.
** In the 2007 film, Jerry Stiller plays fashion store owner Mr Pinky. Stiller played Wilbur Turnblad in the original 1988 film. Several other actors from the original and the director appear as well (see [[The Cameo]] in the main section).
** Brittney Snow in the 2007 version essentially fulfilled the same role as Tracy in her show ''[[American Dreams]]'' except she actually danced on [[American Bandstand]].
* [[The Cast Showoff]]: Several members of the cast were picked either because their musical talents were largely unknown to the general public (Marsden, Walken, Bynes) or had simply been forgotten about in recent years (Travolta, Pfeiffer).
* [[Dyeing for Your Art]]: Amanda Bynes ate so many lollipops during filming there were some genuine concerns she might lose her teeth. Rumors place it at around ''40 a day''. John Travolta's fat suit couldn't have been all that pleasant either.
* [[Fan Nickname]]: Amongst the cast, "You Can't Stop the Beat", due to the intense dancing and fast pace, garnered the nickname "You Can't Stop To Breathe".
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