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* In ''[[Exalted]]'' the number of things that can be accomplished by members of the [[Celestial Bureaucracy]] with the mere stroke of a pen can be staggering. Some of the most noteworthy are the Sidereal Exalted who are at the forefront of the Buraeu of Destiny. The most powerful Sidereal, Chejop Kejak, hasn't been using his powers much in the past several centuries, but maintains incredible power in Heaven through the number of commitees he chairs or has membership in (which amounts to virtually all of them), and in Creation through his status as advisor to the Scarlet Empress, tutor to her children, and [[Almighty Janitor|secretary of the head of the most powerful religion in the world]].
** In the First Age, we have Salina. To recap, Salina is (in)famous for a Working that literally [[Reality Warper|rewrote the laws of reality]]. The only thing exceeding this achievement is the amount of bureaucratic wrangling she managed to pull off to secure the official support and logistics required to implement it.
*** To underline the scope of the above accomplishment, there might possibly have been as many as three other Solar Exalted in Creation who would have agreed with her idea to rewrite reality and make Sorcery a skill that could be self-taught, thus completely breaking the Solar Deliberative's monopoly on sorcerous education. A majority of three hundred Solar Deliberators had to upvote her measure to be approved. She bureaucrat-fu'ed so well that at least 150 other Solars, up to sixty of whom may have been Eclipse Caste, literally ''did not know what they were actually voting for''.
** This is one of the key talents of Eclipse Caste Solars. Give an Eclipse ten minutes, a piece of parchment, and a pen, and he will snare your ''entire government'' in pits of bureaucratic madness that nobody can escape, then take advantage of the chaos to go and punch a deathknight through a wall or three.
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