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* [[A Day in the Limelight]]: "El Perfeccionator" is focused on [[Gadgeteer Genius|Frank]].
** "Historias para no Dormir" (Sleepless Stories) is composed of several stories focusing on different characters.
* [[A House Divided]]: The principal reason why [[The Rival|Morty's Gang]] are a failure is because the members don't get along with each other, only being together to try to humiliate Frank's Gang, which they don't succeed due to disputes. This is clearly intended to serve as a [[Foil]] to the Frank's Gang's [[True Companions]] unit.
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* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: Victor and Frank. As they're polar opposites, both spend their time insulting and bickering each other constantly. However, neither of them can be separated due to boredom, as [[Word of God]] confirms.
* [[Walking Disaster Area]]: Buena Suerte’s causes great accidents when he’s around. The only thing that could stop his disastrous luck is being inside Lupo’s stomach.
* [[Welcome Back, Traitor]]: {{spoiler|Victor}} in the fourth album.
* [[Wham! Episode]]: "El Perfeccionator" is considered to be this.
* [[Wham! Line]]: In the second album, we have this line, which sets a notable [[Mood Whiplash]] and things become [[Serious Business]] (This doesn't quit the comedic elements totally, though).
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