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* [[All-Ghouls School]]: Villa Susto’s local school. It’s a monster town, so…
* [[All Girls Want Bad Boys]]: [[Cute Witch|Piruja]] and [[Perky Goth|Guillotine]]. Piruja has a deep crush on [[Spoiled Brat|Victor]], who doesn't give a crap about her and considers her an [[Abhorrent Admirer]]. Meanwhile, Guillotine is currently dating the [[The Sociopath|sociopathic]] zombie [[The Rival|Morty Vivente]] (Granted, she's not exactly innocent, but ''still''...). By contrast, [[Rose-Haired Girl|Henrietta]] completely [[Averted Trope|averts]] this, following the [[Single Woman Seeks Good Man]] trope by falling for the [[Nice Guy|endearingly nice]] [[Gadgeteer Genius|Frank]].
* [[All Just a Dream]]: {{spoiler|The story in which Victor experiences multiple transformations}} turns out to be this.
* [[All of the Other Reindeer]]: Billy and Quasim, though they have very good reasons to be in this trope.
* [[Alpha Bitch]]: Although is a male character and isn’t popular, Morty definitely fits this trope. His “girlfriend” Guillotine is more of a [[Lovable Alpha Bitch]].
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* [[Anti-Villain]]: Guillotine is a Type I: She's very rude and mean to others, but shows her softest side with Piruja, being like an older sister to her. She will do anything to make her happy, such as hooking her with Victor, no matter how mean and sadistic are her ways. Mienai and Skin are a Type IV, with Mienai being also a Type II.
* [[Badass Crew]]: Frank’s gang can be this when it’s convenient. [[Failure Hero|Or, at least, they try]].
* [[Be Careful What You Wish For]]: In one story, Frank wanted a pet like his friends Victor and Piruja. He got it, of course... a [[Living Poo]]. Yay?
* [[Beta Couple]]: [[The Sociopath|Morty]] and [[Perky Goth|Guillotine]], weirdly enough. They may be [[Unholy Matrimony|huge jackasses]], but are definitely more stable than [[All Love Is Unrequited|Victor/Piruja]] and [[Will They or Won't They?|Frank/Henrietta]].
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: The Frank’s gang are good most of the time, but mess with them and they will kick your ass, or at least try to do so.
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** Played with Billy Rotten. "Rotten" means "dirty"/"putrid", [[The Pig Pen|which he is]]. However, its other meaning is "morally corrupt"/"despicable", [[Nice Guy|which he isn't at all]].
* [[Jerkass]]: This comic is filled by jerks, with some ones [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|showing better traits under that exterior]] and others... well... [[Jerk with a Heart of Jerk|don't]]. [[Manipulative Bastard|Morty]] and [[The Bully|Quasim]] are definitely the worst.
* [[Kafka Comedy]]: Hell yes. It doesn't matter if you're sympathetic or not, [[Comedic Sociopathy]] will be served.
* [[Karma Houdini]]: Quasim, due to his [[The Bully|intimidating nature]], doesn't get much comeuppance for his awful actions, especially in the first album. The second album, however, [[Karma Houdini Warranty|gives him some well-deserved punishment]].
** In the second album, [[Perky Goth|Guillotine]] mentions her boyfriend [[Alpha Bitch|Morty]] skips school constantly, getting away with it [[Screw the Rules, I Have Connections|due to being the son of the school's principal]].
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** Morty's face expresses this perfectly in the fourth album when {{spoiler|Frank shoots and scores the winning goal}}.
** Frank does a nice one, seen [https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/p130x130/1959261_10202441295010466_711215417_n.jpg?oh=b6eda4fec4478ba4909af2ba8910e839&oe=54F84BE4&__gda__=1420623189_0a72bb50f9ecb4dafd4b2d2d3e0c0306 here].
* [[Potty Emergency]]: {{spoiler|The first album ends with one of this for Frank's Gang.}}
** In the third album's longer story, Frank suffers one. As to how it ends... well, see below.
** {{spoiler|In the [[All Just a Dream]] story,}} Henrietta makes Lupo experience one of this to expel Victor, since he accidentally ate him when he was transformed into a sandwich (don't ask). [[Sleepyhead|He falls asleep in the middle of it]].
* [[Potty Failure]]: Frank has one in one of the third album's stories. Given what he was looking at, you'll probably [[Bring My Brown Pants|piss yourself too]].
** One of these gives "birth" to Frank's pet [[Living Poo|Caca Einstein]]. Yeah...
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: As a group, The Frank's gang (Blue) towards Morty's gang (Red).
* [[Rotating Protagonist]]: Although Victor is the lead character, the story focuses on other characters as well.
* [[Sadist Show]]
* [[Screams Like a Little Girl]]: When Victor and Gus have to face a giant monster, Gus is terrified and Victor tells him to stop screaming like a little girl, since he can stop him (due to his new abilities). However, he fails to do this (obviously) and the monster defends himself with a giant rock. Cue [[Oh Crap]] situation.
{{quote|'''Gus''': V-Victor, can we scream l-like little girls now?
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* [[Stepford Smiler]]: Frank is revealed to be a Type A, putting a happy mask to cope with his task as a leader and hide the fact that he has huge self-esteem issues due to his physical appearance. He gets better, though.
* [[Stepford Snarker]]: Lupo, being incredibly snarky and dealing with a very poor family at the same time.
** Frank gets snarkier when he has to deal with [[Amazingly Embarrassing Parents|his family]].
* [[Straw Loser]]: Victor thought there wasn't a gang worse than Frank's, until he meets Morty's Gang, who makes Frank's Gang look ''awesome'' by comparison. He lampshades this himself:
{{quote|'''Victor''': This gang... is more pathetic than Frank's...}}
* [[Surrounded by Idiots]]: Victor thinks this constantly.
* [[Swirlie]]: Quasim's main choice of torture to his victims.
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{{quote|'''Miss Hit'''/{{spoiler|'''Henrietta'''}}: You've been slow to realize... {{spoiler|''*switches to her Henrietta persona*''}} ...Frank.}}
** {{spoiler|It was revealed previously to the viewer (And before, it was an obvious reveal), but not the main characters, so it's quite shocking [[In-Universe]].}}
* [[With Friends Like These...]]: Victor has this relationship with the Frank's gangGang. And ''everyone else'', really.
** Even worse is the entire Morty's gang.
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