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McLennan and Sartin's Review of F.A.T.A.L.: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|'''McLennan:''' ''Just to pick up, I was feeling guilty about how hard I was being on them.''
''Now I want them fed to rats. For this:''
''[description of Armor of [[Greedy Jew|Jewy Jewbacca]]]''<br/>
'''''Big fucking rats''', while we're on the subject.''<br/>
''[description of Armor of [[Blackface|Nigrous Nincompoopery]]]''<br/>
''Rats with the bubonic plague.''<br/>
''[description of Armor of [[Yellowface|Gookums]]]''<br/>
''And I want them fed feet-first.''<br/>
''[description of Armor of Greasians]''<br/>
''Then I want ''' those ''' rats fed to some '''other''' rats.''}}
* [[Pet the Dog]]: As negative as the review is, it makes sure to point out the parts of the game system that aren't as illogical as the rest of the game, particularly the use of class-specific abilities to gain levels rather than generic XP and the sole table for crucial fumbles, which is open to player interpretation rather than exhaustively laid out across many tables as with every other mechanic.
* [[Queer People Are Funny]]: [[Defied]]. McLennan is decidedly not amused when he discovers that the lowest possible rating for Vocal Charisma is "gay".
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