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* [[DVD Commentary]]: The one for this film is particularly hilarious. For one, Verhoeven's Dutch accent, coupled with Schwarzenegger's Austrian accent, serve to make it almost unintelligible. Schwarzenegger's commentary consists almost entirely of making jokes about the [[Multi Boobage|three-breasted hooker]], a grating tendency for [[Captain Obvious|stating the patently obvious]] ("This is me as a construction worker", "I used this guy as a [[Human Shield]] and then threw him down the escalator"), and expressing how he likes certain parts of the movie because they serve to reinforce the possibility that it's [[All Just a Dream]]. Verhoeven for his part has a [[Verbal Tic]] that leads him to end most of his sentences with "Izznit?"
* [[Dyeing for Your Art]]: To get in shape for the movie, [[Sharon Stone]] pumped iron and learned Tae Kwon Do.
* [[Flip-Flop of God]]: ThePaul directorVerhoeven on whether the events of the film were real or all in Quaid's mind. In the commentary, Schwarzenegger leans more to it actually happening, whereas Verhoeven leans more towards it being the ego-trip.
* [[Hey, It's That Guy!]]: Marc Alaimo, best known as Gul Dukat on ''[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine]]'', enjoys one of his more prominent (if typically brief) film roles in a career of bit part work as the captain of the guards in the Martian spaceport.
** Mary the three breasted hooker spilled hot chocolate on Captain Picard on ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation]]''.
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