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Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism/Video Games: Difference between revisions

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*** The freedom lovers are also representations of logical extreme of [[The Hedonist|decadence]] and the enslaved group also make up of the [[Wretched Hive]] group as criminals and other unpleasant parts of life.
* ''[[Chrono Trigger]]'' firmly believes in the strength of the human spirit to overcome anything, and shows its heroes eventually surviving numerous trials to triumph over a [[Eldritch Abomination]] that was destined to doom their world, all by the aid of a mysterious Entity that allowed them to travel through time. The game ends with the three main characters happily looking forward to their futures.
** ''[[Chrono Cross]]'', however, is a bit more difficult to place on the scale. On the one hand, [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]] who pollute the planet and discriminate against demihumans, time travel dooms other timelines to non-existence, and several characters from [[Chrono Trigger]] are stated or implied to be dead. On the other hand, fate can still be fought against ({{spoiler|[[Climax Boss|literally]]}}), humans are still perfectly capable of living in peace with other beings, and the ending outright says that every being can create its own fate and none are worthless. All in all, it's still on the idealistic side, but much closer to the center.
* ''[[Skies of Arcadia]]'' was notable in its time (and still ''is'' notable) for being an idealistic RPG with an optimistic hero during an era in which [[Darker and Edgier]] RPGs reigned supreme.
* ''[[Spore]]'' itself is neutral, but the archetypes for space stage are definitely NOT. Warriors and Knights are Cynical, and Diplomats, Shamans and Ecologists are definitely Idealistic, to name a few. And then, of course, there are [[Scary Dogmatic Aliens|The]] [[Knights Templar|Zeal]][[Holier Than Thou|ots]] who prove that a mixture of both is very, very bad, and {{spoiler|The Grox}} who pretty much hate every empire's guts.
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*** Or for worse since now with the truth at all it's glory, it means the ugly side of the truth is also revealed and there is nothing anyone can do to escape it when said truth of the hopeless variety. When you are dealing with an [[Eldritch Abomination]], ignorant bliss is a useful thing to have.
*** Continuing on the [[Shin Megami Tensei]], there is moments where the heroes truly earn their [[Happy Ending]], namely ''[[Digital Devil Saga]]'', other are cautious about the neutral endings with various flavors of idealism.
** ''[[Devil Survivor]]'' draws from both sides and takes a hard look at them. It's got some very pointed and nasty [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|comments on human nature]], most of the police are corrupt thugs with badges, guns and COMPs, the [[Magical Girl]] is [[Cloudcuckoolander|completely out of touch with reality]], and the heroic [[Bully Hunter]] [[He Who Fights Monsters|becomes no better than the thugs he kills]]. But the [[Aesop]], as shown in the [[Downer Ending]] and an early [[Nonstandard Game Over]], utterly subverts this and takes a [[A Worldwide Punomenon|Shonen Jump]] over to idealistic: "Running from your problems won't solve anything. If the world sucks, then ''do something about it''!" The endings are all over the spectrum: purely idealistic ( {{spoiler|Gin's ending}}), [[Esoteric Happy Ending|esoterically idealistic]]: ( {{spoiler|Amane's}}), nuanced but mostly idealistic: {{spoiler|Atsuro's}} ruthlessly cynical ( {{spoiler|Naoya's}}), and {{spoiler|Yuzu's}}, which is a cynical [[Downer Ending]] used to [[Anvilicious|drive home]] the game's idealistic Aesop.
** Of course Overclocked fixes {{spoiler|Yuzu's}} story while making {{spoiler|Amane's slightly more idealistic}} but {{spoiler|Naoya have the potential to become even more cynical.}}
*** [[Devil Survivor 2]] is similar to it's predecessor, however changes the situation around. Rather than forces of law controlling some sort of powerful entity. Yamato who wants a society reigned by Chaos pretty much calls all of the big shots. Meanwhile Ronaldo who follows the path of Law represents the downtrodden. Like before the endings are all over the spectrum
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