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Aside from ''Elemia''-specific tropes, examples provided by the series as a whole can be found here, as well.
== The ''Ar tonelico'' games and related media provide examples of ==
* [[Acceptable Feminine Goals]]: Many fans were surprised that Aurica suddenly gave up her dream of becoming the Holy Maiden, which she had worked so hard for despite such odds, and revealed that instead of wanting to become the local equivalent of Pope and reform the church, what she really wanted to do was settle down with Lyner and make music boxes in a small town. The fact that both starting reyvateils in [[Ar tonelico II: Melody of Metafalica|Ar Tonelico 2]] {{spoiler|end up co-maidens and head of the Metafalican government/church}} may be Gust's apology for this: the company [[Atelier Series|normally averts this trope hard]].
** While it could be also said that Aurica was never interested in wielding authority and power in the Church, and just wanted to be able to contact the Goddesses. Anyway, in Misha's path and in Tyria's Drama CD it's revealed that she wasn't going to be the same position as a Pope (that position is given to Radolf), and instead, she was put in charge of a charity program, from which she resigned at the end of the game to fulfill her lifelong dream of becoming a music box crafter, with more than a few either hilarious or horrifying results.
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