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== [[Video Games]] ==
* ''[[The King of Fighters]]'' (specifically, the '''95'' to '''97'' [[Arc]]) has the literal Orochi. {{spoiler|He's technically [[No Biological Sex|sexless]] but is referred to as a "he" due to plot developments and for convience's sake.}} In this series, he's a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|fanatical servant]] of [[Anthropomorphic Personification|Gaia]] who believes that [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]] and [[Lawful Stupid|considers the very beings that Gaia made a threat]]. Similarly to the myth, he is defeated by the Kusanagi, Yasakani, and Yata clans, who sealed him away. Unfortunately his influence spread to the Yasakani and they [[Deal with the Devil|made a contract with him to gain power]]. This caused a [[Kill'Em All|civil war]] with their former allies, much to Orochi's glee. He's also got a [[Religion of Evil|cult]] of servants known as the Hakkesshu made up of a [[Not So Harmless|musical]] [[Five-Bad Band|band]], (Chris, Yashiro, Shermie) a [[Sinister Minister]], (Goenitz) two [[Sexy Secretary|sexy secretaries]], (Mature and Vice) a [[Ax Crazy|homicidal]] [[Psycho for Hire|maniac]], (Ryuji Yamazaki) and the father (Guidel) of a [[Good-Looking Privates|hot soldier girl]] (Leona) who was killed by the [[Sinister Minister]] because [[Defector From Decadence|he decided to bow out on Orochi's plan]], and his plan is to gather enough energy so it can be fully revived and destroy humanity (alonside a back-up plan consisting on the ritual sacrifice of a [[Naive Everygirl]] who happens to be the reincarnation of Princess Kushinada). He doesn't make an actual appearance until '''97'', where he [[Demonic Possession|possesses]] [[Creepy Child|Chris]] to act as the [[Final Boss]] (an [[Anticlimax Boss]], given his [[SNK Boss|predecessors]]). In the end, he is defeated by the [[Rule of Three|Three]] [[Meaningful Name|Sacred]] [[Public Domain Artifact|Treasures]]. (Chizuru, Kyo and Iori) In a last-ditch effort, he tries to turn [[The Rival|Iori]] against [[The Protagonist|Kyo]] and [[Team Mom|Chizuru]] by [[Villain Override|stirring up Iori's half-Orochi blood and turning him into]] [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity|Orochi Iori]]. This fails, as [[Hoist by His Own Petard|Orochi Iori ensnares Orochi long enough for Kyo to deliver the deathblow]] (under approval of the spirit of Iori's ancestors, who regret what they've done), thus letting Kushinada's incarnation Yuki escape her destiny ''and'' giving Chizuru the chance to [[Sealed Evil in a Can|seal him away again]] and prevent [[The End of the World as We Know It]]. Orochi, on his death throes, [[Humanity on Trial|decides to wait and observe humanity to see if they're truly deserving of his "judgment"]].
** Whereas the second ''KOF'' saga (The [[Nebulous Evil Organization|NESTS]] Chronicles) [[Your Mileage May Vary|had a plot that resembled a bad sci-fi movie]], the third and current saga (The Tales of [[Creator's Pet|Ash]], which started in ''2003'') seems to be sticking closer to the original Orochi Saga. Not only is there a [[Nebulous Evil Organization]] known as "Those From the Past" trying to undo the seal on Orochi {{spoiler|(and they've partially succeeded, thanks to their [[Brainwashed|hold]] over [[Barrier Maiden|Chizuru]] in ''2003'')}}, but the [[Replacement Scrappy|supposed "protagonist"]], [[Magnificent Bastard|Ash]] [[Manipulative Bastard|Crimson]], is going around with the [[Obfuscating Stupidity|facade of a weak and unassuming fighter]], only to pop up and [[Brought Down to Normal|steal the powers]] of Chizuru and Iori (as ''[[Super-Powered Evil Side|Orochi Iori]]'', no less) at the end of ''2003'' and ''XI'', leaving Kyo as the only remaining non-depowered descendant of the three clans that sealed Orochi. Of course, Ash has singled out Kyo as his final target.
*** {{spoiler|In ''XIII'', it turns out that Ash is a [[Fake Defector]] [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]] [[Guile Hero]] whose actions have been one long [[Batman Gambit]] to counteract the ambitions of his [[Time Travel|time traveling]] [[Identical Grandson|identical]] [[Uncanny Family Resemblance|ancestor]] Saiki, the leader of Those From the Past. In an unforeseen [[Heroic Sacrifice]], Ash traps Saiki within his body and stays in the future, creating a [[Temporal Paradox]]: as Saiki is stuck in the present, [[Ret-Gone|Ash will be erased from history]], [[Taking You with Me|with Saiki in tow]]. This causes a ''massive'' [[Cosmic Retcon]], which reverts everything back to the way it was before ''2003''. End of story? Orochi's still sealed away.}}
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