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Sargon of Akkad: Difference between revisions

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* [[History Repeats]]: Occasionally, he makes comments on how certain events or ideologies are repeating the past.
* [[Hope Spot]]: While he's immersed himself in topics that would drive many to despair, he still comes across things that make him more hopeful for humanity.
* [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]]: Given what he generally tends to come across, he doesn't particularly have a high view of at least some segments of the human race.
* [[Mean Brit]]: Averted, usually. He's rather amiable and prefers to give even his opponents the benefit of a doubt. Once he gets pissed off however, this goes into full effect.
* [[MST]]: A good portion of his videos, especially his "This Week in Stupid" ones are some variation of this, as he dissects the material he's covering bit by bit.
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[[Category:{{BASEPAGENAME}}Sargon of Akkad]]
[[Category:Rant Comedy]]
[[Category:The New Tens]]
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