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** [[Abomination Accusation Attack]]: The Monochrome Legion, according to certain members they are [[Commie Nazis]].
** [[Ambiguously Gay]]: To an extent, ShadouZaHejjihoggu and ChaoBreeder2440.
**** Wicca deserves his own line here.
**** Nothing's ambiguous about Wicca.
** [[And I Must Scream]]: How anyone could function in day to day life yet act like Rubs is still scary to think about.
** [[And Now for Someone Completely Different]]: Fusion becoming the new administrator, and to an extent, the new moderators from early 2009.
** [[And Now for Something Completely Different]]: The new redesigned sites from 2008 and 2009 respectively, and the upgrades from a standard Tripod site to PHPBB2 to PHPBB3.
** [[Badass]]: Many of the older members, most notably the site administrator himself, Mooncow, and members such as BUSHNAK, Triert, Enzo03, Moonstalker, RS_Chao, among many others.
** [[Badass Longcoat]]: Enzo03
** [[Big Damn Heroes]]: Disarming the bomb in the Fire Temple in the game which most of the time, you'll get to with less than a minute on the clock.
**** Riku upstanding Blade to Silver probably also counts.
** [[Big No]]: The reaction at first whenever JmTsHaW was promoted to moderator, averted when he turned out to be a lot better than some mods.
** [[Black and Gray Morality]]: Ever since The Monochrome Legion started, Triert has turned into a VERY dark shade of gray. Despite his [[Knight Templar]] actions, he really is trying to change the site for the better. The black comes in when you consider how awful the people he's against are.
** [[The Blank]]: Fusion and Xeno, and Riku whenever he tried to mock them.
** [[But Thou Must!]]: Certain users love to force new users to read the rules religiously. (andAnd they know who they are)
**** Email verification, though that's a given on most sites.
**** New users just looooove to go away and return in the chat.
** [[Butt Monkey]]: Rubs, even after his banning.
**** And pretty much every "underage" user.
** [[Cerebus Syndrome]]: [[Trierts Chao Garden|Triert's fanfic.]] Still getting darker by the minute.
** [[Cluster F-Bomb]]: Got Dama banned.
**** Dr. Will: "Mephiles was bored of ---- so he came here to do boring ---- because he was ----ing bored of being bored with ----."
**** wiccachao also tends to do this on tinychat, although sometimes it is mixed with a bit of [[Tourette's Shitcock Syndrome]].
** [[Comedic Sociopathy]]: Tons in the chatbox.
** [[Crack Pairing]]: Who hasn't been shipped with someone on the site?
** [[Cute and Psycho]]: Rune the Koopa
** [[Dating Do-Si-Do]]: Oh god, it's ridiculous how much of this goes on here.
** [[Dark Fic]]: A lot of the RPs tend to veer into this, most of the time ultimately failing and coming off as fake melodramatics.
**** Chao Robot RP
**** The Dark Chronicles
**** Chao Garden Roleplaying
** [[Darker and Edgier]]: Ingeniously [[Lampshaded]] by Triert:
**** Triert: i was thinking they'd make a game where the chao blow eachothers heads off with ak 47s
** [[Distress Ball]]: Twi and Rain whenever they tried to get revenge on the mods.
**** Dangel in The Game
** [[Everything's Better with Platypi]]: Da Platypus Chao
** [[Evil Is Not a Toy]]: Subverted by BUSHNAK and a few others.
** [[Fake Difficulty]]: The final boss of The Game, specifically Beau's section
**** And Fox Boy's
** [[Fake Longevity]]: The walkways in The Game serve this purpose.
**** And those long cutscenes
** [[Five-Man Band]]: A few variations:
**** [[The Hero]]: Mooncow
**** [[The Smart Guy]]: Fusion
**** [[The Chick]]: Moonsoul
**** [[The Lancer]]: Drouge
**** [[Team Pet]]: Torro
**** There's also this version for you non-moderator people:
***** [[Anti-Hero]]: Riku
***** [[The Lancer]]: Chao Ball
***** [[The Smart Guy]]: Xeno
***** [[The Chick]]: Dangel
***** [[Team Pet]]: Renae
**** As well as the beloved and recently unbanned Rock Crew:
***** [[The Hero]]: AGGRON
***** [[The Lancer]]: GOLEM
***** [[The Smart Guy]]: octagonProfessor/RAMPARDOS
***** [[The Chick]]: RubyRush/Skitty (a Rock/Roll-type)
***** [[Team Pet]]: CORSOLA
***** [[Sixth Ranger]]: AERODACTYL
**** As well as the RP forum's regulars:
***** [[The Hero]]: Flame
***** [[The Lancer]]: Ninja Chao
***** [[The Smart Guy]]: Rune the Koopa
***** [[The Chick]]: Tesserpants
***** [[Team Pet]]: Shakugan-no-Shana
**** The Mana Force should be added to this:
***** [[The Big Bad]]: BUSHNAK
***** [[The Dragon]] and [[The Renfield]]: Mana
***** [[The Evil Genius]]: Fox Boy
***** [[The Brute]]: SXU
***** [[The Dark Chick]]: Pastaa~Chao
***** [[Sixth Ranger]]: Triert
**** Better yet the most up-to-date Mana Force should be added:
***** [[The Man Behind the Man]] BUSHNAK
***** [[The Big Bad]] Mana
***** [[The Dragon]] Mano23
***** [[The Brute]] Triert
***** [[The Evil Genius]] Spam/Steel
***** [[The Dark Chick]] SXU
***** [[Team Pet]] Wicca
** [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]: DDDDDDDD
** [[Grammar Nazi]]: This has died down recently, but it used to be nearly every older member that had been around before 2009 or so.
** [[Grey and Gray Morality]]: Applys to members of the site. When arguments break out, expect this to be the only thing true about everyone.
** [[Heroic Sociopath]]: Rune in nearly every RP based on Chao Island.
*** Haunted V as well.
*** And Pastaa~Chao.
** [[Hyperspace Arsenal]]: Enzo.
** [[Jaywalking Will Ruin Your Life]]: Blade Genexis will kick people from the chatbox and give them a warning for telling another user "shut up."
**** Could also be a case of Very [[Disproportionate Retribution]], especially considering how only three warnings can warrant a ban, and if saying shut up give you your third warning...
** [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: Riku, sometimes Renae, Chao Ball, a lot of the older (in age and join date) qualify here in general.
** [[Jerkass]]: Again, older members qualify.
** [[Mind Screw]]: A lot of Retrolinkx's theory topics. Particularly "Ash's Coma".
** [[Mood Whiplash]]: Shadowrules in nearly every situation she was involved in.
** [[The Movie]]: Made by Riku, but his dad deleted it before he could upload it.
** [[Our Dragons Are Different]]: Rascal401's signature chao is the personifacation of this trope.
** [[Precision F-Strike]]: Twi's super rant.
** [[Rule 63]]: It became popular to make a gender flipped account after Flame made an account called Flema.
** [[Running Gag]]: Triert's shotgun.
**** Triert will usually compare Walt Disney World Europe to Hell when given the opportunity.
**** Not to mention another running gag: i an rubs
**** and i an his sister rebs
**** and i an his dad robs
**** and i an his mom rabs
**** and i an his grandpa ribs
**** and i an his dog rybs
**** and "shot"
**** Don't forget about "choa"
** [[Scary Black Man]]: Enzo.
** [[Stalker with a Crush]]: Banned user and non-stop [[Menstrual Menace]] named Shadowrules harassed [[Shadow Roamer]] with [[P Ms]] and chats for half a year, and constantly made alts.
**** However, at one point he got frustrated and in an act of [[I Did What I Had to Do]] he reported her for her final banning.
** [[Take That]]: Riku calling most of the Pokemon fanbase "rabid, screaming hyenas with no lives whatsoever."
**** Funny thing is, Riku likes Pokemon, atleastat least Generation I and II and their respective remakes.
** [[Weapon of Choice]]: A lot of users have a weapon that they always use when Role Playing.
** [[What Do You Mean It's Not for Kids?]]: The site is rated with a lenient PG-13.
** [[What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic]]: Seems like both of the new moderators from May 2010 had pin avatars at the time of their election. Let's just say it caught on. That got reaaally confusing.
** [[You Bastard]]: A topic was made for the sole purpose of crediting a 12-year-old [[Complete Monster]] spewing unfitting memes at a poor 6-year-old [[Butt Monkey]] on Skype.
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