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In 1993 [[Big Good|Zordon]] [[Recruit Teenagers with Attitude|recruited teenagers with attitude]] to protect the world. It has suffered a large amount of [[Wall Banger (Darth Wiki)|head injuries]] ever since.
== Multiple Seasons: ==
* Three-quarters of the seasons contain the ''exact same'' example: the [[Big Bad]] ''only'' attacks the city ''where the Rangers live!'' <ref> Averted in "SPD," where Grumm used a misguided [[Fish Out of Temporal Water]] as a distraction in Japan so the Rangers would ''all' be out of the way in New-Tech City, and "Operation Overdrive," where the [[Big Bad|Big Bads]] searched all over the globe for the jewels, hardly ever attacking San Angeles. Justified in "RPM," where there was literally only one city, and in "Lightspeed Rescue," in which there was a special reason to focus on Mariner Bay.</ref> Why don't more of these "galactic conquerors" attack somewhere that doesn't have super-powered teenagers?
* Civilian powers in Power Rangers from "Ninja Storm" to "Jungle Fury." The original premise of Power Rangers is that a group of ''totally normal human teens'' are given fantastic powers to help fight the forces of evil. Giving them civilian powers, especially if they're unrelated to their Ranger powers <ref>"Dino Thunder" is the only one that had the civilian powers directly related to the ranger powers, and "Ninja Storm" had them tangentially related</ref>, which happened a lot during the Kalish era, makes morphing redundant... or the civilian powers, since usually ''the Rangers don't use them before morphing''. Worse, half the time, there's no good explanation for why they have civilian powers ("SPD" or "Operation Overdrive," anyone?).
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* Divatox was ''really'' not very threatening- yet suddenly became competent at the end to accomplish more than Rita and Zedd did. Also, she wasn't acting like a pirate, but a conqueror, despite explicitly being a pirate captain.
* The shift from Zeo to Turbo was incredibly clumsy and ill-explained, with the changing of Zords and powers being entirely unremarked upon.
** Worse yet, the change wasn't even necessary; ''there was nothing wrong with the Zeo powers''. The crystals were supposed to be growing stronger over time, and in the tie-in transition movie, the Pink ranger even ''attempts to morph with the Zeo powers''.
* Rita and Zedd's absence was a wallbanger at the time, but ''ten years later'' one of the writers explained that they had taken the time off to go on their honeymoon after beating the Machine Empire, a bit of a wallbanger in and of itself considering that it would make a ''lot'' more sense if they had taken a week or so to ''take over Earth first''.
* So, why did Zordon select Justin as a replacement for the injured Rocky? Because he stumbled upon the secret of the team's identity? Heck, was there ever an in-universe justification for it? This is made worse by the final arc of Season 3. There, the Rangers were de-aged by Master Vile. They retained all their memories and fighting knowledge, but lacked the age-appropriate bodies and any powers. Zordon explicitly stated his opposition to giving the de-aged Rangers powers out of concern for their safety, leading to the Alien Rangers defending Earth until things could be restored. So, de-aged Rangers with experience aren't fit to have powers, but a bonafide kid with zero training or experience is? [[Fridge Horror|Maybe Zordon wasn't counting on Justin coming back from that island.]]
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== Dino Thunder ==
* For 15 episodes, Tommy Oliver's actor, Jason David Frank, had to go on hiatus. So Tommy, as the Black Dino Ranger, gets [[Harmless Freezing|frozen in amber]] by the White Ranger. Okay, fair enough. But then he was thawed out during the next episode, only to get stuck in Ranger form. This lasts [[Overly Long Gag|twelve whole episodes]]. Every misfortune that happens to Tommy from here on out is stated to be caused by his morpher being on the fritz. So where's his assistant, the one who ''made'' the morphers? Working on other gadgets for the other Rangers. She doesn't even try to fix things until Tommy finds some slime in episode 12 that she confirms could undo his morphing. Shouldn't she be able to diagnose and fix this problem easily? More than that, shouldn't ''Tommy'' be able to fix this? After all, it ''was his machine'' that was used to encase him in amber, in the first place.
** When they use the slime, it does allow Tommy to demorph...but also turns him ''invisible''. Why? He's already suffered two indignities in a row; why add a third one?
** His assistant ''finally'' helps by using a machine she invented that ''drains power from his morpher'' to undo the problem. Why didn't she use that gadget earlier -- oh, wait, it landed him in a ''life-threatening coma.'' But why didn't she take the time those ''twelve episodes'' Tommy was stuck in Ranger form to make it safer?
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* In "Perspective," the monitoring equipment briefly fails, so the five Rangers relate to Cruger the events of their most recent mission. Each version builds up the one telling the story, while short-changing the others. This is a problem because they're not doing so in the context of telling a story for entertainment value. Remember, they're law enforcement cadets reporting to their superior. They each essentially tried to falsify a police report! And in the end, when it's revealed [[Sixth Ranger|a certain white orb]] had a hand in the victory? Well, instead of awe over a new factor in the fight for Earth, the Rangers are still arguing over who deserves credit for the day's victory.
** There's also the fact that the use of the stock footage was ''very'' poorly done, basically repeating the same few minutes over and over, with the only real change being the ADR changing to reflect who was being praised.
* Speaking of the Rangers as law enforcement...''why in the bloody hell are they fighting an [[Evil Empire]]?!'' SPD is supposed to be an intergalactic police force, but Grumm is ''the emperor of another sovereign power.'' This is like calling in the FBI to defend the US from a full-scale invasion by North Korea.
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* A monster can manipulate the field that gives the rangers their powers (allowing it to deflect the energy from the rangers ranged weapons back at them). A logical plot has Dillon and Ziggy separated from the group ambushed by the monster during the fight the two rangers attack it with their combination weapon, which they already knew wouldn't work.
** Another thing that is just short of a wallbanger is the other rangers arrive and finish the monster off with ranged weapons off. It makes sense (the reflected energy from the first shot hadn't hit yet) but it is a total [[Ass Pull]].
* This season finally fixed the civilian powers, but instead gave the Rangers special abilities as part of their ranger powers...except they also ''uses up the rangers power supply, extremely quickly''. And to further the absurdity, when the RPM Gold and Silver rangers appear, it turns out that their powers are prototypes and, thus, have none of the power-draining anemities. Oh, and ''they prove far more useful than the other Rangers combined''.
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* In "Room For One More," Ji confiscates Antonio's morpher because he wasn't properly trained as a Samurai and Jayden agrees. Aside from the fact that he has already proven himself in battle, Antonio built that morpher on his own. The Zord was one thing, but the powers were by all accounts rightfully his. [[What the Hell, Hero?]] doesn't even begin to describe the way Jayden and Ji behave.
** It makes ''some'' sense. Jayden for the most part is staying out of it as he's the reason for Antonio's actions. Also remember that Antonio's powers were based on technology from the Zord. As a result Ji took the morpher as the tech belongs more to the ''Rangers'', and to insure Antonio doesn't hurt himself by using it again. Not that it helps.
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