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Nioh: Difference between revisions

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* [[Distant Prologue]]: Sort of. The game's opening starts off in 1598, two years before the main plot begins.
* [[Crossover Cosmology]]: Downplayed. But in addition to Buddhism and [[Japanese Mythology]], there are also elements of [[Celtic Mythology]] and Western European mysticism in relation to alchemy.
* [[Government Conspiracy]]: A secretive cabal led by Edward Kelley {{spoiler|and Sir John Dee}} has not only been using Amrita to win England's battles against the Spanish, but has also sets its sights on Japan ostensibly for [[Elizabeth I|Queen]] and Country. With Kelley trying to further stoke the flames of war there.
* [[Historical Domain Character]]: Many of the human characters in the game, including [[Hattori Hanzo]], [[Tokugawa Ieyasu]], and the actual William Adams.
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