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Ace Attorney/Characters/Witnesses and Other Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Affably Evil]]
* [[Badass in a Nice Suit]]
* [[Bullying a Dragon]]: {{spoiler|Matt Engarde decides it's a good idea to attempt to blackmail this guy.}}
* [[The Butler Did It]]: Well, hell, he ''does'' poseposes as a butler.., at least.
* [[Calling Card]]: One of the aforementioned measures taken to protect clients.
* [[Clock Punching Villain/]][[Pragmatic Villainy]]: His focus is to fulfill the contract with his patient. Anything else is irrelevant to him.
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: {{spoiler|This is how Phoenix finally beats Matt Engarde, by proving to De Killer that he was planning to blackmail him with a video of the murder. This immediately has De Killer release Maya and basically say in court that if Matt Engarde wasn't found guilty, ''he would kill him.''}} He also, unlike some of the other assassins {{spoiler|Engarde}} describes, doesn't blackmail his client, but tries to get him off when things don't go as planned and his client gets charged.
* [[Expressive Shirt]]: De Killer himself always wears a completely stoic expression, but his radio, which resembles his face, shows a lot of emotion, including hopping in anger, sweating oil, and exploding. His ''Ace Attorney Investigations 2'' appearance mirrors this effect using an ice cream cone he carries.
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